stable system now crashing


Dec 25, 2004
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Hi I installed hl2 on xmas day and now my system that was stable crashes without warning(even when not running steam or hl2)
Ive done a virus scan etc and all seems ok
has anyone else had similar problems if so is there a cure
First time I've heard of this. Try running Ad-Aware or Spybot Search & Destroy
Ive done that as well

But I just checked my bios settings and the memory settings and lan which I had disabled had changed.Ive changed them back so I will see how it goes.shouldnt be my cmos battery as the motherboard is only 3 months old
holy crap i get that as well, i get random system restarts... totally without warning just BAM restart, and ive been getting the memory error with other programs after getting it with hl2
yes i have done memtest, no thats not the problem
There's a possibility that its power related as the temperature in the power supply rises the wattage lowers.
I had that problem with my computer a couple years has to do with your video card integration...Download the latest drivers and do a full system scan.
is ur system overclocked? if so try underclocking it, i got the same problem for awhile, fine one minute do somthing for abit, stop walk away to find its restarted itself
Its definitelt not overheating,that was one of the first things I checked its running lovely and cool
Update your BIOS.

I had problems for a while until I did this. Seems ok now.
You sure you didn't install anything else since then? Updated any drivers whatsoever (sound, etc.)? Install any windows updates? Are you sure your sister/friend/dad/dog hasn't done this on your behalf and hasn't told you? Happen just during the game, or just randomly within windows? What's running in the background?

If it keeps crashing, set up the system so that it performs a memory dump during crash.

Also try re-seating memory and component cards as they might have (albiet very VERY unlikely) shifted/loosened themselves.
At what sort of temperature do PC's usually restart from overheating?
Wen i was getting this problem system reboots, my system actually had blown one of my DIMMs on my mother board, i replced the ram in diferent slots and it works perfect.
Thanks to everyone for their help.
I have actually traced the fault to a faulty connection in the power lead as my PC died and I couldnt get it to restart then when I moved the lead power was restored.I have fitted a new cable and now its fine(fingers crossed),I had convinced myself it was to do with installing hl2 but it turned out to be purely coincidental.
Thanks again