*spoiler* portal stupidity

I not only used a chair to get into that vent, I didn't suss that I had to use a rocket to break the last pane of glass either.

What I did was put a PC in an infinite portal loop, then switch the ceiling portal to the wall so that the PC fired out and smashed the glass. I was so proud of myself until I later discovered how I'd missed the obvious solution...

Heh, that's exactly what I did. It took me four tries on the boss level before I realised you could re-direct those rockets.
Well, I never understood what to do in the Companion Cube level. I took all the security cameras from Cave Johnson secret room, and piled them to that one place leading to end. Then I did put Companion Cube on top, jumped over, and took it with me.

I threw it to that remover-machine and then the level ended. I did not understand a shit what I was supposed to do in there that level. It was kinda impossible.
Also when you first get the cube with hearts on and you use it to get up that ledge. I was like WTF?
5 minutes later I started crying.
Dumbest thing i did...

On level 19 right bofore the "flame bath" where there's an energy ball bouncing between the walls i actually opened a portal on the cealing and tried to land pass the ball, on the moving platform, lol:D Took a few tries... but it worked!:D
I used the chair to get in the vent as well, all the while cursing what a stupid gameplay idea it was - a truly dire way of using physics; how could Valve be so stupid. And then it turned out I missed the real solution.
Haha. Exact same here.
Did anyone else try and hit the rocket turret with it's own rocket the first time you come across it by creating a portal infront and behind it? It doesn't work.

Also, in the companion cube level I used a camera to climb ontop of that one button that was higher up.
Yeah, I did. The rocket fizzles when it hits the turret. :/
Took me about five minutes to figure to use the rocket, I knew you could get by, by stacking stuff, but I wanted to do it the right way. It took me another five minutes once I got in the vent to find a wall to put my portal on though...
I used the chair to get in the vent as well, all the while cursing what a stupid gameplay idea it was - a truly dire way of using physics; how could Valve be so stupid. And then it turned out I missed the real solution.

Yep, I did that also. But beforehand, I actually did try the rocket idea, the tube exploded, but no crate came out. To test everyone's theory, I had to reload my save and voila! there was a crate randomly where there hadnt been one before.

Oh yes, and I spent a looooooooooooooong time in the "baking room".
I not only used a chair to get into that vent, I didn't suss that I had to use a rocket to break the last pane of glass either.

What I did was put a PC in an infinite portal loop, then switch the ceiling portal to the wall so that the PC fired out and smashed the glass. I was so proud of myself until I later discovered how I'd missed the obvious solution...

thats pretty ingenious, I want to try that now.
I, like everyone else, got into the vent with a lot of trying with various objects. I finally succeeded by stacking a chair on top of a computer. Then in my confusion, I tried to jam the fan with a chair. Not only did the fan blade pass right through the chair, it also apparently smashed my skull in as well.

Infinite looping the PC into the window is pure genius, and deserves some sort of uber-achievement...

More than several times I have scootched too close to the edge of a platform to get a good shooting angle and fallen into the green chunky deathwater.
I grabbed a chair too, I don't think that's stupid though as it was actually really easy.

I managed to figure out in the end - blasted a portal in the floor for the rocket to come through. Only problem was I spent to much time peering over the portal and got a face full of RPG :naughty:

I loved this game and as far as I'm concerned I can't wait to see how it fully links with HL2
PC Stacking FTW!

Makes it more challenging, right???

Yeah, I'm an idiot...
I figured out how to get into the vent by using the rockets. However I then spent several minutes trying to figure out how to break the fan so that I could drop through to the room below.

It also took me several attempts to get out of the flame pit. I panicked and failed to notice the safe route above. I kept trying to portal back to the previous room and ending up in the water.
What about that level with the commantary node that stated that there was another way to finish this map and they didn't remove it because it was harder to do that trick then real thing.

Did you find it? The trick, I did. I was so happy.
That's gotta be one heck of a brain bender to figure out that one... Not quite sure how you'd go about it, lol.
I tried that pc velocity thing like the one poster did, it worked :D

Originally Posted by Laivasse
I not only used a chair to get into that vent, I didn't suss that I had to use a rocket to break the last pane of glass either.

What I did was put a PC in an infinite portal loop, then switch the ceiling portal to the wall so that the PC fired out and smashed the glass. I was so proud of myself until I later discovered how I'd missed the obvious solution...

wow awesome dude i tried that immediately after u i saw dat and it worked haha ur a f**king genious :thumbs: :thumbs: two thumbs up baby
My stupidity? Not breaking the cube tube to have something to jump into the vent, I actually dragged a chair under it and jumped on it to get in. When I played the game again with commentary, I was like, 'I'm an idiot.' But it worked!

A lot of people said this. I was in no way clever with this game, but I'm very surprised that I'm one of the people who instantly knew to use the rocket.
Spent a few seconds to figure out I could use the rocket to break the glass (lawl).

I saw the vent, looked around for any clue, or portal trick, didn;t see one (I don't even remember seeing or even noting the cube tube at all), went and got a chair, put it down, got into the vent the second crouch jump.

Then I brought the chair through to try and stop the fan before I thought of just dropping a portal on the other side.

I did have an ever so slight feeling I might have cheated myself out of the real solution to the vent access puzzle, but I didn't think much of it. I didn't even think of the tube at all mainly because there was never so much as a single hint that the tubes were destructible, just ignored it as a set piece, like the walls.
What about the fact that earlier in the game you drop down into a broken one and get whisked along by the air pressure? :p

I tried the chair in the fan thing too (think I mentioned that) and it somehow magically killed me ...
I was afraid that the cube infront of me was going to kill me, but no. It just had me living in fear. :(
I tried the chair in the fan thing too (think I mentioned that) and it somehow magically killed me ...

The fan threw it at you with enough force, due to friction. It's a good physics engine. It happened to me, too - I didn't die, though but clearly took damage.
The thing that confused me is that the chair never appeared to leave the fan casing, but maybe it just happened too fast and bounced back into place ...

Try as I might, I couldn't keep a computer in an infinite fall long enough to get the velocity to break the glass. I think I'm doing something wrong when I drop them in ...
Try as I might, I couldn't keep a computer in an infinite fall long enough to get the velocity to break the glass. I think I'm doing something wrong when I drop them in ...
I had that problem too at first. Unless the portals are exactly (or near enough) aligned and the PC dropped more or less into the center, then it will shift a little to the side on each pass through, eventually clipping the side and being a pain in the arse.