
The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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The spring has arrived :D

Today I walked the sreets with my friends and it so damn nice! The warmth in the air (17 C), the flowers in the parks, the smell of ice cream in the air. It is hard to describe, but there was thing feeling in the air. The winter in Sweden has been really long, and the snow didn't melt away until three weeks ago. We've been waiting for the spring for months, and now it's here! :D
Woo, spring.
Second girlfriend in as many months...
Good ol' Louisiana spring...the 90 degree weather...the 90% humidity...

I walk a mile to school every morning (I take the bus back). It's great when it's nice weather, it's a nice walk down a country like lane. Nice weather ftw!
Ice cream has a distinct smell?

I've never noticed the smell of icecream.
It's probably vanilla powder you're smelling:P
Today was awsome. It's the last school day this week, because I'm going to England tomorrow (check other thread :p).

And we just watched the television serie "Coupling" the last school lesson.
I love spring here in VA. It is always a good feeling to see the leaves come back on the trees and the grass growing again. On the more hated side of spring is the pollen. *Grabs nasel spray*
I thought Spring had come to England on Friday and Saturday. But then it got shit again. :(
It's awesome here in Lincoln, we went shopping in the sun for 4 hours, and 3 of us bought Aviator sunglasses :D

I ****ing love it
Spring came and went you losers. Summer is just around the bend.
It's been pretty warm for about 2 weeks here, and every day me and my friends have spent our hour and a half of open lunch outside either playing baseball or just driving around doing whatever

Also, cleavage ftw
Dalamari said:
It's been pretty warm for about 2 weeks here, and every day me and my friends have spent our hour and a half of open lunch outside either playing baseball or just driving around doing whatever

What the shit? An hour and a half? Damn...come up to AMC in arbor lakes if im working or over to my house dangit! I demand it!
Glirk Dient said:
What the shit? An hour and a half? Damn...come up to AMC in arbor lakes if im working or over to my house dangit! I demand it!

Well, I won't really be able to do that until my senior year since I need a job to pay for gas/parking, so if you're still around next year then I would
Dalamari said:
Well, I won't really be able to do that until my senior year since I need a job to pay for gas/parking, so if you're still around next year then I would

Maybe...I could always drive up and come hang out with you guys. I will be like the cool 21 yr old who drives up to school with beer and gets all the kids to come over to his house to "wrestle".

Damnit...ive seen that sexual harassment video too many times.
ComradeBadger said:
It's awesome here in Lincoln, we went shopping in the sun for 4 hours, and 3 of us bought Aviator sunglasses :D

I ****ing love it

How much were your Aviator sunglasses and where did you get them from? :O