Star Wars Wii game "We are looking into it"

May 24, 2003
Reaction score

Obviously not confirmed but by the sounds of it they are most certainly going to start making one. No surprise really, but still something to make me drool over. :D

At the end of the demonstration questions were raised about the possibility of such a game, garnering knowing smiles from the room of LucasArts employees. Comments of "We are looking into it" were heard from members of their staff as ideas for the game were discussed among the people in the room.
No supirse that they are looking into it - I think they've milked every possible idea for a game over the last 10 years or so.
Join me, and together we can rule the universe as father and son...

*clenches fist*
I hereby pledge that if LucasArts announce a game not based on Star Wars in any way, shape or form within the next year, I will boldly stride through the streets of London stark bollock naked with the words "I was wrong. Please forgive me, George" tattooed on my chest and back.*

*el Chi reserves the right to wave this pledge.
A star wars Wii that would be awsome controlling a lightsaber with the Wii controller...would look retarded using it, but still fun :D
I read in a game magazine somewhere around the time the Dreamcast was selling consoles and it was a LucasArts Star Wars game and the review scored about a 4 out of 10 or less, I can't remember, but the reviewer in the magazine said something like, "George Lucas, have you no soul?" I wholeheartedly agree with that reviewer. How can anyone get excited about a company that releases games that score a 4 out of 10. Thats just dishonest in my opinion. People buy a game with the assumption that they will be entertained.

You can't help but imagine the possibilities of a light-saber fight using the wiimote and starting to think thats a great idea, and then remembering that it will suck shit because LucasArts will be behind it.

We need one or two more volunteers to bash LucasArts into oblivion and then a couple of, "But I liked that one game" Well? They release like 4 star wars games every year, so every 10 years you are bound to get a couple right.

Games that score a 6 or less don't even show up on my radar. These games are for the lemmings. Inform yourself before buying games. I feel for you if you don't.

I still have hopes that they may one day use the force for good.
Nid Banikeri said:
A star wars Wii that would be awsome controlling a lightsaber with the Wii controller...would look retarded using it, but still fun :D
heh, just don't video tape yourself and let your "friends" leak it onto the internet and you should be fine. :P
You know how this would be a huge, mega-guaranteed success?

If Lucas and Nintendo market and sell a lightsabre-shaped addon for the Wiimote.

You just know you'd buy it.
I'd even make the sounds with my mouth.
