Squad in the HUD

Go run out there and get killed by that strider...Or we'll all die!

...oh wait.
what!? said:
Remember the E-3 2003 demo where Gordon led the ant lions into the hallway with automatic turrets as a distraction and they all died a horrible death? That is what I want to use my squad for ;)

Oh, Bullet Bait you mean.
I hope the AI is similar to Freedom Fighters, except more advanced. I liked the AI in that game, you just send them off to one side of the road, then send another group to other side, you provide some covering for them and then send them in. Its awesome fun
Woot, but what does VALVe see as a "unreasonable order"?.....we all have different thoughts about ordering...and you still are the squad leader, so you are the one that says what needs to happen.....
If i was a soldier in ww2, and i was in a boat in normandy, and i had the choice to obey or not, i wouldn't get out of the boat....would you?