*spoiler* portal stupidity


Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
Can you actually believe that when I got to the part when she was going to ?bake? me and when you escape that I actually thought that I hade found a big Easter egg and that you weren?t suppose to get up there, Isn?t that just retarded, luckily that thought only lasted for 12 seconds.

Tell me what kind of stupid crap you did or thought about when you played Portal the first time.
lol thats extremely anticlimactic if you died haha
My stupidity? Not breaking the cube tube to have something to jump into the vent, I actually dragged a chair under it and jumped on it to get in. When I played the game again with commentary, I was like, 'I'm an idiot.' But it worked!
I grabbed a chair too, I don't think that's stupid though as it was actually really easy.
Can you actually believe that when I got to the part when she was going to ?bake? me and when you escape that I actually thought that I hade found a big Easter egg and that you weren?t suppose to get up there, Isn?t that just retarded, luckily that thought only lasted for 12 seconds.

Tell me what kind of stupid crap you did or thought about when you played Portal the first time.
It's not so stupid. In fact, it just shows how impressive the game is at creating its atmosphere. At the very least, you should get a positive feeling of 'beating the system'. That's just how the game is designed.
My stupidity? Not breaking the cube tube to have something to jump into the vent, I actually dragged a chair under it and jumped on it to get in. When I played the game again with commentary, I was like, 'I'm an idiot.' But it worked!
I'm pretty sure that was what I did too. I don't think this is that stupid either. Breaking open the tube requires more actions and only as much brain-power as thinking 'I've seen a chair I can use to get through here'.

As a whole, Portal is very satisfying game when you click and get it right, which usually happens very quickly.
lol, same here, I stacked like 4 PC's...even thought the whole time I was like "I'm doing it wrong"
I stayed on the platform and got baked, hoping to get a secret acheivement :hmph:
I think I stacked a broken pc and a cone, I don't know where I got it but...

It's not so stupid. In fact, it just shows how impressive the game is at creating its atmosphere. At the very least, you should get a positive feeling of 'beating the system'. That's just how the game is designed.

Yeah they really got that feeling right.

My stupidity? Not breaking the cube tube to have something to jump into the vent, I actually dragged a chair under it and jumped on it to get in. When I played the game again with commentary, I was like, 'I'm an idiot.' But it worked!

That's exactly and I mean exactly what I thought.
I not only used a chair to get into that vent, I didn't suss that I had to use a rocket to break the last pane of glass either.

What I did was put a PC in an infinite portal loop, then switch the ceiling portal to the wall so that the PC fired out and smashed the glass. I was so proud of myself until I later discovered how I'd missed the obvious solution...
I not only used a chair to get into that vent, I didn't suss that I had to use a rocket to break the last pane of glass either.

What I did was put a PC in an infinite portal loop, then switch the ceiling portal to the wall so that the PC fired out and smashed the glass. I was so proud of myself until I later discovered how I'd missed the obvious solution...
Umm... that's actually VERY impressive!
I'm glad I'm not alone in the chair trick, though a super-sonic PC? Awesome!
I used a chair for that part. I never would have figured it out had Brick not suggested that. Blah..

I was literally thought I was going to die at the fire part. I was like... huh.. why's it so hot? OH SHIT! Then I was like oh noes!!!! But I noticed how there was machinery at the top and saw that it was portable, so I did it. I barely made the jump...
I used the chair to get in the vent as well, all the while cursing what a stupid gameplay idea it was - a truly dire way of using physics; how could Valve be so stupid. And then it turned out I missed the real solution.
What I did was put a PC in an infinite portal loop, then switch the ceiling portal to the wall so that the PC fired out and smashed the glass. I was so proud of myself until I later discovered how I'd missed the obvious solution...

Dude, thats genious.

Mine was totally accidental, I was portaling around trying to find where to go. I threw a poral on the wall in that room forgetting totally about the turret and was about through when I realized I was staring down a rocket barrel. I jump outta the way and well, thats it.

The stupid thing is I used portals to redirect the rocket in the first room even though you don't have to, but by the time I got to the next room I had forgotten lol.
Am I the only one who accually didn't stack chairs and computers and used the proper rocket solution first time playing?!?!?!?

and I figured it by myself, Didn't get any help.
Na I used the rocket to break the tube. Once I relized I could leave one portal with the rocket turret and place the other one in say, a different room Duh!. It was immedatly obvious to try the tube

I'd already used my "duh"/"phone a friend"/"got through on blind luck only" moment, wasn't allowed another. :p
The stupid moment for me was when I used the rocket to break the tube so the cube would fall out, but I spent 5 minutes looking for the cube. I then realized that it fell through the portal I used for the rocket.
The stupid thing is I used portals to redirect the rocket in the first room even though you don't have to, but by the time I got to the next room I had forgotten lol.
Well exactly, I forgot too :p Or else I wouldn't have pissed about trying to turn a PC into a projectile...
My stupidity? Not breaking the cube tube to have something to jump into the vent, I actually dragged a chair under it and jumped on it to get in. When I played the game again with commentary, I was like, 'I'm an idiot.' But it worked!

Friend did the same thing, funny thing is i tried a chair and still couldn't get up, so i ended up figuring the real way out.
My stupidity? Not breaking the cube tube to have something to jump into the vent, I actually dragged a chair under it and jumped on it to get in. When I played the game again with commentary, I was like, 'I'm an idiot.' But it worked!

lol thats the exact same thing i did xP

I was like, hmm i no for a fact its not this chair i should be using to get into this vent but, what the hell, i can climb on it so its my vent step :D
Stupid moment: When I first found the "cave johnson" room, I was actually FREAKED out.

I don't know why but empty room filled with scribbles always give me the creeps. I can't sleep well after playing Silent Hill 3 even when everyone touted it as the most un-scary one in the series. Hell, I even got the creeps reading Zodiac cyphers.
Stupid moment: When I first found the "cave johnson" room, I was actually FREAKED out.

Actually, I was quite freaked out as well :O You're not alone.

Also, that puzzle was a bitch. Probably the most time consuming puzzle in the game for me.
The first time i played through i just had a complete block in my brain. I couldn't think how to break the glass at all. I then remembered myself and broke the glass, proceeding to use a chair to get into the vent.
Man I thought I was alone in the stacking of the objects. I found out the real solution when listening to the commentary.
after a minute of trying to portal me inside the vent I ran back to the turret. And then I used the rocket solution. the hardest moment I think was.. well actually I dont think I had those "dont know what to do" moments.. well the first time at Glados is did not realized what to do so I jumped down in the fire hole in hope of a room with some controls for it.. there is'nt such a place
At first I used a chair to try to get into the vent, wouldn't work. Then I read that aiming the rocket at the vent was the solution. Then I got so sick of failing to get through the vent, I noclipped.
I spent like 20 minutes trying to angle the rocket turret to shoot itself.

It did, but the rocket just fizzled. :/
I love watching the rocket vapourize itself. keep the entrance to the turret room open, stand behind the particle field, and you have no fears. :)
I spent like 20 minutes trying to angle the rocket turret to shoot itself.

It did, but the rocket just fizzled. :/

Lmao.. thats better then the half hour I took trying to break that final pane of glass in the rocket puzzle, Which I actually did the last time accidentally. I think I literally smacked my forehead on that one.

Also I sometimes accidentally place a portal in such a fashion where the high energy pellet flys out of the portal strait at me. More often then it should happen
haha me too, did you make a small set of stairs or a big heap ? : D


Yeah, the first time I did the stairs, the second one, well, I used a single one standing upright.


EDIT: As of this moment, my cockatiels are having sexual intercourse. Just sayin'.
Couldn't figure out that I had to break that pane of glass for like 30 minutes. Then I thought: "wait...OHSHIT" D:
I am ashamed to admit this but in the companion cube room where you have to open two doors - I used the cube for one button and piled the security cameras from the hidden room onto the other to see if it would work...

even funnier is dispite it didn't open the door I portal'd a ball to the doors. The ball bounced off the security camera pile in such and angle to hit the wall and bounce into the ball-slot. I was almost in tears laughing.
I think nearly everyone(including myself) used a chair or PC to climb up to that vent.
Hey, you dont have to use the chair? OH, NOES...
(Yes, I really have done that 6 times without noticing)

I not only used a chair to get into that vent, I didn't suss that I had to use a rocket to break the last pane of glass either.

What I did was put a PC in an infinite portal loop, then switch the ceiling portal to the wall so that the PC fired out and smashed the glass. I was so proud of myself until I later discovered how I'd missed the obvious solution...

Hell, you deserve both cookie and cake. I dont think anyone else has ever done it like that. *Worships*
