Stage hypnotist giving a woman the orgasm of her life (wtf!?)

There was an article in new scientist that talked about surgery without anesthetics via hypnotism... was very interesting.
The last thing I remember is my mom mumbling to me...and the next thing I know, we were laying in her bed smoking cigarettes...and im only 13!! :eek:
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Suggesting something is not hypnotism. If someone is truly fully hypnotized (which is impossible) there is no need to suggest anything. You merely have to tell. The whole point of hypnotism is that there is no human will to go up against.
Well, technically there is no difference between 'telling' someone to do something and 'suggesting' it.

If I said 'go jump off a bridge' I have told you to jump off a bridge, but I have also suggested that you go jump off a bridge.

There are different levels of hypnosis (in my opinion). I would class as hypnosis anything that makes the hypnotists suggestions/commands seem more persuasive than they would under normal circumstances.

Apparently you would only class something as hypnosis when suggestions/commands become so persuasive that there is no thought to resist. I would class that as 'very deep hypnosis'. Just a differing of definitions really.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Suggesting something is not hypnotism. If someone is truly fully hypnotized (which is impossible) there is no need to suggest anything. You merely have to tell. The whole point of hypnotism is that there is no human will to go up against.
No, suggesting is not hypnotism. Hypnotism is making someone more open to suggestion, FACT. Don't argue against facts, accept them and deal with them.