

Mar 16, 2007
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Dam, im really curious about what sports you people play lol..

i play squash and soccer. the only two sports I ever known all my life, maybe with a bit of badminton here and there...
nothing atm :|

football(*sigh* soccer for the yanks) occasionally.
Rugby(Not so often tho)
Paintball and in the very near future kart racing. Maybe F1, who knows?

lol warbie. I run thats it, I also play hand ball but lets not get into that.
Snowboard, baseball, hockey, and a little football.

I'm thinking about getting into paintballing but I just don't know where to start.
I've done sailing, wrestling, lacrosse, cross country, and track & field.
i can see quite a few people play some hardcore sports here, no racket games though..
I dabble in some competitive masturbating from time to time.
lol stigmata, post one more time and you will have a cool number 6666

i cant believe you people made this thread a joke.
I play American football mostly, some baseball and basketball.
I stalk vulnerable young women and rob them of their precious virginity.

Hunting is a sport :|
I swim a lot and I know how to snowboard. I don't play enough airsoft to really claim I play it as a sport.
I played golf a lot this summer, but I've switched to tennis lately, because it's free :D

I used to play hockey, soccer and baseball. I'll be refereeing hockey this year though