spore races

Can the underwater species explore the land with water suits?
Does the pope shit in the woods?
The old one didn't but this new one...
ríomhaire said:
but I mean a water based civilization that with gills, not just expanding to the water
The evolution to land animal is optional. You never have to leave the water :)
It seems you can train your species to use guns too. Look at how those aliens started popping caps into Will's UFO.

Hehehe... monkeys with guns....
Yup, you can even expand your "water civ" to planets without atmosphere and water by building water filled domes as previously mentioned :p
I just want to make a mushroom race of mushroom people in mushroom cities.
Ennui said:
I just want to make a mushroom race of mushroom people in mushroom cities.
Souns like a quote from Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...
I'm thinking of making some Mon Calamari. Do you think he'll let you play the sim-city part underwater?

And, if i can get it, a pseudo-flying-insect thingy. Maybe a couple of wookies, i dunno.
Jintor said:
I'm thinking of making some Mon Calamari. Do you think he'll let you play the sim-city part underwater?

And, if i can get it, a pseudo-flying-insect thingy. Maybe a couple of wookies, i dunno.

Watch the video, you can build anything underwater if you wanted. :cheers:
I'm really hoping that they branch into a true online-play mode, to complementthe crazy single-player with online elements downloaded style. There's nothing like crushing another species when there's a real person controlling them. Of course, it should be optional.

-Angry Lawyer
I can't see that working though, I mean some guy will go around nuking everyone, how do you fight that?
SimonomiS said:
I can't see that working though, I mean some guy will go around nuking everyone, how do you fight that?

Anti-nuke field. Or the nuke weapon would not be in the multiplayer part.
Might be cool to just have an online "zoo" sort of thing, where your creature's planet cannot be attacked by any other player. Or perhaps allow for an intergalactic "war", so to speak.

Basically, removing the UFO's destructive abilities, but still allow them to terraform uninhabited planets, transport a few passengers, and create one instant colony per planet. A massive, galactic war for control of every habitable planet in the galaxy :D

[edit] Oh, and the colonies can only be placed on planets that are either uninhabited, or inhabited by a species that has at least 50% control of the planet. This gets rid of the possible "Aww, I was just evolving into the fifth cell stage, when BAM, my planet gets destroyed!" problem.
Populated with any aliens that Star Wars can inspire. Then with some it can't inspire. Then a whole bunch of gun-weilding oysters.
stigmata said:
Might be cool to just have an online "zoo" sort of thing, where your creature's planet cannot be attacked by any other player. Or perhaps allow for an intergalactic "war", so to speak.

Basically, removing the UFO's destructive abilities, but still allow them to terraform uninhabited planets, transport a few passengers, and create one instant colony per planet. A massive, galactic war for control of every habitable planet in the galaxy :D

[edit] Oh, and the colonies can only be placed on planets that are either uninhabited, or inhabited by a species that has at least 50% control of the planet. This gets rid of the possible "Aww, I was just evolving into the fifth cell stage, when BAM, my planet gets destroyed!" problem.
Yeah, but the others players planets you destroy are only destroyed on your computer. the game isn't really multiplayer, it's just that it uploads other players' planets onto yours
Noobulon said:
If the creature editor is as versatile as Wright claims....

I'll be able to populate a whole planet with these

Why does she have a bulge? Either she has balls or a massive bush. :rolling: Sorry...dont think it would be ver "hawt" at all long.
Noobulon said:
If the creature editor is as versatile as Wright claims....

I'll be able to populate a whole planet with these
The mythical Asian women with breasts, lies.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Yeah, but the others players planets you destroy are only destroyed on your computer. the game isn't really multiplayer, it's just that it uploads other players' planets onto yours

Stigmata's not talking about what's actually there, he's just suggesting a "normal online mode" detached from the normal game (I think).
If it could be balanced enough I think it'd be pretty cool. Not a chance for peaceful races though. :laugh:
It would be interesting to see what animations a computer would you make for a giant blob or a sea urchin on land.

Danimal said:
It would be interesting to see what animations a computer would you make for a giant blob or a sea urchin on land.

I don't think you lump to land until you give your creature legs, but I'm probably wrong.

Online modes:
Creature battles. An entire planet full of user-created creatures to duke it out. Plus some NPCs to balance it all out.
Empire Earth style fights
Evolution race. An extremly acelerated verstion of single-player to see who can evolve fastest.
Foxtrot said:
Something really badass, with a 4 foot penis to smash things with.

4 feet, eh?

Too bad this species already has one of those rarities in this habitat...

Danimal said:
It would be interesting to see what animations a computer would you make for a giant blob or a sea urchin on land.


I read that Will Wright made an octopus to demonstrate to someone (Gamingsteve.com I think) but I don't know if it worked. Even that was a bit of a trick (Shortening the spine until its tiny, but still there) and had tentacles.

I suppose if you never put any feet or fins on it you'd get a blob. Although I'm not sure it would move at all.
JFry, I didn't want to imply you, I know how you are about this kind of stuff.

By the way, 24 hours of no sleep. Way to ****ING go Pesmerga, wtfg.
I'd make monkeys, except they'd stand on their hands with their faces arches forwards, and attack with claws on their legs.

Man, imagine the mating animations on some of these creatures, like the buttface guy with heaps of feet. I imagine some poor kid's going to have scars from seeing that.
I would love to create a dolphin like creature with web hands but instead of forward fins and also a set of rear web feet, just before the tail.