
  • Thread starter Thread starter GOoch
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Just haveing a look through the Stalker website and came across the screen shots. This game imo is the only thing that comes close to HL2..
But i noticed one thing with the weapon modles, The artist whos done them must be left handed because the modles are held in the right hand but the shell Ejection port is towards your towards your face.
Basicley means when you fire you get hot Brass shoved in your face.
God im bored :(
Wow, the trees and grass look amazing in that game. I hope HL2 will be able to do it as well as Stalker.
I don't really give a shit about fancy graphix. I know HL2 is gonna be the best gaming experience.
Yeah everyone says that but nice graphics add a lot to the game. It makes it feel so much better. If HL2 look like Wolfenstien or something, but still had all the nice physics it would be pretty crappy.
ummm maybe because its a german game and that most german and alot of german weps are for leftys. I have 4 HK G3A3 and mp5s and all are for leftys.
What's so great about it except for the graphics and the oversized hands?
I think it looks like a good game, but seeing HL2 has eclipsed it slightly. Whats that about oversized hands? They look fine to me. Maybe your hands are smmal.
the story man!.. the story.. STALKER is the only game IMO that can compete with Half-Life² and i even think that STALKERS story will be better
I thougth it was good. Dont get me wrong, but whether its better than Hl2 i dont know. Nobody knows the story of Hl2, only whats gone on before.
okey true. but I still think HL² wont be able to top STALKER's story

but it would be great if it would!
the story man!.. the story.. STALKER is the only game IMO that can compete with Half-Life² and i even think that STALKERS story will be better

Yea me to i thought that but i love HL/HL2 but im still getting Stalker. :)
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
To be honest i hadnt heard of it till now.

me either..... until you guys started raving about it.... good old stealth hits :) thanks.... :)
and its massivly un-exposed :).... even better.... but Ill have to see which 1 wins on release.... since you know a lot about this, EVIL can you give me an ETA?

ETA.. = Environmental Transport Association ?
Originally posted by EVIL
ETA.. = Environmental Transport Association ?

(note I don't see any irony in your post)

Estimated Time At

They expect this game to be release in christmas. a couple months later then HL²
Thanks EVIL :cheers:

errrm, do you mind me asking how you found this gem... cos I havn't seen it before in mags
I saw an interview for it on VE and though hmm this is looking nice, So ive been following it for a while just thought id put up a thread about it and see what people thought.
They wont support the mod community tho, they will only release a map editor. ;)
They wont support the mod community tho

Not sure bout that m8 has that acctualy been said.?
They have all the editors etc. but they are not sure yet if they will ship it with the game.
The biggest thing that will spoil this game (and maybe the only) is that it might be a "Nvidia, the way it's meant to be played" game. *vomit*
"Nvidia, the way it's meant to be played" game...?
That means what.? You cant play the game without an Nvidia card.? i cant see that happening realy.?
me neither. oke it is a dream for graphic engine coders to code for only 1 graphicard because its way faster. but that is not the situation and you cant just abbandon the ATI users.
they would lose far to many sales if they only coded for one CARD manufacturer.
I don't think Stalker has a story.. just a plot and then you do what you like.
Its still going to be a game to have along with HL2/ TF2 (Cough cough) Doom 3.....
Originally posted by Styloid
I don't think Stalker has a story.. just a plot and then you do what you like.

Stalker HAS a story and 16 plots from what I heard.
Originally posted by GOoch
"Nvidia, the way it's meant to be played" game...?
That means what.? You cant play the game without an Nvidia card.? i cant see that happening realy.?

Such games tend to run badly or have more errors with ATI cards then with a Nvidia card. I'm not saying all of them do, but I must say that that's the case for some games.
Originally posted by EVIL
me neither. oke it is a dream for graphic engine coders to code for only 1 graphicard because its way faster. but that is not the situation and you cant just abbandon the ATI users.

coding for one card doesn't make things much faster because all the cards use the DX9 instruction set aswell as opengl etc.
what it does mean is that its a bit harder to ensure compatability and mainly you cant impliment as many avancements because you have to code for the middle ground. With the new nVidia cards having higher defenition colours and otehr enhancements... thse cannot really be implimented because the ATi cards wont like running it.
thats what John Carmacks been saying in the interviews hes had about the Doom3 engine anyhow.

Originally posted by GOoch
They wont support the mod community tho

Not sure bout that m8 has that acctualy been said.?

they proabably wont release anything for sure but the Map editor..because they want to sell the license for the engine.

I talked to Oleg. Their PR person, he said they are still discussing but most likely it wont happen.