Stage hypnotist giving a woman the orgasm of her life (wtf!?)

Haha, that was pretty funny. But yeah, maybe they just thought it was kind of awkward sitting next to a person who was experiencing that.

I can't help but wonder what the guy next to her was thinking..
Hypnotists just suggest, they cant *make* you do anything you're hellbent against normally. They just remove inhibitions.

I disagree with stage hypnotism. it's stupid... that guy's, a moron. i think thats really out of order on her, and the other people up there. they all look embarrased and shit scared he'll do it to them, i mean... its such a personal thing... ugh.
He probably asked her first. But.. .that was rather funny.
that guy sitting next to her clearly had to concentrate to keep it down, also if you drag the slider bar to the right smoothly and rapidly it looks hilarious.

not hypnotic atall, I think shes just exited by the hypnotist's unique microphone shaped penis.
oldagerocker said:
they all look embarrased and shit scared he'll do it to them, i mean... its such a personal thing... ugh.

I agree that it's wrong for him to do it if she hasn't agreed. But the other people are in hypnosis too - they are not worried or embarrassed! A hypnotist came to my school and everyone who was hypnotised was just chilling with their eyes open and looking around. I was thinking they were out of it since they had their eyes open and everything! However, hypnosis does not make you some kind of sleeping zombie. It just makes your brain react to things immediatly without analysis or judgement, which is how you dream. Basically, you are dreaming in the real world. People from our school who were hypnotised had whole conversations with the hypnotist and he made them beleive they were in commercials and in the jungle and all - it was incredible!!! He'd say something like "As you are rowing down the amazon in your boat, you spot a venomous snake on your leg!" and the hypnotised people would totally freak out and start getting out of their "boats."
I'm a hypnotist.

What hes done is very possible with hypnosis, and very fun:naughty: :naughty: :eek:

RAKUR said:

No, very possible.

My favourate is the make someone think their invisible, lawl!
I think it's fake. I think the people are only listening to what he says because they wouldn't want to mess up or ruin the show with so many people watching.
I wanna learn to hipnotize people! Women will worship me! bwahaha
jimbo118 said:
Id hit it...

I wonder why the hypnotist chose her, eh?

anyway, that video was rather... interesting. to say the least.
solaris152000 said:
Why do you think its fake?

because all hypnosis is fake. Like you could send someone into a trance just by saying a few words and waving something infront of their face. OK, maybe it's not fake as such, but I believe that the person who's being hypnotised wants to be hypnotised on a deep down level. They want to believe that it's possible. So when this guy tells them to do something they act it out. I still don't think they're in a trance or anything.
mortiz said:
Like you could send someone into a trance just by saying a few words and waving something infront of their face.

you honestly think that's how hypnotism is carried out? its much more complicated than waving an old watch in front of someones face and whispering sleep to them
The stuff you havent seen is the prehypnosis before hand.
For that level of hypnosis, it takes at least a good 10 minutes hypnosis.

If you went to see a hypnotherapist you would be there for at least an hour, theres alot more to it that just saying a few words.

No Problem:naughty: :naughty:
TheSomeone said:
Not all people can be hypnotized.

You're wrong.
I wonder what would have happened if he said, "Let's multiply this by a billion!"
She'd explode.

Shit, I'd hit it.

Notice the strategic hand placement of the guy on the right.
mortiz said:
because all hypnosis is fake. Like you could send someone into a trance just by saying a few words and waving something infront of their face. OK, maybe it's not fake as such, but I believe that the person who's being hypnotised wants to be hypnotised on a deep down level. They want to believe that it's possible. So when this guy tells them to do something they act it out. I still don't think they're in a trance or anything.
Hipnotism isn't fake, although I would be very suspicious of TV shows where they claim to hypnotyse people. There was a doctor that hypnotysed a patient for surgery instead of using anistetic and got her to hold up her hand for the entire 3 hour operation!(so if the hand fell he'd know the hypnosis was wearing off)
I wont believe in hypnotising until it happens to me..that sorta thing :p

That's a video one could get off on! I mean, all that noise she's making..

o_O what?
SimonomiS said:
Like to see him do that to a guy...
Yeah, seriously.

*guy making uncomfortable noises!*
Hypno-MAN: "Lol mess in yer pants!"
*Hypno-MAN flies away*
Borgasm guy: "DAMN YOU HYPNO-MAN!!!"

Hypno-man, ruining people's pants every day.
Erestheux said:
Yeah, seriously.

*guy making uncomfortable noises!*
Hypno-MAN: "Lol mess in yer pants!"
*Hypno-MAN flies away*
Borgasm guy: "DAMN YOU HYPNO-MAN!!!"

Hypno-man, ruining people's pants every day.
Sounds like what I do to sleeping people... :O
CyberPitz said:
Sounds like what I do to sleeping people... :O
Only sleeping people?
we're getting kinda off topic :|

I'd never heard about what hypnosis was, that thing where it sorta gets you high, or something... that makes it sound much more believeable in my book.
Que-Ever said:
we're getting kinda off topic :|
Yeah guys, wtf. We're supposed to be talking about how that woman had a f*ckin orgasm! What's WRONG with you guys?!
Paul McKenna hypnotised me once. Its the strangest experience.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Paul McKenna hypnotised me once. Its the strangest experience.

-Angry Lawyer
Are you serious!? I thought that show was bullshit, funny, but bullshit.
OCybrManO said:
"I'll have what she's having."


Couldn't watch it all atm, my mother is in the next room and she'll get suspicious / disgusted if she hears some girl moan ;O
ríomhaire said:
Are you serious!? I thought that show was bullshit, funny, but bullshit.

It's not like being controlled. It's like everything becomes really relaxed, and when the hypnotist says something, it just seems like a really good idea.

"When you wake up, you will be a washing machine".
[hmm, sounds like a good idea. Why not?]
*Becomes a Washing Machine*

He convinced my brother's father-in-law that the furniture was talking to him, and made me think I'm God's gift to women. It was pretty awesome.

-Angry Lawyer