Star of "High School Musical" sacked for leaked nekkid photos

are you thinking of digimon again?


There, cleared your f***ing mind for ya :D

Disney is so predictable :|

You fool, you MEGADIGIVOLVE to WarGreymon. No, wait, you WARP-DIGIVOLVE.

...god I loved Digimon Adventures.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, naked chick. I, uh, agree with Smoke.

Seriously guys? Dont you do anything away from for computer or internet D:

I challenge you to a ritual martial arts duel at sundown. Meet me in Paris, in front of the Eiffel Tower. There, you shall witness your greatest defeat in front of the greatest French Icon ever to be sold in a scam to various metal companies.
If Disney fired her, that would actually be a bit shit.


she can sing me all the time
Ah man thats the kid-friendly pic! I found the NC-17 one, and I gotta say, Ive never watched Disney so much in my life as I have the past 24 hours!
Im no worse than most of the people in this thread...hell, Im better than some *cough*Red*cough*
less than 2 hours after being uploaded, the girl was fired by top Disney execs.
Serves her right.

So what your saying is that Disney got hold of these shots of her, and they actually looked at them, those sick ****s...
9/11, iraq, global warming, and NOW THIS?! FFS
Disney didn't fire her, I don't know where OP got that from.

Where're the pics?
yeah where are the pics?

pics or it didn't happen. (can't believe it's page 4 allready before someone states the obvious)
She looks sexier with those clothes on than off.

I dunno, if I have to decide between a woman wearing sexy clothing vs nudity or partial nudity, on a "hot" factor I'd take the woman with sexy clothing any day of the week.

There's just something so final about nudity. With clothing it can constantly change and excite in new ways. heh heh.
She looks sexier with those clothes on than off.

I dunno, if I have to decide between a woman wearing sexy clothing vs nudity or partial nudity, on a "hot" factor I'd take the woman with sexy clothing any day of the week.

There's just something so final about nudity. With clothing it can constantly change and excite in new ways. heh heh.

Agreed. That's why I like lingerie pics or swim suit pics more. (at some times, anyways :naughty: )
Eh, that's not that great

But still fap material.
Disney didn't fire her, I don't know where OP got that from.

Where're the pics?

The news source I got it from said she had been fired. But I posted this thread only a couple of hours after all these rumours had got out so a lot of it was probably just that - rumours.
I'm sure there's a few kids out there that are devastated that their star crush took a picture of herself naked and it somehow got onto the internet.

I'm also sure there are a few kids out who have a crush on her that are gonna have really sore wrists for the next week or so.
She looks sexier with those clothes on than off.

I dunno, if I have to decide between a woman wearing sexy clothing vs nudity or partial nudity, on a "hot" factor I'd take the woman with sexy clothing any day of the week.

There's just something so final about nudity. With clothing it can constantly change and excite in new ways. heh heh.

That's when you're watching pictures of woman. When you're facing the reality, then it changes.