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As insurgents make attack after attack on US troops, civilian contractors, government officials, etc.

North Korea Keeps Trucking They want nukes, they are working on them, and they have no intention of stopping for anyone.

Will North Korea pose a serious threat? With NK and Iran both playing with nukes, shouldn't we be more worried about them and their real WMDs than Iraq?
If NK makes a move can we respond? What about China?

the bottom line is we can't force North Korea to stop their nuclear program, what can we do when they have them?

If you remember our previous misadventure into Korea didn't go so well.
kmack said:
As insurgents make attack after attack on US troops, civilian contractors, government officials, etc.

North Korea Keeps Trucking They want nukes, they are working on them, and they have no intention of stopping for anyone.

Will North Korea pose a serious threat? With NK and Iran both playing with nukes, shouldn't we be more worried about them and their real WMDs than Iraq?
If NK makes a move can we respond? What about China?

the bottom line is we can't force North Korea to stop their nuclear program, what can we do when they have them?

If you remember our previous misadventure into Korea didn't go so well.

good post

do you think NK wants to attack us(US)?
do you think NK wants to attack us(US)?

Nah, most likely South Korea or Japan. AFAIK they're not able to produce intercontinental carrier rockets....
shumlya4012 said:
do you think NK wants to attack us(US)?

Like the poster above me said, I don't think they have the technology yet. Secondly, I don't think they'd be that stupid. It would be a huge mistake to hit us or any of our allies with a nuke. But who knows what'll happen down the road.
shumlya4012 said:
good post

do you think NK wants to attack us(US)?

I dont think they want to attack us, but South Korea is a definate possibility (though a nuke that close to home is kinda crazy). And this would give them a HUGE bargaining chip, as you know the US isnt crazy about the practices or government of NK, and this would allow them to basically do whatever they want, much like the USSR in the cold war.

I think that they will have the technology soon, or simply buy one from somewhere (iran?) and it may become a definate threat, moreso to the people of NK and SK because a nuke could help prevent international intervention. They could attack Sk and threaten nuking if they resist or the US intervenes.
They want nukes, they are working on them, and they have no intention of stopping for anyone.
They dont want nukes, they have nukes.

Will North Korea pose a serious threat?
It already is. One spark in that region could ignite a war.

If NK makes a move can we respond? What about China?
Yes, but it would take some rearranging, and most likely a draft.

what can we do when they have them?
Again, they already do.

If you remember our previous misadventure into Korea didn't go so well.
Different time, different war.
seinfeldrules said:
Yes, but it would take some rearranging, and most likely a draft.

Rearranging? as in leaving Iraq to fend mostly for herself? and a draft, ahhh, that would be just great :dozey:

seinfeldrules said:
Different time, different war.

how different will it be? especially since NK has nukes now. And China is force we cannot handle they could get involved.
seinfeldrules said:
They dont want nukes, they have nukes.
In February, the North claimed it already possessed nuclear weapons and would indefinitely boycott the talks, which also involve the United States, China, Japan, Russia and South Korea. That claim has not been independently verified.

i wouldnt necessarily believe them, i mean if the US leaders are capable of lying about a country posessing nukes (iraq), so can the NK leaders (lying about their own)

ahhh crap double post again >.<
Rearranging? as in leaving Iraq to fend mostly for herself? and a draft, ahhh, that would be just great
I'm pretty of sure we have plenty of troops spread all over the globe. And yes, we would need to cut down on troop numbers in Iraq. A draft would be necessary to fight the North.

how different will it be? especially since NK has nukes now. And China is force we cannot handle they could get involved.
I really dont see why you think China will get involved. Furthermore, we will probably be able to take out the few nukes NK has before US troops actually reach the Korean peninsula.

i wouldnt necessarily believe them, i mean if the US leaders are capable of lying about a country posessing nukes (iraq), so can the NK leaders (lying about their own)
Sure they could be lying, but they have been developing this stuff for awhile so history is there to back up their claims.
seinfeldrules said:
I really dont see why you think China will get involved. Furthermore, we will probably be able to take out the few nukes NK has before US troops actually reach the Korean peninsula.

China is communist, they dislike what we are doing about their anti secession laws, they probably wont like the fact that we are engaging an enemy with nuclear power right next door. Its something we need to think about i think.

i doubt it. our glorious intelligence officers didnt even know that Iraq DIDNT have WMDs, how are they gonna pinpoint all these nukes? and how will we take them out?
British Forces are in exactly the same position, with Britain in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Balkans, if any other problems spark up, it is going to put a huge strain on the British forces to do much of anything.

edit: you also have the huge problem of the popularity of any future war in the next few years from either Britain or America. With both countries being in an unpopular war, if something does break out between North or South Korea, or especially Iran, the British and American governments are going to be put into a very unfavourable position, especially with their faces being spread so thin.

The only thing that would save South Korea would be the intervention of the UN sending troops or the rest of Nato sending troops.
China is communist, they dislike what we are doing about their anti secession laws, they probably wont like the fact that we are engaging an enemy with nuclear power right next door. Its something we need to think about i think.

They also like all the $$$$ we give them. Forget that aspect? And we really arent doing anything about the bill they passed. Its all talk on our part and they know it.

our glorious intelligence officers didnt even know that Iraq DIDNT have WMDs, how are they gonna pinpoint all these nukes? and how will we take them out?
All these nukes? We're talking about 1-6. How will we take them out? Probably bunker busters, special forces operations, something along those lines.
kmack said:
i wouldnt necessarily believe them, i mean if the US leaders are capable of lying about a country posessing nukes (iraq), so can the NK leaders (lying about their own)

#1.) Intelligence and satellite reconnaissance has revealed that NK is possession of a number of 'breeder' nuclear reactors (Reactors which produce Plutonium as a biproduct.) Plutonium is one of the key ingredients to slaping together a nuclear device. 22 known nuclear facilities exist which include: uranium mines, refinery plants, nuclear fuel plants, nuclear reactors, reprocessing facilities, and research facilities.

Portion of a GS Article concerning Iraqi WMD programs said:
In a briefing for journalists reported on October 29, 2003, the director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency said satellite images showed a heavy flow of traffic from Iraq into Syria just before the American invasion in March 2003. Retired Air Force Lieutenant General James Clapper Jr. said he believed "unquestionably" that illicit weapons material was transported into Syria and perhaps other countries. He said "I think people below the Saddam- Hussein-and-his-sons level saw what was coming and decided the best thing to do was to destroy and disperse. ... I think probably in the few months running up to the onset of the conflict, I think there was probably an intensive effort to disperse into private hands, to bury it, and to move it outside the country's borders."

In an exclusive interview with The Sunday Telegraph published on January 25, 2004, Dr. David Kay, the former head of the Iraq Survey Group, said there was evidence that unspecified materials had been moved to Syria shortly before the start of the war to overthrow Saddam. "We are not talking about a large stockpile of weapons," he said. "But we know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some components of Saddam's WMD programme. Precisely what went to Syria, and what has happened to it, is a major issue that needs to be resolved."
Something to think about.
seinfeldrules said:
They also like all the $$$$ we give them. Forget that aspect? And we really arent doing anything about the bill they passed. Its all talk on our part and they know it.

ummm i think our trade defecit to them is like 15 billion dollars a month or something equally absurd, we (and our businesses ) need their products.

seinfeldrules said:
All these nukes? We're talking about 1-6. How will we take them out? Probably bunker busters, special forces operations, something along those lines.

and how may i ask, do we find them :dozey:
I think NK is the only Country crazy enough to actually use nukes agaainst other Countries.
Lemonking said:
I think NK is the only Country crazy enough to actually use nukes agaainst other Countries.

what about Iraq? they are crazy enough to use all their WMD's against anyone including the US so we have to go in and stop them!

i do think now that Iraq and all their WMD's they had pointed at freedom and democracy are taken care of, NK is one of the big threats we face.

But since Iraq isnt really taken care of, we are too busy with them to effectively deal with real threats.
Saddam was unwilling to use his WMD towards the United States. Even during the first war, chemical warheads were discovered in various Iraqi positions. They could of been used at any time against US forces.

Unwilling. Just as we are unwilling to use our WMDs.
i do think now that Iraq and all their WMD's they had pointed at freedom and democracy are taken care of, NK is one of the big threats we face.
At least we can agree on this.
Definitely a good point on China's huge trade with us. France didn't support us in the invasion of Iraq not because they're drinking wine and eating cheese, but because they have several trade connections with Iraqi oil.
Pesmerga said:
France didn't support us in the invasion of Iraq not because they're drinking wine and eating cheese, but because they have several trade connections with Iraqi oil.
Yup. If you've got alot of $$$ in the mix of course your going to do whatever you can to stop it from getting flushed down the drain.
You guys don't even know.

NK would be a hard war, but only a hard ground war. If they did anything we would surround their coast with our carrier groups and bomb their borders, halting all trade.

It would be like in medieval times when a castle was surrounded by enemies and they just waited until the inhabitants surrendered or starved to death.

Our forces would annihilate NK if they did anything, and not many people would have to be on the ground.

But hey, what do I know, I am being optimistic.
i really doubt NK would ever use nukes on a country.

Im being 100% serious when I say id put money on the USA using them again before North Korea. There not stupid. They know what would happen if they use them, and they are defintly not dumb enough to risk complete annihlation if they do use them. North Korea is one of those countries where if they used it they would never get away with it, and would be completely descimated afterward. The USA however could get away with using it, as they have in the past. They would recieve tons of flak and criticsm, but no one would just start an outright military assault, or throw nukes back. (this is assuming of course if they nuked NK, if they nuked like Britain or something then theyd be ****ed).
kmack said:
what about Iraq? they are crazy enough to use all their WMD's against anyone including the US so we have to go in and stop them!

i do think now that Iraq and all their WMD's they had pointed at freedom and democracy are taken care of, NK is one of the big threats we face.

But since Iraq isnt really taken care of, we are too busy with them to effectively deal with real threats.

ur joking right?
Iraq was never a threat to the World
seinfeldrules said:
Werent you also in the military ;)

Yes. I even participated in exercises, secret exercises, that was "practice" for war with North Korea. I controlled the OpFor (Opposing Forces).

The way it works is that the NK Army is made from the strength of the real life forces thanks to intelligence. (don't know how reliable that is)

Whenever I fired artillery at landing craft I would only kill 1/8th of the forces while 2 minutes later 3/4 of my attacking unit was destroyed.
It is all estimates but I don't think it would very much farther from that in real life.
Iraq posed no threat to anyone but they were invaded. If the US was so concerned with helping others why not liberate all the other oppressed countries, especially in Africa? The US is currently the world's superpower but in a few years down the road, China and India will grow much stronger than them. The US is just trying to stifle this process by planting its "sattelites" everywhere. The whole terrorism thing is just used to justify all these wars. More people die of dogs bites per day than of terrorism, so why haven't we declared a war on dogs?
"in a few years down the road, China and India will grow much stronger than them"

It will take between 15 to 20 years for China/India to have what is called "regional" military parity with the United States, but they will not be able to attain "global" military parity for the forseeable future.
Bodacious said:
You guys don't even know.

NK would be a hard war, but only a hard ground war. If they did anything we would surround their coast with our carrier groups and bomb their borders, halting all trade.

It would be like in medieval times when a castle was surrounded by enemies and they just waited until the inhabitants surrendered or starved to death.

Our forces would annihilate NK if they did anything, and not many people would have to be on the ground.

But hey, what do I know, I am being optimistic.

And even still, while the DPRK has a very impressive ground force in terms of size, I firmly believe that they lack significant armor/mechanized infantry capability that would constitute effective manuver warfare. The main threat from the DPRK ground forces would come from their SUBSTANTIAL artillery contingent that would easily devastate Seoul in a matter of hours if fully unleashed.
Yes. I even participated in exercises, secret exercises, that was "practice" for war with North Korea. I controlled the OpFor (Opposing Forces).

The way it works is that the NK Army is made from the strength of the real life forces thanks to intelligence. (don't know how reliable that is)

Whenever I fired artillery at landing craft I would only kill 1/8th of the forces while 2 minutes later 3/4 of my attacking unit was destroyed.
It is all estimates but I don't think it would very much farther from that in real life.
Did you do excercises like this often? If so, were any directed towards a possible conflict with China?
seinfeldrules said:
Did you do excercises like this often? If so, were any directed towards a possible conflict with China?

The exercise happened every year, I only did one once so I don't know if it was for china or what.
Wither they be Chinese, or Korean they would be a dedicated foe, but like I said. Nothing the Marines can't handle.
Bodacious said:
You guys don't even know.

NK would be a hard war, but only a hard ground war. If they did anything we would surround their coast with our carrier groups and bomb their borders, halting all trade.

It would be like in medieval times when a castle was surrounded by enemies and they just waited until the inhabitants surrendered or starved to death.

Our forces would annihilate NK if they did anything, and not many people would have to be on the ground.

But hey, what do I know, I am being optimistic.

What is happening to the millions of innocent North Korean people whilst the US halts all trade and is bombing the borders?
The "innocent" North Koreans starve until thier govt. gives in. What is it with you people and the "poor civillians?" War is hell and people die. Get that through your heads. If thier govt. hadn't decided to engage in practices that lead to war, then they wouldn't be in that pickle now would they?
Kebean PFC said:
If thier govt. hadn't decided to engage in practices that lead to war, then they wouldn't be in that pickle now would they?

Same thing with the huge debt that is rising in America because of the war in Iraq?

"If only the govt. hadn't decided to engage in practices that lead to war, then they wouldn't be in that pickle now would they?"

Collateral damage is not acceptable and by UN laws and the Geneva convention, a military force has to do everything in their power to stop or minimise Collateral damage. So are you saying the UN laws are rubbish?
a military force has to do everything in their power to stop or minimise Collateral damage
Key word is minimize. There will always be civillian casualties in war. The UN laws are built upon ideals. War is not ideals, war is brutal and the closest you can get to hell on Earth. No war will not have civillian casualties.
Kebean PFC said:
Key word is minimize. There will always be civillian casualties in war. The UN laws are built upon ideals. War is not ideals, war is brutal and the closest you can get to hell on Earth. No war will not have civillian casualties.

What the law states is that an army has to do everything in it's power to stop collateral damage, which means not starving a country into submission but using pinpoint and precise attacks against key military targets and communications to cripple the enemy military before sending in ground troops.
In an ideal war all this is possible, get into the real world and this may not be possible.
kmack said:
If you remember our previous misadventure into Korea didn't go so well.

Er - you won. And the only reason you didn't take North Korea as well because the government of the time did not have the balls to fight china which sent 500,000 troops in to bolster North Korea. Until they did that they were finished. And don't try and say this chinese govt will back korea, they wont.
Kebean PFC said:
The "innocent" North Koreans starve until thier govt. gives in. What is it with you people and the "poor civillians?" War is hell and people die. Get that through your heads. If thier govt. hadn't decided to engage in practices that lead to war, then they wouldn't be in that pickle now would they?

ya, thats a real good way to look at things. The people have to suffer uder an oppressive leader, so we go in and kill them ruthlessly to do what? they didnt elect the guy, you are the problem with america.

Calanen said:
Er - you won. And the only reason you didn't take North Korea as well because the government of the time did not have the balls to fight china which sent 500,000 troops in to bolster North Korea. Until they did that they were finished. And don't try and say this chinese govt will back korea, they wont.

you are an assclown, we could NEVER win a ground war in in North Korea(those winters!) against CHINA and North Korea. dont be so stupid, you're the chump who thinks we only lost vietnam because the troops had their hands tied, your logic is not just flawed, it is nonexistant. dont waste your energy typing such nonsense.