


Valve will probably include stalkers in HL2 aftermath (I'm suprised they didn't let you fight them in HL2). Based upon what I saw in HL2 I really can't see how these guys could damage you. They have stick-like arms and no visible claws like headcrab zombies. Also, how are they going to be fast? Their legs are also sticks. The internal organs of these things are suppost to be fluids. I can't really see how these things would be much more than crappy headcrab zombies, unless Valve makes them like the fast zombies (*gulp*).
i agree. who said the stalkers would attack anyway? if they do, i dont see how they could possibly be a challenge. they seem slow and lunky and look like complete pushovers. they're all skinny and weakly. it looks like one swipe of the crowbar could obliterate them.
If you spawn one in a normal part of a map somewhere and get in it's face, you'll get its attention and it'll shoot a laser out of it's feet at you. Pretty weird, since they don't do anything with their feet and there isn't an obvious laser cannon.
It is supposed to look like it is coming from thier eyes when you are flying above them.
They are supposedly joining the resistance in aftermath. I doubt they will use that laser attck, so how do they attack? Biting? :p
fenner said:
They are supposedly joining the resistance in aftermath. I doubt they will use that laser attck, so how do they attack? Biting? :p
No, they drool so you slip and fall and bang your head on the ground when you walk past them.
The Controllers looked like they couldn't do anything, either. And look what happens, they use brain power. :) Maybe the stalkers use brain power?
Hmmm. When you passed one on those little transporters, it look pretty vicious. Nothing that a shotgun blast to the face won't fix!
They'll use the laser.

They will probably be annoying, darting around shooting lasers at you and screeching and what-not.
Or just yell at you to leave them alone. Then you beat them down. :)
Or perhaps you run across one, and it looks at you and walks forward a bit, and whether or not you shoot it determines how the others treat you.
The only reason the laser came from the feet is because the model neglected to use an attachment point for it to bind to. It's also missing a lot of animations.

-Angry Lawyer
my guess is that they won't do anything really unless you get real close and start pissing them off. then i think they'll just try to slap you with their flappy arms or something but wont even cause musch damage at all before you turn them into mush. at least, thats what they look like they would do.
Why would they fight you in the first place...their slaves whose master has been killed by you. They should be thanking you like the Vortigraunts.
gabriel said:
i agree. who said the stalkers would attack anyway? if they do, i dont see how they could possibly be a challenge. they seem slow and lunky and look like complete pushovers. they're all skinny and weakly. it looks like one swipe of the crowbar could obliterate them.

They have those cool laser cutters on there arms for welding
DoctorWeeTodd said:
Why would they fight you in the first place...their slaves whose master has been killed by you. They should be thanking you like the Vortigraunts.

My guess is that they have been turned into mindless droids. If you did fight them they'd probably attack like headcrab zombies (ie ignoring dangers between you and them such as fires, ect.)
I can't kill a stalker, there's too helpless (PS I can kill stalkers without crash)
So can I, because I manually fixed the model for my mod. After I get the attack animations looking right, perhaps I'll release the changed model for the public.

Stalkers are lobotomised. They're probably too stupid to know the difference between an ally and an enemy.

-Angry Lawyer
What about the one you see stuggeling and banging its head. Probably just itchy.
We can both kill stalkers, coincedence? I think so.
Think of them as retarted people with lasers. Not a great combination...

Mr_Fofo said:
Think of them as retarted people with lasers. Not a great combination...

Ha! I'd like to see them "freed" like the vortigaunts when the Nihilanth died. Although they wouldn't be fast, I didn't think of the torch on some of their arms. They'll probably be cannon fodder, though.
Their laser attack when you spawn them is a grenade trail, be more observant.
Adabiviak said:
Ha! I'd like to see them "freed" like the vortigaunts when the Nihilanth died. Although they wouldn't be fast, I didn't think of the torch on some of their arms. They'll probably be cannon fodder, though.

There's no evidence that the Vortigaunts were all freed when the Nihilanth died. Only the ones you've seen de-collared on Earth seem free willed.

-Angry Lawyer