Star Wars Quiz

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Lets see how much you know...

These five should be easy.
1)Is Darth Vader Luke's daddy?
2)How old were Luke and Leia in the first movie(Episode 4: A New Hope)
3)Darth Maul has two Lightsabers...True or False?
4)Obi-Wan Is also known as Ben Kenobi, true or false?
5)Obi-Wan trained Yoda...True or False?

These next five might be harder...
6)Count Dooku trained Qui-Gon Jinn...True or False?
7)Luke Skywalker gets married eventually...true or false?
8)Count Dooku is Darth Tyrannus...True or False?
9)What Colour is the Captain Clone Trooper?
10)Clone Troopers eventually become Storm Troopers...True or False?

Last five:
11)Does Chancellor Palpatine turn the Republic into "T3h Empire" :borg: ?
12)Why does Luke Skywalker build another Lightsaber which happens to be green?
13)Who is Luuke Skywalker?
14)Which Bounty Hunter is the template for the clone army?Boba or Jango Fett
15)Nick Gillard is the "sword master" for Star Wars...True or False?

Let's see how much you guys know, feel free to ask your own questions after:D
Note:This is NOT for Trekkies :bounce:
1) Yes.
2) About 20.
3) True.
4) True.
5) False
6) True
7) False.
8) True.
9) Yellow(or red).
10) It would be logical to assume that yes.
11) True.
12) He looses his in the fight with Vader.
13) No one.
14) Jango.
15) Hell knows.

What does Vader means?
Tredoslop said:
what a hipocrate
just look at ur sig;)

nothing about starwars in there, and ummm I dunno how that ahhh got in there.....
This reminds me of that time on Late Night when Triumph went to make fun of the Star Wars geeks outside of a movie theater:

"What was Han Solo frozen in?"


"No, I'm sorry, the correct answer is: who gives a ****."
I knew most of those, who is luuke though?
These five should be easy.
1)Is Darth Vader Luke's daddy? yes
2)How old were Luke and Leia in the first movie(Episode 4: A New Hope)the woman who played leia was 19, so about that
3)Darth Maul has two Lightsabers...True or False? no, he has a double ended single saber
4)Obi-Wan Is also known as Ben Kenobi, true or false? ben, never heard him called 'ben kenobi' tho
5)Obi-Wan trained Yoda...True or False?False, Obi Wan trained Anakin

These next five might be harder...
6)Count Dooku trained Qui-Gon Jinn...True or False? Sure did
7)Luke Skywalker gets married eventually...true or false? Unknown in the movies and I'm no book worm.
8)Count Dooku is Darth Tyrannus...True or False? Tyrannus is the emperor, false.
9)What Colour is the Captain Clone Trooper? Yellow
10)Clone Troopers eventually become Storm Troopers...True or False? True

Last five:
11)Does Chancellor Palpatine turn the Republic into "T3h Empire" :borg: ? yes
12)Why does Luke Skywalker build another Lightsaber which happens to be green? Arm got cut off with the blue one attached by vader
13)Who is Luuke Skywalker? Vaders Son, Mark Hamill
14)Which Bounty Hunter is the template for the clone army?Boba or Jango FettJango
15)Nick Gillard is the "sword master" for Star Wars...True or False?True

Let's see how much you guys know, feel free to ask your own questions after:D
Note:This is NOT for Trekkies
Errr... CraigW...

Maul's lightsaber is actually two linked lightsabers.
Obi wan is called Ben Kenobi by Luke when he first encounters him.
Tyrannus is not the Emperor, Sidious is. Dooku is Tyrannus.
Tredoslop already said Luuke is a clone of Luke.

God... I feel like such a nerd. As usual.
Darth Maul's lightsaber is a normal double edged lightsaber. The only reason it became 2 was because it was sliced in 2.

Luke Skywalker marries Mara Jade in the books :cheers:

And the part about Clone Troopers becoming Storm Troopers is pretty much half half. Its pretty unknown since remnants of Clone Troopers become Storm Troopers, they hardly exsist later on in the galaxy. Those who join the Imperial academy, etc, also train to become storm troopers.

I mean what else explains alot of the Officers?? Some didn't just "become" officers, they must've started somewhere lower in rank, etc.
"Normal double edged"... actually, it was a rarity. They only seem common now because all the games ripped off the design for the coolness factor.

According to the official technical books, the two lightsabers that make up his double blade can be disengaged from each other to be used as a lightsaber pair.
EU is *NOT* canon and therefore *NOT* written in stone like the events of the movies, so **** off with all this Mara Jade shit! If Lucas makes Ep's 7, 8, 9 she probably won't be in them, if she is I stand corrected.
craigweb2k said:
EU is *NOT* canon and therefore *NOT* written in stone like the events of the movies, so **** off with all this Mara Jade shit! If Lucas makes Ep's 7, 8, 9 she probably won't be in them, if she is I stand corrected.

Hopefully he'll realize that it's best to leave the Star Wars movies where they are now and let of make up our own stories about what happens to Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca (pssst....Chewie gets killed on his homeplanet, Kashyyyk (yes, it's got 3 y's in it)) etc.
aaaah..... i hate EU.... luke never got married like ever!
...and isn't it against the Jedi Order to fall in love?
Frank said:
...and isn't it against the Jedi Order to fall in love?
Luke did a lot of things the Jedi Order would not aprove of...he started his training when he was 18-way to old for Jedi. And besides, there isn't really a council-and Luke is t3h big man o' Jedi.
More o' thy questions...

1) Is Kyle Katarn a Jedi? *
2) David Prowse gave the body for Darth Vader and James Earl Jones gave the voice...True of False?
3) What species is Darth Maul...Hint...starts with a K.
4) What colour is Luke's blade for his "new" lightsaber
5) Does this smily: :devil: remind you of Darth Maul?
*Kyle Katarn is in some of the books and video game in the SW universe, he exists and is teh c0ol!
Tredoslop said:
Luke did a lot of things the Jedi Order would not aprove of...he started his training when he was 18-way to old for Jedi. And besides, there isn't really a council-and Luke is t3h big man o' Jedi.

Leia marries Han too.... So I guess they've shoved the Jedi Order up their asses...
Frank said:
Leia marries Han too.... So I guess they've shoved the Jedi Order up their asses...
Anyways, on a different topic...the title for Episode III should begin with "A"
George Lucas' titles all sound like Radio Serials.

Original Trilogy:
Ep.4-A New Hope
Ep.5-The Empire Strikes Back
Ep.6-Return Of The Jedi
Now Let's look at the Prequel Trilogy:
Ep.1- The Phantom Menace
Ep.2-Attack Of The Clones

Answer the questions if you want or discuss the title for Ep.3 :dork:
Tredoslop said:
Anyways, on a different topic...the title for Episode III should begin with "A"
George Lucas' titles all sound like Radio Serials.

Original Trilogy:
Ep.4-A New Hope
Ep.5-The Empire Strikes Back
Ep.6-Return Of The Jedi
Now Let's look at the Prequel Trilogy:
Ep.1- The Phantom Menace
Ep.2-Attack Of The Clones

Answer the questions if you want or discuss the title for Ep.3 :dork:

I'll bet anyone the name will have "imperial" "dark or darkness" or "age" in it.
True(Mara Jade son Ben)
Most likely
He loses it when his daddy beats him to death:p(when he loses his hand on Bespin)
Skywalker's clone(In the Last Command)
Who knows?
I mean seriously... if you're going to clone somebody, do you just add another vowel to their name?

that's lame.
Tredoslop said:
Luke did a lot of things the Jedi Order would not aprove of...he started his training when he was 18-way to old for Jedi. And besides, there isn't really a council-and Luke is t3h big man o' Jedi.
More o' thy questions...

1) Is Kyle Katarn a Jedi? *
2) David Prowse gave the body for Darth Vader and James Earl Jones gave the voice...True of False?
3) What species is Darth Maul...Hint...starts with a K.
4) What colour is Luke's blade for his "new" lightsaber
5) Does this smily: :devil: remind you of Darth Maul?
*Kyle Katarn is in some of the books and video game in the SW universe, he exists and is teh c0ol!

1. He was in Jedi Outcast / Academy.
2. Correct
3. No idea.
4. Green (if new = his second).
5. The red face yes indeedy.

Edit: is anyone else a Hyperspace memeber? I have been for a few days and it really feels that they 'pad' that section out to give you the impression you get 'value for money'

Edit 2: More questions.

1. What planet do the jedi and cenate operate from?
2. Where in Star Wars has there been a family of E.T.s (onscreen I might add)?
3. Where is Queen Amidala from?
4. She's hot isnt she?
5. Wasn't Leia's thong just the business?
6. Weren't Episode 1 & 2 just sub-standard?
1. Coruscant.
2. Every movie. Especially in the "Deleted Scenes" of Episode 1. Just because they're aliens doesn't mean that the people walking around in the crowd scenes can't be family groups...
3. Naboo.
4. Meh.
5. Yup.
6. One was, two was Okay.
1. Who is Grand Admiral Thrawn?
2. Does Chewbacca die? If so, when?
ray_MAN said:
2. Does Chewbacca die? If so, when?

He gets killed...oh yes indeed! Gather around all I'll tell you a tale...

At the start of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Han Solo and Chewbacca were on the planet of Sernpidal when it became a target of the alien menace. Using massive gravity-altering creatures called dovin basals, the Yuuzhan Vong began to drag Serpidal's moon of Dobido from its orbit to the planet's surface. Han Solo, his son Anakin, and Chewbacca began organizing a desperate evacuation, cramming as many escapees aboard the Falcon as they could. Solo and Chewbacca have had many close calls in the past, and have executed countless last-second escapes. Sernpidal was not to be one of them. As the moon rushed closer to the surface, Chewbacca was cut off from the Falcon. Anakin was faced with a terrible decision. The Falcon could not wait any longer. Rather than endanger everyone aboard, Anakin piloted the ship away, leaving Chewbacca behind. Chewbacca stood his ground, howling defiantly at the immense moon as it crashed into Sernpidal's surface, killing the mighty Wookiee instantly.