Starcraft II Reqs released...but not set in stone


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score

StarCraft 2 is at the moment at the alpha phase and it's possible these could be final requirements. Of course it is, however, possible that the system values could easily change before release of this game.

Minumum Requirements
GFX: GeForce 7/8 Series or Radeon 1000/2000 with 256 MB RAM
CPU: Pentium 4
Internet: ADSL 1 Mbit

Recommended Requirements
GFX: GeForce 8000 or Radeon 2000 series with 512 MB RAM
CPU: Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2.
Internet: ADSL 3 Mbit

Optimal Requirements
GFX: Geforce 9000er or Radeon 3000er Series
CPU: Core 2 Duo 3 GHz or Athlon X2
RAM: 2GB with DualChannel mode

I bet it will be lowered a slight bit over time, but in the end, I'd have to say that seems close to right.
From 28.8k to 3Mbit?

Also, is it going to be using

I hope not.
I love that blizzard isn't afraid to release games with low-end hardware requirements, which I suspect these will be by the time the game comes out. I'm pretty sure they're still using Bnet, but highly revamped.
Um, what makes you think this is going to come out so far in the future that those recommended/optimal requirements will be low? As far as I can tell, it'll be out later this year...
No way are those the minimum, wow.
But I guess it's plausible since you'll be seeing lots of units on screen at once.
They are using bnet, but they are reworking it COMPLETELY.

*EDIT* Letters, this is still an Alpha. pretty much everything is open to change from unit abilities/skins to the engine itself.
Alpha says pretty much done to me! All the videos they've been pumping out sure back that up too!
Alpha says pretty much done to me! All the videos they've been pumping out sure back that up too!

Yeah, it looks REALLY close to being done, but I am sure they will lower though, but if it is, not by much.
If anything the requirements seem a bit on the high end to be honest. The game looks like a WC3 mod, it isn't impressive at all. Not saying it won't be decent, who knows ... but it having low requirements shouldn't surprise anyone. Blizzard has always scraped the bottom of the barrel on a technical level (and more recently on every level if you ask me, but that's for another thread).
Alpha says pretty much done to me! All the videos they've been pumping out sure back that up too!
Don't they usually save all the optimising for the last stretch of development? Once it gets into the bug testing/polishing stage it could get a decent boost, which might drop the requirements. Could be wishful thinking, but those requirements do look a bit steep for what we've seen... hopefully it scales well, at least.
I didn't expect the minimum requirements to be that low.

People are pretty HW-blind when "6800 or x800 series not supported" means low minimum requirements. Warcraft3 ran fine on intel integrated gpus back in the day. These specs are insane. (And most probably not final...)
Well, whether it's high or not depends on the rather vague "Geforce 7/8 series videocard" requirement. There's a huge difference between the slowest in the 7 series and the fastest, and some 7 series cards are faster than some 8 series. If the minimum is a 7900, the requirements are very high and if a 7200 will run it they're plenty low.
I want this game so bad it hurts. I don't allow myself to hype anymore (the pre-HL2 hype was enough to last me a lifetime) but I think I will just for this game cause it's frickin STARCRAFT.

Those reqs are surprisingly high for Blizzard, I would have expected them to be a bit lower but I'm set regardless :D

Why does it look so crappy if the minimum reqs are so high? :|

AI and scale must be good...
amd why the moaning about the low requeriments? is better! not everyone have PC powerfull enough to run crysis 5 times at the same moment while calculating the next NASA rocket to mars

for example in videocard,the Pc of my brother in venezuela is not enough
I lol'd and agreed. It also looks good enough imo.
I'm between optimal and recommended.
I can't run it but my new computer will be in optimal requirements

but minimum isn't that high but optimal is ****ing huge :O

wait why am i poting in this topic i'm not going to get this game anyway O_o
Wait a minute.....did someone say Alpha is close to being done? Lets take some looks at the Starcraft alpha!



Now the Beta

Orcs In Space was going to be the best game ever. Then they screwed it over with Starcraft. Dicks.
*EDIT* lawl, Ennui is a Probe!
Yes probe wins!
He's going to get a good gif soon. :D
lol that protoss scout pilot image looks like a peanut whit a oxygen mask
Anybody else notice the Dropship picture is the guy who gets his head blowd up in the intro video on the first one?
Many fan sites are mirroring an article published by a Spanish Magazine called Micromania. To clarify, all system specifications made in that article are only speculations and are not official system specification for StarCraft II at all.

Like all Blizzard games, we aim to have a vast majority of PC owners to be able to run StarCraft II, but there are no official optimal or minimum specifications for the game at this time.
I won't be playing this. My computer has
Love the internet requirements what a load of bull. Of course they are going to recommend an overkill connection but 3Mbit gives a whole new meaning to the word. I seem to manage just fine on massive Supcomm matches with only a 1.5Mbit connection. SC2 isn't going to have anywhere near the amount of units in a match as SupComm so I fail to see how it'd get anywhere near saturating a 2-3Mbit line.
Blizzard is known for having a great netcode. Even WoW is semi-playable on a 56k. I'm sure these are drastically pushed up.
You want a piece of me, boy?!

And kyorisu, as Taviow quoted, and I've said, these TRULY aren't even something to be basing your system off of. Some mag company went in, played the game and was like "OMG THIS MUST BE REQs!" They failed hard, but it gave an idea, at least.
Love the internet requirements what a load of bull. Of course they are going to recommend an overkill connection but 3Mbit gives a whole new meaning to the word. I seem to manage just fine on massive Supcomm matches with only a 1.5Mbit connection. SC2 isn't going to have anywhere near the amount of units in a match as SupComm so I fail to see how it'd get anywhere near saturating a 2-3Mbit line.

Man, the requirements are fake.
Hopefully it'll have some linux support, or at least be able to run through WINE.
Hopefully it'll have some linux support, or at least be able to run through WINE.

I don't think it will. I'm sure it will be Mac and Windows....just a hunch, though.
In all likelihood, most of the people visiting this forum will be able to meet the minimum requirements. This is blizzard after all.