STALKER Massive Movie

Guess I'll see what this is all about... and massive is right...
Wow, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (oh boy, I hate typing this name) has some badass arsenal. :D
A little poorly timed explosions though, the pig flies away half a second after the blast is gone.
Pretty nice physics too, explosion of a simple grenade was a big exaggerated (no way that it sends a pig flying that many meters) but still cool. Nice RPG animation.
A little bit lame they're still using cs sounds (like in the sept 2002 pre-pre-alpha...) but maybe it's just some freaky tribute or something, I'm sure they have their reasons.
This is just one of those games where shooting just feels RIGHT, you have those games where shooting is nothing special, it doesn't give you a rush or something, it just feels like shit (cough Far Cry cough) but this is just one of those games where you can spend hours just at some silly shooting range :LOL:
stalker..whats so great about this game

Interesting story.
Incredible scale of the world.
The total freedom.
The incredibly realistic and detailed graphics.
Superb specialFX
Physics system is top-notch.
Awesome weather effects.
Many drivable vehicles.
Very nice looking day/night transitions.
Advanced AI.

Whats not to like about Stalker?
hmm physics seem to lag..or have a delayed effect....hmm.....pretty nice graphics....u
OMG CS sounds on them!!! cs sounds on one of the snipers and m4
Pauly said:
hmm physics seem to lag..or have a delayed effect....hmm.....pretty nice graphics....u
OMG CS sounds on them!!! cs sounds on one of the snipers and m4

Oh not just that, screams in the alpha are from cs, ambient sounds are from cs, pretty much everything is from cs. (NO i'm not judging a game of it's leak, but just wondering what's up with that since they're still using them)
Pauly said:
hmm physics seem to lag..or have a delayed effect....hmm.....pretty nice graphics....u
OMG CS sounds on them!!! cs sounds on one of the snipers and m4

Pauly. I think its called Realistic Physics or Timing Physics :D
shotgun is from CS too! and few others! i smell lawsuit
Hah... kinda neat I guess... not like we haven't seen physics before, though...
G0rgon said:
Pauly. I think its called Realistic Physics or Timing Physics :D

I don't really see what you mean with that? I also saw that stuff only reacted to the explosion a short time after it, but it's the same with normal gunfire (especially the shotgun, the rest you don't really notice)
And yeah, it was just probably an artifact caused by recording or by malfunctioning playback (Half-Life 2 e3 video's)
those weather effects were neat...the sky changes from day to cloudy to sunset...very cool
The thing I found most interesting in this video was the inventory screen. Very RPG-ish, very cool.
downloading now. I don't like the sound of CS sound effects in STALKER (no pun intended).
How can anyone say there using CS sounds? Have u ever set and thought that CS used real weapons sound. Because I downloaded the video and the sounds sound life like. Maybe u should go out and get a better sound card.
Apollo 13 said:
How can anyone say there using CS sounds? Have u ever set and thought that CS used real weapons sound. Because I downloaded the video and the sounds sound life like. Maybe u should go out and get a better sound card.

Dude, they are EXACTLY the same. And if my soundcard was unable to correctly process an .avi I would have bought a new one months ago.
And besides, it doesn't matter the sounds are the same, I just wonder why they haven't changed the sounds since the pre-alpha at all?

The latest screenshot.

and the release date is

Since the games developers conference RGDC, a.k.a. KRI, in Moscow, rumours about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. being released on 09-26-04 spread in the Russian community. In contrast to other fansites we do not report about every little mention of the release date on for instance online games stores as they are mostly wrong and lead to confusions in the community. The developers and THQ have told us when to approximately expect the release and we should stick to that albeit that it may change.
After the rumours spread, we contacted the head-quarters of THQ USA und they confirmed that these were in case just rumours. It is very difficult to talk about an exact date of release at the moment, because of the stage the game is at. The guys at GSC are working very hard to offer a top quality product. Therefore, only a time-frame can be stated in which the game is supposed to be due. The time-frame is the fiscal year of THQ which goes from March 2004 to March 2005. GSC has this time-frame at their disposal and they can decide when they believe the game to be ready to be released. It is worthless to discuss and speculate as we are not yet ready to talk about exact dates. We should make do with these information that are given.

Source : oblivation lost
I agree with PvtRyan, the shotgun and M16 and a couple others sound almost identical...maybe they used those sounds as placeholders because their are currently/not yet working on all the weapon sounds
It was pretty cool.... I like the RPG setup.
I thought that the shadows would change with the sun but they don't.
The thing that bothers me, though, is that this is supposed to be an RPG game and that is supposed to mean lots of cool settings, characters and sub-plots. None of their videos so far have even hinted at anything like that. I hope they are doing the same thing Valve is doing with MP.
they record the real sound of weapons, then put it in the game.

HL2 vids got some delay too. u know stuff breaking before the crowbar hits it. but is not like that in game.

about western weaponsounds m16 etc: GSC are going to the US to record gun sounds there. if they havent already done it. :sniper:

cool that you have to eat, drink and sleep. do weapon maintainance or it will jam, weather affects you, cars have limited amounts of fuel, buy and sell stuff, day turns to night, night turns to day and on and on. this game will be spectacular. 70 - 100 hours of gameplay. 8 different endings. :angel:
there was NO m16 in the video. that is a shitty plastic weapon anyway
Pendragon said:
Physics lag: probably from the fact that it was recording, as were the artifacts and inconsistencies in the HL2 E3.
Video: generally cool, but not particularly impressive.

I have to agree with Pendragon. its really pretty, and will probably have a fantastic story, but i guess HL2's built up reputation shadows even the nicest looking games
Styloid said:
I thought that the shadows would change with the sun but they don't.

They do in the earlier video's I think.
There aren't any mirrors for the movie there... got any other links?
Huh 120mb for a 2.5 minute video? Is it worth it?
The 800x600 res is the reason for the measely 2.25 seconds per meg. The clip to watch for the day/night and weather effects in STALKER is 'Another Day in the Zone' (that's not the filename though) -- weighs in at 86megs and is around 4min long.

Overall this one is just an awesome clip -- loved the way the grenades bounced around as randomly as a rugby ball... the inventory screen showing the addition of suppressors, sights, GL's, etc.

I think the delay in some of the pigs' responses to the explosions could be due to the distance between them and the point of impact. Then again it could be that a slight delay is realistic and our expectation of bodies instantly flying away (brought about by years of playing those brayne-deadening violent computer games) is wrong. Who knows.

The LR300 is based on the AR15 IIRC -- if they have recorded an actual one firing (which with the nature of their other attempts at realism would be a given) it will sound close enough to CS's M4. That RPG7 looks absolutely bad-ass -- can't wait to try it out on a horde of rats in a senseless act of sheer overkill... :)
Lol, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks like it runs terribly even on the developer's computers! It looks so laggy in that video. I hope the CS sounds are place-holders, I hated the stock CS sounds.
That video is only running at 20 FPS. That's no reflection of what FPS the game was running at on that computer.

I like that little feature of adding stuff to guns. It's been done before but Stalker is taking it too a whole new level of interactivity. Smashdingaoffffaaa!!!
Moto-x_Pat said:
Lol, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks like it runs terribly even on the developer's computers! It looks so laggy in that video. I hope the CS sounds are place-holders, I hated the stock CS sounds.

Actually, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. runs great on even older pc's. Eventhough the leak had a lot of stuff that had to be added (physics, AI, pixel shaders), it ran a nice 100+ fps on a Ti4200.
I think S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is gonna run the best of all next gen fps's.
Weapons-Movie not official! 04.Mar.2004

As THQ told us, the movie that was released yesterday is not official. Neither THQ, nor GSC approved it for the internet. Besides it does not represent the current code.
So do not feel disappointed if things do not look natural here and there, it is only a small tech-demo that has already become old!
Ah well... still, if they do get around to releasing an official demo, that cool little area with a table full of guns and ammo would be what I'd want to check the game out with... :cat:

Kinda picking up a slight Fallout ambience to the whole game now too. Wonder if we'll be able to find Sulik's sister in the Zone? :thumbs:
PvtRyan said:
This is just one of those games where shooting just feels RIGHT, you have those games where shooting is nothing special, it doesn't give you a rush or something, it just feels like shit (cough Far Cry cough) but this is just one of those games where you can spend hours just at some silly shooting range :LOL:

Yeah i got that feeling from watching the ragdoll physics video, the game looks very cool now, great physics too, best physics i've seen (Next to HL2), shits all over anything i've seen from Far Cry or Doom 3, physics-wise

Edit: Just watched the Doom3 E3 trailer again, STALKER is probably on par with Doom 3, physics wise