Starcraft, and why it owns your cat.

I'd still be playing SC custom maps on bnet if they supported all the custom abilities that WC3 does. I am still hooked on DOTA for WC3 and just cannot get enough. Heh, they're even featured on as a featured map.

Anyways, it's amazing how Blizzard manages to make games that stand up against time so well. Look how many still play Diablo 2, WC3, and SC. Hundreds of thousands. Every Blizzard PC title has been a huge hit. Other developers should learn from them :P
15357 said:

Isn't Starcraft like a big sport like thing in Korea? TV Media everywhere while a tourny is going on..stuff like that?

I like to think of Total Annihilation right behind Starcraft in Awesomeness. And Supreme Commander is just going to probably re-juice my RTS needs. AoE3 really isn't good enough for me. \=

Not saying Supreme Commander will be BETTER than Starcraft..but it might just make ends meet ;)
Starcraft is to games, what Radiohead is to music.

Well Define Overrated? I don't see how it is Overrated. I see games coming out today with less triggering options than Starcraft. I see games coming out that arn't as fun. It's simple. Starcraft has tons of popularity because well it's just a fun game. Not only fun in how it's suppose to be played, but then add the UMS side and it can make anybody happy.

It's like Wc3. I cannot stand the base game, the storys nice though. Yet the customs are enough to give me more fun than Rome:TW, or any other RTS or basically any game...
Minerel said:
Well Define Overrated? I don't see how it is Overrated. I see games coming out today with less triggering options than Starcraft. I see games coming out that arn't as fun. It's simple. Starcraft has tons of popularity because well it's just a fun game. Not only fun in how it's suppose to be played, but then add the UMS side and it can make anybody happy.

It's like Wc3. I cannot stand the base game, the storys nice though. Yet the customs are enough to give me more fun than Rome:TW, or any other RTS or basically any game...

I never liked the regular WC3 game at all either :P Straight customs all the way.
StarCraft is teh sechs.

Speedrun for StarCraft! How cool is that!

CyberPitz said:
Why Starcraft rules. Balance. It is the most balanced game I've ever seen with more than 2 races.

Micro helps a ton. You can't just mass a bunch of one unit and expect to win. If the enemy has any inteligence, your army is dead.

Great voice acting! And the storyline was awesome.
Absinthe said:
But I have to say the main sticking point for me is non-gameplay elements. The great characters, the voice acting, and the utterly intriguing story. I think I've read the StarCraft manuals about fifty times just for the backstory. The space opera setting just feels more intricate than, say, the universes of Diablo and WarCraft. In those games it was pretty much a standard affair of good/evil, but StarCraft doesn't really go into that. It has so many shifting allegiances, "are they good or bad now?" moments with certain characters, and so forth. Arcturus Mengsk and General Duke were guys that I could never quite tell if I liked or disliked at given points throughout the timeline. And things like Samir Duran claiming to work for a higher power that has existed for many millennia - hinting at a return of the Xel'Naga - gives me goosebumps.
This is all helped tremendously by the wonderful cutscenes. A group of wise-cracking armored hicks pulling out beers from a cold-fusion bomb carrier is hilarious, and their subsequent slaughter is gruesome. And the ending video for Brood War in which Admiral DuGalle kills himself in the shame of his full retreat had an emotional impact on me like nothing else.

Did I also mention the music was great?
Both QFtmfT

I actually have all of the StarCraft music on a cd floating around here somewhere. Won't tell you where I got it from though :P. (It doesn't exist anymore so it matters not)
I could email it to you if you wanted.

I sure hope that Blizzard never makes a StarCraft MMO. StarCraft meets Savage: Battle for Newarth would be awesome!

I love my copy of StarCraft and Broodwar. I have the cd-key ingraved onto my soul.
I found the Starcraft soundtrack online a few months ago and almost cried because I'd been searching for it for like five years.

Ooooh, listening to it now... this music gives me so much nostalgia i can't explain. Playing live action starcraft in my friend's backyard when i was ten or so... around when it came out... oh sheesh
Absinthe said:
Anybody know a way to extract the SC music from the game? I want to put it on my MP3 player.
I found a whole bunch on DC. Just search for "starcraft".

Brilliant game. It's the only game that i really keep close to heart, along with Metal Gear Solid. It's much more than just fun playing. It has a good story line, captivating voice actors, and a great suspenseful soundtrack. It's very cinematic, and very much revolves around story telling rather than just a game. Thats the key to creating an experience, not just a 12 dollar piece of software that you play and then throw away..

I can't play it anymore though. The graphics are getting too outdated. It feels claustrophobic, because you can only keep your view on a very small part of the map. And you cant see too much of whats going on. I would much more enjoy a full Starcraft remake with state of the art graphics, better soundtrack and new units and so on, than an actual sequel.

I liked the kind of tragic ending so much that i'm afraid a sequel might spoil it.
Ennui said:
Ooooh, listening to it now... this music gives me so much nostalgia i can't explain. Playing live action starcraft in my friend's backyard when i was ten or so... around when it came out... oh sheesh

True story: I used to do that with a girl back when I was a wee lad. It was something me and my friends used to do (all big SC fans). Later in life, she turned hot and I had sex with her. I would like to thank StarCraft for that opportunity.

BTW have a link?
Absinthe said:
True story: I used to do that with a girl back when I was a wee lad. It was something me and my friends used to do (all big SC fans). Later in life, she turned hot and I had sex with her. I would like to thank StarCraft for that opportunity.

Best SC related story ever.
Absinthe said:
True story: I used to do that with a girl back when I was a wee lad. It was something me and my friends used to do (all big SC fans). Later in life, she turned hot and I had sex with her. I would like to thank StarCraft for that opportunity.

BTW have a link?

can't find the link btw. might be able to hook you up at some point soon though.
Ennui said:
I found the Starcraft soundtrack online a few months ago and almost cried because I'd been searching for it for like five years.

Ooooh, listening to it now... this music gives me so much nostalgia i can't explain. Playing live action starcraft in my friend's backyard when i was ten or so... around when it came out... oh sheesh
I remember doing that, except it was with myself. I'd always be the SCV starting out, then when I got around to building the barracks, I'd be a marine. after killing a few zerg, I'd be granted either a flamethrower, or a cool hover bike. Depending on the enemy I was fighting *I made campaigns outside :(* I'd pick. And I'd only go up from there.
Minerel said:
Anyway, Starcraft wasn't a "Revolution" But rather took the RTS bar, shoved it up the other RTS's asses, and said "I am the bar ****ers".
No one has touched that bar today.

so your saying starcraft likes screaming profanities while shoving itself up others asses. no wonder noone wants to touch the bar.
CyberPitz said:
Isn't Starcraft like a big sport like thing in Korea? TV Media everywhere while a tourny is going on..stuff like that?

I like to think of Total Annihilation right behind Starcraft in Awesomeness. And Supreme Commander is just going to probably re-juice my RTS needs. AoE3 really isn't good enough for me. \=

Not saying Supreme Commander will be BETTER than Starcraft..but it might just make ends meet ;)

Well, kind of. We have two to four channels dedicated to games, and they mostly have Starcraft on.
That post confirms that Evil is infact not teh sexxorz
EVIL said:
starcraft suxx
end of story

No, unlike you, starcraft does not suck. Just because perhaps you suck at it doesn't mean that the game sucks.
Woot close to 5 pages.

And I thought this would get closed O.o...
CyberPitz said:
I remember doing that, except it was with myself. I'd always be the SCV starting out, then when I got around to building the barracks, I'd be a marine. after killing a few zerg, I'd be granted either a flamethrower, or a cool hover bike. Depending on the enemy I was fighting *I made campaigns outside :(* I'd pick. And I'd only go up from there.
Starcraft is hawt. Love it to bits. Mainly the story, dialouge, acting and characters though. Arcturas Mensk - what a character.
Ennui said:

I remember when I first played SC online, I sucked hardcore. My friend was godly at it. He took me under his wing, taught me ALOT. I got a bunch better. Then I stopped playing for a couple years, all those skills *WHOOP* gone.

Maybe we could all game sometime :D
You know, I forgot all about this, but I've got the Starcraft OST. I've had it forever! I remember going to bed with it on, thinking..I love this game. Then Radio Free Zerg came up..

Serve the hive......

:D good stuff.
Damnit, all this talk of StarCraft has me really itching for SC2, or anything related.

Reading Blizzard interviews and statements get me all twitchy. It's always "Oh, we're not working on it now, but it's something we will strongly consider in the future", and I just want to grab Bill Roper by the neck and scream "NO, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO STRONGLY CONSIDER IT. YOU WILL OR I'LL STAB YOUR EYES OUT".
I just want to grab Bill Roper by the neck and scream
Bill Roper was more twords Blizzard North(Diablo), and he left Blizzard and formed Flagship Studios with other employs where there making there own Futurstic Extremely like Diablo type game.

I mean things like the Cube, RPG style gun stats, "unique" guns, guns can vary in damage and range and accuracy, etc... It's basically Diablo2 + Guns + Future + Level Randomization
Bah, just remembered that. I just sort of scoured the internet for info and saw an interview with him.
WOOT yes starcraft ****ing ownssss best game just bought it agian couse my old cd blew up lol
Minerel said:
Bill Roper was more twords Blizzard North(Diablo), and he left Blizzard and formed Flagship Studios with other employs where there making there own Futurstic Extremely like Diablo type game.

I mean things like the Cube, RPG style gun stats, "unique" guns, guns can vary in damage and range and accuracy, etc... It's basically Diablo2 + Guns + Future + Level Randomization

Hehe, that wouldn't happen to be restricted area, would it? That game is such a deus-ex-meets-diablo-2-rip-off that it's sickening. The worst part is that a friend of mine actually bought the game. He loves that kinda crap.

operative x said:
how does a cd "blow" up??
Well, to be precise it is blown up. You see, cd blowing is an age old art which, through much sweat and labor, produces a superior "hand made" product. CD blowers are among the most skilled artisans in the world. They have to be --as a simple mistake can leave excruciating scars. The average CD blower spends at least 7 years training under a local guru, and typically retires at least by the age of fifty, as his eyes and hands start to be affected by age. Sadly, in the modern age, this beautiful process has been reduced to a mere amusement for tourists. While many rich gamers still buy "hand blown" CD's, these days a true artist is hard to come by.
Man I loved SC. One of the best games ever. That and Diablo 2. Blizzard is god.
Lent my Starcraft CD to a brothers friend. Now i can't find any NOCD cracks for it (being Starcraft 1.0 or whatever the retail version is) :(. Woe is me.
operative x said:
how does a cd "blow" up??
it had a crack on the cd and it always ran fine then that one day it just blew up and all the peeces were stuck in my cd drive thing
holy crap we should have a starcraft game sometime fo shizzle. that'd be pretty damn cool.