Stability through Instability?


Nov 11, 2003
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OK, now I know this can't be right. I need someone to test this. In the BIOS there is an unexplained but kind of known feature called Thermal Throttling. Supposedly it slows your CPU when it hit's a certain temp?
What I need is someone to check these stats for me who has specs similar to an XP3200 Barton or something in the range of that.

Here is the deal (temps were measured after long periods of FarCry)(The first set was measured before the second, the PC never shut down but did reboot before each test):
At 50% Thermal Throttling (TT) the temps are as follows
44Idle - 50Load -->Crash (in Degrees C)

At Disabled TT the temps are as follows
42Idle - 47Load -->Stable (in Degrees C)

Perhaps this is explained maybe because when the CPU is slowed it's working harder? Thus making the temp rise and making it slow down more? I honeslty have no idea, but I am LOVING IT! :E :cheers:
I don't know of thermal throttling on my board or any AMD board. If it's there it is off. No need unless it runs 70C yet you don't want it to auto
Like Prescott which throttles at 74C.
I know there is a setting currently on AMD boards that will auto shut down the PC if it reaches that Temp.
Soltek 75FRN2-L

That's my board, I do have the autoshutdown enabled, but only when it rockets up to 75C. It has saved my other CPU many times especially when the heatsink jammed on top of the shim! As for thermal throttling I have that too, I set it to disabled and my system now runs more stable than it ever has. Go figure right... :p