Star Craft

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Blizzard should be thanking us, we've prolly bought more than half their products. :p
Played me many a hour of Starcraft

"where does it hurt?"

I've been a pretty big supported of Blizzard myself.
Warcraft 2 expansion
Warcraft 3
Warcraft 3 expansion
I've bought....

The Lost Vikings
Warcraft 2
Warcraft 2 BNE
Warcraft 2 Expansion *Don't remember if that came with the BNE or not..
I won't buy War3 or the expansion yet...not cheap enough *I don't like war3 obviously..*
And I refuse to get WOW.
Tee-hee-hee! You're a loser!(Props to Rimfire if he gets it)
I've bought
Diablo, Starcraft (Countless times due to disc scratches), Diablo 2/Expansion several times due to disc scratches.
Wc3 and TFT
Never played Diablo. Always wanted to, but our game store is small and doesn't stock really old games. D:
Next time I'll do this with one hand tied behind my back!
Bought this game with my dorm-neighbour yesterday as he wanted a new LAN game. Hed never played it, i had.

Its still frigging awesome, even if it is 9 years old now (ish).