Star Wars: Republic Commando Demo Thoughts


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
I just finished the Republic Commando demo form lucas arts. Nice way to end it too, I really wanted a peice of those suckers.

Any way, here were my thoughts. Imagine, if you took the view from Metroid prime, the health system and weapon feel from Halo, the grittyness of Half-Life 2, and squad based fighting a la full spectrum warrior (but simplified and much easier to use) all rolled into one with the story of star wars (more specifically, from the end of ep. 2 leading up to a little bit into ep. 3)

and you get:

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Now, I'm no star wars fan, infact I especially hate the new ones, but this is a damn good game and I want more than the demo gives me.

I can already tell multiplayer in this game is going to be like a serious, squad action halo, unfortunately they didnt include the multiplayer as part of the demo.

If they had, I wouldnt be writing this.

Any of you played it? Your thoughts on it?
I liked it...
But you don't walk very fast which is a bit annoying...
true, but i think it borrows that from the halo series... in which you move very, very slowly
I'm downloading now, 36% complete. I definately won't buy it but It'll entertain me for a few hours ;) From what you said above it seems like it combines features from the top shooters from the PC, PS2, Gamecube and Xbox... That can't be bad, right?
it was too 'kiddy' for me.

I like games with more puzzle to them.
seemed like a very average fps to me
far too linear and repetitive
B_MAN said:
seemed like a very average fps to me
far too linear and repetitive

same here. I also found it too console-ish.
I thought it was dull. There wasn't enough strategy or even much space or many objects to really take advantage of (and the level wasn't much to speak of either: plain sci-fi building with bad guys arbitrarily thrown at the player). Added to that, the AI wasn't very good and the actual command of team mates is kind of simplistic and doesn't open up too many possibilities. Combat I found to be about as good as an average FPS but the scripted events and linearity, which work well with narrative driven FPS's (HL2, D3, H2, etc), were out of place in a 'tactical' game; especially one that (I assume) is mainly about jumping around the galaxy with no real lingering characters or plot. Overall I just thought this demo didn't show any focus on being tactical but rather was just another FPS with a few team commands.
Boring, bland and uninspired console crap.

This game's demographic: Need for Speed: Underground/Call of Duty fans - people who enjoy graphics over substance.

The problem is people will buy it, and another version of this average sheep's bollocks will be out next year.
alot of good/popular games in there, not including the classics.
I think that most of the lucasarts classics were the best ones. There's way more bad games now by them then there was.
I liked it alot, linear/movie-like games are very underestimated in my opinion.
Average FPS all-round. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing special about it. With that said it was pretty fun
Haha that's a great cartoon.

I never meant to imply that its the best FPS ever. I think it's a solid shooter and worth the money, if not just for something to do.

Yes, it is very linear, but when did that become a bad thing? Sure, you get some great non-linear games, and thought it may not prove to have the greatest replay value, it's still good for a run through.

As for the demo, i assumed it wasn't as good as different points in the game, rather than something simple to let you try things out and get the feel for it, in demo fashion.

It takes elements from all of the best fps and puts them together in a solid shooter, that, no it isn't perfect, plays fun and you dont have to be insane about it to enjoy to its fullest.

Also, I swear the multiplayer is going to kick ass. It may be no halo, counterstrike, or if throwing digital toilets is your thing, then hl2dm, it looking to be worth a play.