star wars battlefront 2


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
anyone else play/have this..I never played the first SW battlefront but Im loving this game (battlefront 2)..
I rented it for the xbox and it doesn't seem very fluent. It seems like a kids star wars version of BF2 and was low budget. The AI also blows hard core as they either do nothing or shoot at you and miss until they get really close or you stand still.

The game is pretty easy to play, people move slow enough where it isn't a problem to hit them at all and you can spam laser fire fast enough to hit anything.

Space combat blows...hard core.
Game sucks.

It's BF2, but easier and with Star Wars characters.
The only fun part is being a jedi. You kill most everyone in 1 hit except vehicles which take forever. Although you have a duration bar and you have to kill to raise it and when you get hit it diminishes. It also diminishes over time so when your near a bunch of guys you die fast.