Stalker physics video

That's ten minutes of my life I'll never get back. In what insane fantasy world does that look as good as HL2? It doesn't look bad, not by any means, but it certainly doesn't look as well put together as some of the better bits of the leaked copy..... I hear.
yeh Stalker is really shaping up into something cool..

tracking down mutants and fellow hunters around a derelict chernobyl.. nice! :)
IMO, the ragdolls look a bit stiff (not to mention the models look strange). Although I don't think you could have that many ragdolls being used at the same time in Half-Life 2. You would most likely experience alot of slowdown.
Stalker looks awesome, imo better than hl2. Pitty they don't have the fanbase or mod support that hl2 has.
The graphics look pretty tight, a little more realistic than HL2, not so comic bookish. I wouldn't say the physics had anything on HL2 just based on that though.

Rag-doll physics is cool and more realistic than animated deaths, but I don't like the way everyone goes completely limp when they're killed in either game. They should do things like grab their gut, spasm a little, or flail their arms and legs while falling, all while the rest of their body is being manipulated by the rag-doll physics.
Half Life 2 and Stalker have both a very realistic look, Doom3 has this plastic look. That's not bad because I love the way Doom3 looks and I will defeinitely buy all those games, because they are looking great and they should be fun to play as well.

HL2 is better...

Highlight the smile in my post to see my anger.
Ragdoll looks pretty OK, but the vehicle physics (another movie) look not so good at all.
Stalker will be great though.
Originally posted by un0x
nice... is this game also pro-ati?

nope, this one is pro NVIDIA, well at least NVIDIA took it for benchmarking the FX5900. But if the game uses Pixel Shader 2.0 ATI will be faster.
I think STALKER looks pretty good , and I'd wished i could like it more, but the main things that are bugging me is that the game's using weapon sounds from CounterStrike, and they show off the physics like they're revolutionary, but indeed they're a lil' too fast and "comic-like" and not quite as realistic as HL2, the only thing that impressed me was the dying guy who crawled down a stair. The graphics are quite astonishing outdoors and the characters are really cool , but the 1st-person weapons (especially the sniper rifle) looked a little unrealistic and too short. The characters runned a little unrealistic as well.

If anyone can, PLEASE tell me other features of the game that will be really cool, I have so much sympathy for this game .. I just read an article about the game developing environment in Russia, you can't guess how bad it is there. These guys are so ambitious and hardworking and I hope the game will be really cool... But these small features are bugging me so much.. I'd like to have some more information about the game , if someone that's looking forward to this game could tell me some more about it.. ;) I know i'm a sensitive guy , that's just it..
Yeah I'm an advocate for stalker, I think it will be a much tighter game than HL2. What impresses me about it is the sheer size and detail of some of the levels, and the material lighting shown in the movie, looks better. Admittedly the game lacks the material physics of HL2 and the player models aren't anywhere as good, but then again neither does Doom 3 . Also I agree with iamironsam about the ragdoll. I think a decent game should combine ragdoll with death animations (Call of duty seems to do this). The guys when they die seem to drop like stones.
I think Stalker will kick HL's ass. The story is self-evolving. That means that at the beginning there is a certain situation which defines the further progress of the game. From then on, everything is up to the AI (and what I gathered from different game previews (textwise), the AI is "mind-boggingly" ;) good!). As for the weapon models and player models, I couldn't care less as long as the environment graphics are as beautiful and detailed as in some screenshots on the page over there (have a look at the more recent ones, they are absolutely amazing). Nevertheless, the models are still pre-alpha state. They intend to release the game in summer 2004 (that's rather Winter 2004, ifyaknowwhatImean), so it's nothing definitive yet.

Have a look at the story, the forums AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE FAQ (read it, thoroughly, it's worth it!!!).

Sorry, I got a bit out there, but I'm quite fascinated by the idea of this game. As for HL2, I'm a little bit disappointed that the whole Black Mesa idea got lost. I loved the maps in HL 1...the most.
Really, really looks cool.
Finally a new feature which has to be up in any new game.
Physiks are cool...

Edit : now after 4 times watching, I think these guys die a bit too fast.
It looks a bit as they are already dead for a while when they get hit...
Yes, like sandbags.
Don't HL2 and stalker both use HAVOK?

Surely the physics would be similar then?
Too bad its not coming out till next JUNE!!!! *By ebgames*. Thats way too long. Looks good , but its too far off.
Well if it's june next year that should give the stalker guys plenty of time to refine it. I think the game will play a lot more like System Shock 2 than Halflife or Doom (you even get hungry in Stalker), I expect it to be a creepy assed game. A lot really depends on how well the game translates, but the development team are pretty dedicated, they actually visited the chernobyl site and soaked up a few gamma rays in order to get a feel for the place (crazy russian bastards).
What I like about stalker's physics so far is that ulike in HL2, the arms and legs don't twist around in an unrealistic way.

Both of them will be cool games.
They think about letting the original russian voices in order to get the authentic feeling. Just text for the other Languages.
Originally posted by Zebra
They think about letting the original russian voices in order to get the authentic feeling. Just text for the other Languages.

Thats what Republic: The Revolution did.