Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Just bought this game, but i'll have to wait until thursday to play it due to lack of good graphics card. Anyway i was wondering if its any good. I know its kind of click click game but the trailer looks good. The lightsabre duels in the trailer is amazingly fast, are they in the game too ?
KoTOR is an RPG set in the Star Wars universe. I'd class it more as an action adventure, due to the fact that the combat doesn't feel turn based.

If you haven't played the first KoTOR game, then you may not enjoy this one to its full potential.

The only thing wrong with this game IMO is the poor drop in the story near the end. But give it a chance, it's great.
Love KOTOR 2...far better than the first, in my opinion. The final stages are pretty naff, but the rest is superb.
What about the music and graphics, does the music feel Star Wars and is the graphics good ?
Samon said:
Love KOTOR 2...far better than the first, in my opinion. The final stages are pretty naff, but the rest is superb.

Hell yes. I knew I wasn't the only one who thought it was better than the first.

Anyway yes, the music does feel like Star Wars and the graphics are average. I suggest playing KOTOR I first to understand the story better.
Graphics are ok, music is great. Great game overall.

Personally, I liked the first more. The twist in the middle was worth getting the game.
Meh, I wish the combat was freeform... Like Jedi Outcast / Academy.
xlucidx said:
Meh, I wish the combat was freeform... Like Jedi Outcast / Academy.
Well, thats why we have games like Outcast and Academy in the first place silly. :P
There's no feeling in this game. The first one was vastly better. The whole time I was waiting to see some old Kotor1 characters because the second one's suck.
The graphics in KOTOR 2 doesnt look as beautiful as in the first
The storyline in KOTOR 2 was fantastic, up until the end when they had to rush it out the door. Great game, but the first one was vastly better due to its sheer awesomeness and length at the time.
I like KOTOR 1 more, but that's personal preference... of course.
KOTOR 2 is good up until the end. At that point, it ruins the entire preceding experience.

The original is better. Still, it's worth a purchase if you brace yourself for the tragic disappointment that is the last 15% of the game.
The only saving throw the game makes at the end is:

Dark side, Force Crush. :D

But yes, the game lets itself down incredibly.
Kotor2 was good (not as good as the first) but only four of the characters were worth remembering (thing is two of them were from the first game) Hk-47, Canderous, Bao-dur, and kreia (I'll admitt it, I actually started to like her towards the end, still a pain in the ass though)
Could have been far better, I liked the story though and the atmosphere it created. Probably patched by now but it was buggy as hell when I played it.
I felt the KOTOR II story was deeper and the main character had a far better background and history (and original for that matter) than in the first. It was also cool how you could make his own history by answering certain dialogue. And I don't know, the end obviously was cut down in order to meet with LucasArts and their goddamn money grabbing asses, but I really liked the ambigous ending. To me, it left everything up to interperation and that's what I like. KOTOR I felt too cliche for my tastes (though I loved every minute of it, don't get me wrong). But, to me, there was something...something I still can't quite figure out that really attracts me to KOTOR II.

I hope we can all agree Kreia is the greatest Star Wars character in the whole expanded universe.
KOTOR 1 looks and sounds more epic, starwars, beautiful to me than KOTOR 2 does :I
Oh, don't get me wrong. KOTOR 2, in terms of it's plot, was amazing and a step-up from the originals (which is saying a lot since the original's was also excellent). I guess because, in large part due to Kreia, there was more of a gray area instead of simple light/dark sides. Some might find that out of place in a universe of absolutes, but I found it to be a welcome change.

It's just a shame they needed to give a hackjob ending and completely waste the potential of Darth Nihilus, perhaps one of the creepiest villains in the SW universe. Not to mention they completely disregarded all your companions for the endgame sequence. There's a team hoping to restore a lot of the cut material and I hope they succeed.

Both games, however, feel more like Star Wars than anything Lucas has done recently.
DeusExMachinia said:
I felt the KOTOR II story was deeper and the main character had a far better background and history (and original for that matter) than in the first. It was also cool how you could make his own history by answering certain dialogue. And I don't know, the end obviously was cut down in order to meet with LucasArts and their goddamn money grabbing asses, but I really liked the ambigous ending. To me, it left everything up to interperation and that's what I like. KOTOR I felt too cliche for my tastes (though I loved every minute of it, don't get me wrong). But, to me, there was something...something I still can't quite figure out that really attracts me to KOTOR II.

I hope we can all agree Kreia is the greatest Star Wars character in the whole expanded universe.
What attracted me was the atmosphere. I won't post any spoilers because people are usually too tempted to read them but I simply loved the atmosphere the whole... Situation about the main characters relation with the force and the history involved creates. I found it very interesting.
Uncovering your companions' histories was fun, and I thought it was more fleshed out than the original characters. Some had a tendency to get too whiny or overprotective, but it actually didn't bother me too much.

But damn... this topic has vividly recalled how pissed I was with the way Nihilus was handled. I don't think I'll ever get over that.
Yes, Nihilus had a lot of potential. I was expecting him to destroy me in a battle or reveal something horrible...

But, nil. I enjoyed the other Sith Lord though. He was interesting.
Sion was certainly more realized than Nihilus, but even he could had been significantly helped by some more backstory and exposition. And even though he was a neat character, I also found him to be less interesting.

Nihilus was a villain driven by instincts and needs. While that gave him power, it was also his weakness. He was a constant slave to his hunger, and I thought it was a refreshing concept to face an enemy who is both so powerful and yet so pathetic. He was an example of the dark side in extreme concentrated form.

Traya was also good, being neither light or dark, but an independent player that wished to destroy the Force altogether.

So then came Sion who was pretty much the same ol "DIE JEDI DIE" routine. IMO Nihilus should have gotten the long drawn-out battle, whereas Sion should have been more of a mid-game boss fight.

I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that a KOTOR 3 can clean up some of the mess the sequel left. And God willing, perhaps there's some way Nih can be brought back (in a non-retarded way, of course).
It'd be great if BioWare and Obsidian worked on the sequel together and LucasArts gave them all the time they needed. Then we'd have a masterpiece.