Stargate Universe - Promo


Jun 25, 2005
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Stargate Universe (abbreviated as SGU)[1][2] is an upcoming science fiction television series, part of the Stargate franchise. The series was greenlit on August 22, 2008 and is scheduled to debut as a two- or three-hour movie and then begin regular weekly airings on the Sci Fi Channel in October 2009. Sky1 will air the series in the United Kingdom in the autumn of 2009. Brad Wright, Robert C. Cooper and Carl Binder serve as executive producers and writers. Stargate Universe started filming on February 18, 2009.

Being firmly entrenched in pre-established Stargate mythology, Stargate Universe follows the adventures of a team of explorers from present-day Earth after they find the Ancient spaceship Destiny. They must fend for themselves aboard the ship in the far reaches of the universe as they are unable to return to Earth. The announced main cast is Robert Carlyle as Dr. Nicholas Rush, Justin Louis as Colonel Everett Young, David Blue as Eli Wallace, Brian J. Smith as Lieutenant Matthew Scott, Jamil Walker Smith as Master Sergeant Ronald Greer, Alaina Huffman as Master Sergeant Tamara Johansen, and Elyse Levesque as Chloe Armstrong.
looks sweet, still watching Season 1 of SG1 and I have a long way to go
Lets hope it doesn't turn into the shitfest that Atlantis was
They might as well call it Sargate: Voyager.

They should have made the original movie into a trilogy instead of this dull fest of a series.
I keep reading/saying this as StarCraft Universe
Can't ****ing wait.
Loved SG-1, Liked Atlantis... we'll see how they do with SG:U.

I'm intrigued by the lost in space aspect of it.
If it's anything like Star Trek Voyager it should be excellent.

Also, how the hell could anyone consider Stargate... BORING?
It has tons of action and great stories in nearly every episode.
Considering the work of season 5 of Atlantis, I'm not too hopeful. but I'll watch it all the same.
Can't ****ing wait.
Loved SG-1, Liked Atlantis... we'll see how they do with SG:U.

I'm a big fan of the SG-1 series, Atlantis isn't as good but I still liked it...
I don't have high hopes but, I will check this out and give it a chance.

I'm kind of surprised at the seemingly dark/creepy vibes coming from this trailer especially since I've heard lots of people saying that this series is more orientated towards a younger audience...
I don't have high hopes but, I will check this out and give it a chance.

My expectations are really low, I don't think SGA ever had the character chemistry that SG1 had (well in S2-5, 9-10 at least) and, from the short descriptions I've seen, SGU's's characters are more like terrible cliche's than fun archetype's.

It seems like SGU will suffer from both this and a bit of this.

But I will give the show a chance and hope for the best.
I'll give it a chance, Carlyle is usually quality at least.
StarGate has always been absolute shit. The book was shit. The movie was shit. The series were all shit.
I liked the other ones cause they were always a little lighthearted.... this new one looks awkward but I'll give it a go.
yeah, having seen all of sg1 and atlantis this looks even worse.
StarGate has always been absolute shit. The book was shit. The movie was shit. The series were all shit.

Never read the books.
The movie was okay, cliched as hell but entertaining.
The series(SG-1 atleast) is excellent, I'm actually a bit surprised that you don't like it.
Mostly great writing, great characters, great sense of humor, and great action.
The series premier was tonight.
I missed it. :(

Did anyone catch it? Impressions?
StarGate has always been absolute shit. The book was shit. The movie was shit. The series were all shit.


I like both atlantis and SG1 but liked SG1 more. I cannot wait to see this on TV.
Just watched the pilot online and thought it was great actually.

Very pleasantly surprised, feels very different from SG-1 and Atlantis... feels much more real.
So far though, I can't say I like any of the characters just yet but I'm willing to give it a few more episodes before I judge any of them.

It has a very BSG feel to it, imo.
I really liked SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. Did a marathon this summer, and now I'm still within its grasp.
I'm a big fan of SG1 so, I'll check it out online.


It has a very BSG feel to it, imo.

this I don't like.

If they start focusing too much on characters and interpersonal drama, I WILL NOT WATCH THIS SHOW.
Well, it's about a bunch of people trying to survive on an unfamiliar ship that they have no real control over.

So, of course it's going to focus on that.
It's a very different approach to the Stargate name and I like it.
I always liked SG, because it combined all these crazy ideas. What if we could have instant planetary travelling? What if the Roswell aliens were real? What if parallel universes exist? What if we as a species didn't originate from this planet? If there are other races, then some would have to be technologically more advanced, so how would they look, act and react to us? And would we be able fight them? Etcetera, etcetera.

If we do make this, then we can just as well let it have kick-ass action, space combat and dry humour!

It's the things you'd daydream about, because you instinctively know it would be awesome by default.
Robert Carlyle is awesome. It could be decent.
I enjoyed the new stargate, very different.

Also its nothing like battlestar, its just more serious and has sex

Just finished watching the pilot and yes it is like battlestar. So my verdict is I don't like it, the preview of episode 3 even reinforces the feeling.
It does have some resemblance to Battlestar. That is not necessarily a bad thing given how awesome some parts of Battlestar actually were.

That said, it's all the same writers as Atlantis and SG-1 (and it's ****ing Stargate), so I'm probably going to hate it.
I haven't seen battlestar but my roommate was saying it seemed pretty similar to that as well. I was thinking they pretty much stole the whole premise of the show from atlantis.
While watching I did have flashbacks to the premier of Atlantis. There was one important difference that I thought was interesting
in that they already have contact with Earth

Overall while it wasn't brilliant, it wasn't terrible either (although some parts were quite poor), there is enough there to keep me watching.
Just finished watching the pilot and yes it is like battlestar. So my verdict is I don't like it, the preview of episode 3 even reinforces the feeling.

That's subjective, battlestar dealt with personal issues that effected the well being of each member of its crew along with the other conflict of the cylons.

The show is more serious, they (so far) dropped the light-hearted campy natural of the original tv shows, not a bad thing mind you.

I have yet to see the manifestation of personal issues in the character other than just trying to stay alive, to me they seem like typical good people in a bad situation. Battlestar at least showed the characters to have problems before the human race was nearly wiped out, they were shown to be morally gray. The only character that manifestation a small level of personal problems was Robert's character.

Battlestar dealt with the end of the human race, SGU does not, the team is nothing more than a tragic loss, nothing more.

There is no swearing in SGU, BSG had at least go around swear words to avoid writing soup opera-ish dialogue to say **** up.

I have yet to see bad guys on the level of cylons.

SGU has the star trek problematic problem solver ender thingy, battlestar did not, they either got ****ed hard or gets maimed process, even if it was a good day for the crew of bsg, there would be always something lost.

So, all I can see is SGU has a more serious, SGU is not as dark as bsg either.
Just watched the first epp, it's kinda hard to tell what it will be like since they spent the whole time setting up the story line. I've give it more time before deciding if I like it or not.
I watched it and I say it is very similar to battlestar but its still very good. The camera and the way they filmed it is like galactica and it feels similar to galactica and its even got that whole survival thing going on and trying to get to earth. I was waiting for starbuck to appear and scream "were going the wrong way"(jest).

I have yet to see the manifestation of personal issues in the character other than just trying to stay alive, to me they seem like typical good people in a bad situation. Battlestar at least showed the characters to have problems before the human race was nearly wiped out, they were shown to be morally gray. The only character that manifestation a small level of personal problems was Robert's character.

I think its only a matter of time.

Yes its not the same but its VERY similar.
^ I thought the guy had some cool mustache at 8 secs, but it was just the poor quality. Too bad I guess :(

Show also needs more aliens, spinning sand doesn't cut it for me.
Watched the third episode (or second if you count the first 2 as the pilot), and it was BORING.

Right now it's 2 strikes, one more and it's out.

Also what's the point of having General O'Neil appear from time to time if he has to be all serious, and can't make his trademark wisecracks?
it'w ok...its not like we can just go watch "that other space sci-fi show"...there is none :(