STALKER: To Do / Not to do

X16? Is that the first or second lab? I remember shitting myself in the first one, the second one was alright though.

Second one, X18 was scary too though! All those things flying at you!
Ah, I wouldn't worry too much then. From what I can remember X16 is mainly full of mindless zombies. a few suprises.. ;)
In the second lab, I forgot the name, there was the one where you were sneaking down the stairs, and you hearing something clattering, like a falling manhole cover. It is genuinely the only thing that made me jump in my chair in a video game ever. Everything is dead quiet, you're crouch-walking, not wanting to wake anything up then bang! Cheesy scare tactic, but it scared the bejeesus out of me
The bleed less artifacts are bugged if you haven't updated to 1.0003... you bleed more with them equipped.

The bug has a positive side however... artifacts that are supposed to cause you to bleed more actually cause you to bleed less, giving them two positive effects!

Green science suit + vintar + ft200m for the win! Just pick up the weapon + ammo du jour if you run out of ammo for your good guns and drop/sell the temporary guns when you restock. The seva suit is the coolest looking, but it is less effective than the green science suit and costs much more :(
download the latest faicakes or however its spelled mod, off of the stalker filefront site.

it add sooooooo goddamn much to the game. Also try to find this artifact mod, totally rebalances what that artifacts do with larger penalties for greater rewards, and makes some of the useless but expensive sell away types of artifacts more powerful.

witht he modded artifacts, with an exosuit 1 urchin and 4 of those spring type artifacts for example, you can be nearly bullet proof, until the rads slowly start to outdo the urchin's ability to remove them. and you still bleed on some hits from rifle rounds. Its cheap and gamebreaking, but damn is it fun to try.
I'm taking my time . . .right now I have some American-looking rifle (301?) & attached a silencer, scope, and grenade launcher on it.

This game is 20x better once you start getting weapons that can actually hit something.
My Advice:

- Do everything related to the Strelok storyline. Failure to do so will net you a bad ending (though, I find them entertaining, heheh) and prevent you from finding out information on the story, who you are, etc.

- Do not enter the Chernobyl NPP if you are not absolutely ready. After that it's all fighting and there's no way back. The only suits you'll find are Exo's and they have shitty Rad protection. Bring lots of bullets, a good gun, and if the space can be spaced for a spare suit, bring it. Drop anything non-critical to your survival. Stalker is not Morrowind or Oblivion, when you finish, the credits roll and that's it.

- Replay multiple times. See all the endings, even the bad ones.

- Pistols are worthless. Don't bother with them unless you have to. The RPG and hand grenades are pretty worthless as well. Get a pair of rifles with different calibers and make sure one has a grenade launcher. Get greandes for that. My personal favorite combo is the Tunder and GP 37, since the GP makes a good long-range combat to mid-range combat rifle, and the Tunder absolutely excells in close-quarters. The thing will chew through an exosuit like no body's business.

- The Knife is more useful than it looks. Some opponents have high bullet defense but low rupture defense. FMJ rounds will bounce off a bloodsucker, but a knife will gut the ****er. Though, I prefer giving them a facefull of Tunder rounds.
Have they fixed the slowdown issue and CTD's yet?
Like Halflife 2 when it was released, the bugs killed any replay value for me.
After reformatting my computer I'm just waiting on the download to load it up with some of the new mods, already have a few things I'll do differently plot-wise.

Mods I'm going to try are Redux, and if that is good, try it with Alive also.
I just used repair mod, gear degradation mod, and the trader sells all mod. I just love that Monolith gun with the built in silencer. Especially the modded one that allows for a scope.
Critical mods for me are:

Armor Degradation - Armor degrades half as fast. I like that the armor gets damaged, but I think the devs were a little overzealous with the damage ratio.

Fair Trade - Lots more gear than normal at traders, but items are spread throughout the zone traders instead of having every single thing at every trader. Science Lab has lots of anti-rads and medkits cheap and the gauss gun, freedom base has mostly weapons and armor, etc.

Repair Mod - Lets you repair armor and weapons for a percentage of the original cost.

Endurance mod - Carry more. Without vehicles or a bike its too much of a PITA to carry all the gear out for sale because you have to make many trips. Boring!

Viper to Slot 1 - Lets you cram the Viper into the pistol slot. I keep the modified 9x18 + silencer viper around as a last resort weapon.