
I just quit SC after 4 years of playing it two weeks ago.

Fun times those were.

I don't play it to much but I still would get on for a little Diplomacy action. God I love em.
Many years of enjoyment right here. Amazing game, still an extremely popular's up their with how many people play Wc3, D2. Averaging a good 30-50k and topping easily over 150k.
Probably the most played RTS either that or Wc3. Released in early hell of a RTS right they're...
Oldage...your soo right!
/me hopes on Starcraft
I loved to play no clutter 4v4. And the "sex" channel was absolutely hilarious.

i miss bgh, shared & turret defence maps.
I downloaded it again to try it out since I had such fond memories.

I just came off a good 3 hour game of CSS. SC doesn't match it for me.
I just got Starcraft Battle Chess for christmas..It is my ultimate favorite RTS. Nothing even comes close, and I love the rocks, and always will.
Mmm. Starcraft. I never owned it, but my good friend did. I remember the days- summer, going over to his house at like 8 in the morning, pwning zergs... it was the life.
I do if I can ever find someone to play the game with. I hate Brood War, I hate BGH, I hate no clutter, I hate Fastest. I love regular maps, especially Lost Temple...

Reasons I hate said items...

Brood War forces you to tech before you get a decent army. Oirg you can amass an army whilst slowly upgrading them, since upgrades rarely turned the tide of the battle too much * though it sure didn't hinder you when ya did*...I hate having to get scans before I get my 4 rax or 12 lots going :(

BGH/Fastest/NoClutter - Nub maps. that's it. There's hardly ANY skill in any of those maps. You just turtle and win. When it's a normal map, you have to strategicly place expo's, and guard them, thus breaking, or winning the game..

Yes I want SC2 NOW! :(

PS I own like 2 or 3 copies of Broodwar if you want. I've bought SC at least 5 times and brood war 4. I kept losing teh cases and needed a CD key...
well, while anyone can win bgh/fastest/shard, alot of the 'regular winners' suck and you can (or used to) be able to use actual strategies.

i used to play lost temple and some other ladder maps alot too, but haven't played sc in well over a year. :o
Ever since it came out in.. I Think '96? Anyway, Since it came out, I've Been Playing It - It is still in my comp!
Came out early 98. Got laughed at in 96 at E3.

I bought Sc and BW soo many times..discs kept on gettin scratched up.
Minerel said:
Came out early 98. Got laughed at in 96 at E3.

I bought Sc and BW soo many times..discs kept on gettin scratched up.
Wouldn't you if you created Orcs in Space? I mean, look at these horrendous pictures.


earlyalpha4.jpg Good read. this is about the 5th time I've read through it. I'm so glad they did so many overhauls :(
Yeah I've seen that before Cyber.
Basically E3 1996 Blizzard showed that.
People hammered it and called it "Orcs in Space". Blizzard was about to give up on the project until they said they would spend 2 months redoing the engine to do everything they needed it to do. If they couldn't get it in 2 months the project would be scrapped.
The engine was done in 2 months. The game went through a massive overhaul.
So can you believe Blizzard almost scrapped Starcraft?
Minerel said:
Yeah I've seen that before Cyber.
Basically E3 1996 Blizzard showed that.
People hammered it and called it "Orcs in Space". Blizzard was about to give up on the project until they said they would spend 2 months redoing the engine to do everything they needed it to do. If they couldn't get it in 2 months the project would be scrapped.
The engine was done in 2 months. The game went through a massive overhaul.
So can you believe Blizzard almost scrapped Starcraft?
Without StarCraft, where would we be today?

The Queen of Blades is my new godess. Go away you whore Sarah Kerrigan.

*Chants with Numbers*

I heard a rumor once that they scrapped Ghost *which is good...because...yeah, I'd love to see the Starcraft realm in a 3d environment more than most, but I just can't see the game in that form :( Maybe an MMO..I'd pay to play that per month..screw warcraft.* to work on Starcraft 2. though I'm sure it's just a big rumor..but yeah, I want some damn starcraft 2. Long overdue :(

HOLY SHIT..picture it. Starcraft universe in Source.

Someone work on that mod ASAP. Ask blizzard permission..if they say no, then rename everything.

Ready set GO!
i have brood war and starcraft, but what i'm most proud of is that I got either a beta version or early beta version of starcraft... except it's in russian, but that's okay because i'm russian.
CyberPitz said:
HOLY SHIT..picture it. Starcraft universe in Source.

Someone work on that mod ASAP. Ask blizzard permission..if they say no, then rename everything.

Ready set GO!

With fully interactive enviroments! And In-game movies! And Starcraft!

Go go go!

I lost my CD key ages ago, can only play it in pc cafes. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
I heard a rumor once that they scrapped Ghost *which is good...because...yeah, I'd love to see the Starcraft realm in a 3d environment more than most, but I just can't see the game in that form Maybe an MMO..I'd pay to play that per month..screw warcraft.* to work on Starcraft 2. though I'm sure it's just a big rumor..but yeah, I want some damn starcraft 2. Long overdue
Heres what happened with ghost:
Oringally Nihilistic was making it, and Blizzard was making the Cinamatics. Blizzard basically overlooked Nihilistic to make sure they didn't screw up. Well it turns out Blizzard had to keep on delaying the game due to Nihilistic messing up. This was the reason for all the delays.
In Fall 2004, Blizzard took it out of Nihilistics hands and gave it to a company called Swingin Ape Studios. Swingin Apes basically redid everything from scratch. Swingin Apes being near Blizzard HQ, and we can only guess doing a great job, was acquired by Blizzard Entertainment at E3 2005.

Blizzard would never let a medicore game with there name of it be released, even more so with one of there franchises.

Overall as you can see, Ghost will not be cancled, the reason for the delays were because of Nihilistic. Blizzard hasn't really had to put to much $$ in for the project either.