Spotting. a rarely used but great feature.


Sep 13, 2003
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I wish more would use this. i mean, if you see an enemy tank & apc on its way to a base and no one else does, its possible you could save the base from being taken over just because you spotted it and your team knew it was coming. or you see a blackhawk coming toward your squads position. spot it! the defense could hide, blackhawk comes over doesn't see anyone, lands, and you ambush. all because you knew it was coming.

i dunno, i don't see a lot of people using this feature, the commander is the ultimate spotter, since he can see anything and spot it, but if you see it, you can spot it. if a squad gets in the habit of spotting, its almost like your own little UAV. its one of the best weapons against those snipers who never move too. spotting jets though isn't particularly useful as far as i can tell heh.

if you are wondering how to do it, you hold down your voice command button(the one where you can say roger that, thank you, need ammo), its in the middle, and you click it. whatever you are pointing at, you will spot, and its red icon will appear on the map. if there is no enemy in your crosshair, there will be a red question mark signifying that you THINK there is an enemy presence there.
I only need tanks spotted.

Anti-Tank Peshmerga fears only tanks, all tanks must die.
I spot all the time as a commander in commander mode (caps lock), it helps lessen the load on uavs.
i spot as much as i can... usually im too busy trying to not die. probably saved me a good number of times, a squadmate and i were getting grenaded by half their team as we captured a cp and i couldnt even ****ing see them, but he spotted and the rest is history. L85A1 for the win!
I spot anything anytime, all the time. I highly recommend using the spot feature as much as possible.
If you can't quite get a precise spot, you can also right click on the spot menu to get a list of vehicles and soldiers to tell others what you think is there, rather than a vague question mark.
I use spot a helluva lot. I'm medic, so I usually hold back and leave the firefights to the assault infantry and specops, and what will happen, is i'll be holding back, hiding in a building by one of our flags, where anybody can run upstairs and get some health, and a squad of enemy tanks and apcs will come in on the base and attempt to take it. Since there's really nothing I can do (If I shoot them, they'll likely send somebody upstairs to kick my ass. Although i'll own them anyway :dork: ) so i'll just spot them all out. Allot of the times, an AT will hold back with me, for fire support, and he'll be off on his own thing, so I just need to spot them out and they're toast :cheers: .
I use spot, but I had only 1 good game in my life of BF2 with a group of people who actually paid attention to the spots. It was fun... addicting. Once the main guy left, everyone scattered but I still tried to defend the spot we were going for. It had us win everytime. If I can spot something, I'll usually storm it and kill it. I had fun storming a flag, we were strategic, so I did the opposite and no one saw me, or expected it. I shotgunned them all.
I use spot, when im on the ground. If I am in the air whatever it is I am about to spot has caught bombs with their teeth and is no longer needed to be spotted.
Usually everyone is worried about camping the helicopters instead of joining a squad and trying to help the team.