Squad commands

How do you want it?

  • macromanaging squad (FF)

    Votes: 16 45.7%
  • in between these 2

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • micromanaging squad (R6)

    Votes: 6 17.1%

  • Total voters


Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
*possible spoilers ahead for the weak of mind*

Now, if you've seen the mag scans (and if you are smart or have IRC and go around gaming related channels you have) one particular screenie shows "Squad: Following ".

Now that particularly interested me to see how Valve is going to do it.
Would you like it minimalistic style (i.e. Freedom Fighters, 3 commands - follow me, stay here, go there) or micromanaging style (i.e. R6 - 1000 commands, pre-pathing, the works) or maybe a good balance between the two?
I know how the command system works - is it against the rules first?
Harryz said:
I know how the command system works - is it against the rules first?

Yes. Spoilers from the stolen build piss alot of people off..
I know how it works as well, having played it, but.. keep it to yourself

Anyhow, I figure this topic is a bad idea considering people who have played the stolen build know exactly how it works
Harryz said:
I know how the command system works - is it against the rules first?

if you're going to give specifics that you know from the beta then yes it is against the rules.
Shuzer said:
Is there a reason you just linked to a post of me saying I've been found out and running away? lol ;)

:D No that post is in the middle of the page, couldn't get the direct link to it.
ComradeBadger said:

nice post though i disagree with the delay reasons.



PC Zone said Valve are planning to make an anouncement at E3 for a more acurate release date.

Summer is all we know so far.
Well my ideal would be something like Hidden and Dangerous 2 with maybe a few more 'stance' commands, but I doubt it would work like that. Valve seem committed to having a minimal GUI in HL...
The rough translation from Dutch of what Gabe said in PC Gameplay regarding the use of team orders and menu's:

The use of orders or menu's that you bring up was never an option for us because we wanted the interactivity of the AI and the environment to adapt to the player's actions. Personally I wouldn't like suddenly fooling around with lots of menu's. Just the 'e' button will do the trick because the AI is going to respond less to the player's position and more on his intentions. For example you walk up to a door. The friendly AI will realize the possible danger and flanks next to the door to provide possible cover fire

And underneath a screenshot it says:

Often you'll run into NPC's or you'll have to fight side by side with them. But there are no orders you can give them. Fortunately, their AI is so advanced that this is really not necessary.
I put macromanaging, because I thought you where referring to the power macro used in Klingon Academy (where power was ditributed between the different sub-systems). Maybe where a percentage is given to an agressive or defensive stance.

i.e. 100% defensive- soldiers creep, fall back indefinatley, pear round corners carefully
0% agressive- don't move forward

You can do this using a slider bar or something
Shuzer said:
Yes. Spoilers from the stolen build piss alot of people off..
I know how it works as well, having played it, but.. keep it to yourself

Anyhow, I figure this topic is a bad idea considering people who have played the stolen build know exactly how it works
shuzer, in your opinion does it fit well with the game? it sounds like a cool feature, and even if its not cool, in the PC zone article they say you can go through the entire game w/out using it.
Valve talked about the "e" button (action button) alot in the pc gameplay version of the article, and how it controlls ai

so I think you can walk up to an allied human. press "e" to get his attention and then point your cursor on for example at a combine and press "e" again wich makes your allied friend empty clips at the combine.
EVIL said:
Valve talked about the "e" button (action button) alot in the pc gameplay version of the article, and how it controlls ai

so I think you can walk up to an allied human. press "e" to get his attention and then point your cursor on for example at a combine and press "e" again wich makes your allied friend empty clips at the combine.

That seems like a bit of a difficulty in a spur of the moment fight.Do you mean if they were behind cover like in barricade?Cause it might work then if you wanted them to put down cover for you while u move(And save your grenade for later)

I'd go for macromanagement as I dont wanna spend my time worrying about whether or not my guys are set for full offensive when going into a massive fire fight or if they will avoid contact as much as possible.
Remember those pics awhile back in the Source PDC demonstration there was a image of an oil area with that mysterious vehicle.There was a Piece of cover with an "AI" icon or something similar on it and someone said that was to tell the AI to hide behind it.Could they do something like that only have areas set with these and the AI would react to them.(Though thats a little too set,doesnt fit in with the freeform nature)

Or else they could simply imitate you,like if you run,they run,if you walk about they will too.Though it might lead to some confusion.(Accidently hitting the shift key and all of a suddenthose who were once bolting for cover start to sneak about,though perhaps the AI will make those decisions)
According to the PCZone preview it basically says the AI will work out what to do in a given situation, but you can also issue commands, though they can argue with you and do their own thing anyway.
I dont want to manage squads at all :/
so the less the better...
all I would really like to see is, press "use" and they follow you / back you up ala HL1.

the story is about Gordon the scientist, not Gordon the commander :)

I don't think it's a violation of anything since it doesn't shows anything but what I want to "Squad : Following"

That proves my point that there is a at least some sort of Squad commands.
i read the pc zone mag... and the bit i love is..

when your order a group of ppl... if you tell one to go somewhere...he can argue back at you and say "no im not going there i would die" and when u look away he will sneak off and go fight on his own! lol WOW valve thought of everything
also i read that valve said "you DONT have to use the squard commants" "you can go through the game and not use them...OR you could go through the game and use them"