*SPOILERS*PC gamer Ep2 preview*SPOILERS*

:( I feel like an idiot, I read the damn spoilers...
I hate how they've given so much away about EP2, and then bugger all about Portal. It's ruined most of the story now, but at least they've kept quiet about who's supposed to die and what exactly (word-for-word) happens with G-Man. Maybe there's some mystery left in the game worth waiting for.
You have a choice whether you do or do not read them. It's a review, what do you expect?
I think that the G-man is part of Aperture Science and went to Black Mesa to sort of sabotage their work until he sow Gordon and took the opportunity to use him as a tool for Aperture's own needs.

This seems quite a realistic theory, but I doubt its that simple.
I hope they don't make G-Man the admin of Aperture Science (and the one who sabotaged the experiment for unknown reasons. Like I said before, it would be lame if a war between research centers caused everything.

It's like throwing ten years work into to the trash can.
Now we know more about Aperture Science and its role in the Half-life universe I'm pretty sure Gman isn't going to be 'too' involved with it. I mean, if it's a Black Mesa rival, it means the people behind it are corporate, human scientists, yes? And from the looks of things Aperture is long abandoned in the post Combine world. Gman exists outside of normal time and space, he clearly isn't human and recruits people and uses them as mercenaries. Who do you think is going to win the Black Mesa/Aperture war with a bloke like that incharge? No, I think whilst it's fair to say he has some involvement (as he did at Black Mesa), he isn't Aperture.

That said I think the corporate espionage works an interesting angle, and certainly isn't lame. If Gman IS Aperture, then that's lame. But I'm fairly sure he isn't.
Now my theory is just what I gathered from the review and the G-man's office picture. I don't expect it to be correct but G-man definitely has a connection with Aperture Science. Maybe G-man took over the remains of Aperture Science since it is abandoned now. I think that Aperture is already abandoned in Portal and you can even notice this in the gameplay videos when the place starts getting power failures. So I believe that the Aperture Science A.i is the last thing left and it still is carrying out it's protocols.
Now my theory is just what I gathered from the review and the G-man's office picture. I don't expect it to be correct but G-man definitely has a connection with Aperture Science. Maybe G-man took over the remains of Aperture Science since it is abandoned now. I think that Aperture is already abandoned in Portal and you can even notice this in the gameplay videos when the place starts getting power failures. So I believe that the Aperture Science A.i is the last thing left and it still is carrying out it's protocols.

Just a side note, in OP4, G-Man was carrying a briefcase with the Black Mesa logo on it.

You could insinuate two things from that; Either A.)He works for Black Mesa, or B.)He is stealing information (Documents, Papers, ect.) from Black Mesa.

What do you guys think?
The Black Mesa logo on the briefcase was in Half-Life too.
Prob a bit late for this and has prob been said before:
Mossman is hunting the Ap Science labs, as are the combine. ApSci has become/became a 3rd faction and watches the world with its portal technology? (Kinda like Gallifrey :P) or maybe its has become kind of legendary, like Atlantis, with mighty technology/weapons etc.

GMan. Hmmmmmm. Probably not working for ApSci, but I wouldnt rule this out completely. I doubt we will ever be told what GMan is/was/willbe and who he works for. Maybe he *is* Gordon from the future. Almost definatly not though.

The thoery osted by Tomu above is most likely. But GMan is *not* going to be ApSci. I am certain bcoz this would be crap :P

I never read the spoilers because its out in a week and a bit. And I dont want to spoil the story. I'll read them after ive played the game.
I'm pretty sure Gman being Aperture Science would be totally ludicrous.
G-man is not Aperture Science. I was wrong, I have another theory but it's probably just too crazy to be true.