Spoilers a plenty since all those reviews

Do you resist to reade teh spoilar tags?

  • Yup!

    Votes: 46 34.1%
  • Nope!

    Votes: 56 41.5%
  • I like cottage cheese..

    Votes: 33 24.4%

  • Total voters


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
I find it INCREDIBLY hard to resist to read those spoilertags since all those reviews have come out. I want to maximize the experience as much as possible but it really isn't easy with all those reviews floating around.

Do you read spoiler tags?

Yes, you do!
Yup, :E

well its hard to resist it :booooooooooooo
I promised myself not to spoil myself. But I almost know how the game ends now :(
kiwii said:
I promised myself not to spoil myself. But I almost know how the game ends now :(

I have little to no idea, so I'm pretty happy. Ignorance is bliss in this case.
Nope. Didn't bother to resist them. If they're in magazine reviews, I doubt they're going to spoil anything significant.

Personally, I think some people need to relax a little bit. I met a guy today who was flipping the **** out because he saw Dog pick up a car in a screenshot. I just let him vent himself, then stared at him, and then walked away shaking my head.
Nope. Not reading the spoiler tags, nor the magazine reviews. Since story is obviously one of the strong parts in HL2, I want to get as much out of it as possible.
Yup! I hanvt read anything really.
Same, i wanna find out , even tho there probly nothing to siginificant like Absinthe said but either way i dnt wanna know
The less I know about the game, the merrier I am.
i will read some and not read others. so i dont know? but i do like cottage cheese, i know that.
i havent read the script, played the leak or read any of the spoiler parts in teh magazines .... it ain't hard for me .... i just want to be completley suprised about everythign when i play it
LeXo5 said:
i havent read the script, played the leak or read any of the spoiler parts in teh magazines .... it ain't hard for me .... i just want to be completley suprised about everythign when i play it
same here...

I love cottage cheese anyway...
Yup - didn't play the leak, or read any spoilers.

Haven't a clue what will happen in the game :)
I have played the alpha, read all the mag reviews, and I can never resist spoiler tags. I consider myself bloody lucky not to have had the whole game ruined for me.

Really, I know a couple of things about the game, but nothing important. The HL1 equivilent of:
you fight aliens and marines!
So nothing major.

Warning: The above spoiler tag is not a spoiler of any kind for HL2, but may spoil a part of HL1. Think twice.

Edit: Jost thought of something. This goes out to anyone who has played the alpha. Is it me, or has valve released nearly everything that was in it in their videos? Please don't twist my words into a spoiler invitation, either agree with me or don't.
Ooh boy, to all you people who have resisted, you're in for a quite a treat when you start playing. :D
I usually highlight very small sections of the spoiler to see what it is reffering too and then decide if I want to read the rest of it or not.
The Mullinator said:
I usually highlight very small sections of the spoiler to see what it is reffering too and then decide if I want to read the rest of it or not.

hahaha that's exactly what I do too. :D
But I usually stop after the first word ;)
jimbones said:
hahaha that's exactly what I do too. :D
But I usually stop after the first word ;)
:E Me too!!!
Never go past the first word...
KagePrototype said:
Ooh boy, to all you people who have resisted, you're in for a quite a treat when you start playing. :D

Really? :D Well, I think I spotted a few when previewing a spoiler thread (because spoilers unreveal in that way). But I am lucky enough to forget things I want :E
Yea, some kid got pissed off because he read that
antlions can fly
I asked him if he had seen the coast video... (that is in the coast video^) He told me, "Yes I have" He goes back, and starts flipping out. :laugh:

Is that unreadable, or is it just me... i gotzta praktis mes ritin skilz.!1
I read most of them. Even in spoiler threads stupid as I am ;( (I don't believe any of it though).
I've just cut back on browsing the forums. I just usually check once or twice at school, and then once or twice when I get home. Not much news for HL2 now that its gold and there is a set releasedate.
It's easy to resist. I don't read any of them. You just have to tell yourself that it's nothing special and you'll find out yourself anyway.
Half life 2 will own your face

Gabe Newell himself sent me an e-mail saying that
I've resisted even watching the 2004 binks.
I'm glad i have too hehe... i want the entire game to be fresh, lots of surprises.

I've had a couple of tiny things spoiled though, but they're things which i actually guessed anyway. Like one of the new weapons, and the game intro.
lanzemurdok said:
Half life 2 will own your face

Gabe Newell himself sent me an e-mail saying that

did he really? ... no way ...
I seriously doubt any of the spoilers are true...... and most of them that are true are either dumb, obvious or just retarded...... so who cares........

Have not looked at a single spoiler tag yet. I rule.
You read too many spoiler tags and do do I
I have been avoiding all the spoilers, but unfortunately I have seen one or two.
Worse still, today some guys came on to the CSS server I was playing on with their names as major spoilers. One of them was definately real, one I had seen before and had been verified. Two of them I had not seen and, if true, totally blew the ending :(
Beware, major, MAJOR spoiler. You have been warned:-

Alyx is a she-male. Ok, there is no actual spoiler, but I wanted to see how many people could resist a potentially game-ruining peek! Still, only 3 weeks of torture left, eh?!?
I oftern read them, but the biggest spoiler i know was spoilt without using tags :(
I've managed to resist a few of the huge spoilers... but most of the time I'm just too weak.