Squad control?


Jul 9, 2003
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If you look at the E3 video where they are fighting the Strider in the courtyard. In the bottom right corner is a display for your squad. When one of the NPC's gets killed, his symbol becomes red. So maybe you will be able to control a squad and give them real commands and not just "Follow me" and "Stay here". :)
I'm not sure about the commands, although this would be cool. It'll be handy to know who's following you and who's taken a bullet, etc.
Braska said:
If you look at the E3 video where they are fighting the Strider in the courtyard. In the bottom right corner is a display for your squad. When one of the NPC's gets killed, his symbol becomes red. So maybe you will be able to control a squad and give them real commands and not just "Follow me" and "Stay here". :)

Nah, it's actually when an NPC gets injured he becomes red, when he dies he dissapears completely from the little screen. Watch as some of them get killed.
Another squad command thread...fun ¬.¬

Anyway :)...valve had'nt made it clear about squad commands, so no 1 realy knows i dnt think , i think u can just see whats happening to the allies your fighting with

or what other R.fighters r doing with u, e.g. r they following, covering fire etc.

BUT Gabe (i think) did say something about if u ask a resistanec fighter to cover u, if the NPC thinks its well....scuicidle and stupid he/she will say they dnt want to do it.
yea this has been discussed before, but from i can see i guess it just indicates your in a squad of people, and that's about all you can really tell now
I saw one screenshot which had Squad: Following on it... This leads me to believe that you will be abel to give your squad orders such as:
Follow, Hold Position, Attack, use object and so on :)
Or culd that be the AI, the NPC's r following u on their own accord, doesnt neceserily (sp?) mean ur telling them to do it..
PC Gamer mentions something about a 'commander wand' that you can use to directly control the behaviour of your team mates.
I just wonder if we'll be seeing little birdy-legged, three-armed figures in that little display at any point...

Yeah, I know, I'm obsessed with the Vortigaunts...
I think its has been confirmed somewhere that their will not be squad command or anything of that kind. The AI will suffice, according to Gabe. Although he did say something about using the E button with allies...

From what ive seen in the vids, the AI does indeed suffice.
They're only going to be simple commands. You'll be able to dictate to an NPC where to go, if you want him to follow (like in HL1) or if you want him to stop following (like in HL1).