Start-off point in Aftermath

kupoartist said:
I just personally feel it's hard to imagine any transportation featuring in the opening scene of Aftermath,
Yeah I agree. If it does start in transportation, it'll be in one of those little pod things. But we also know that you go on one of the trains (filled with Stalkers), but I don't get the feeling you start there.
I think it's more likely you'll start at a completely different part of the Citadel to the dark matter reactor(?) where HL2 ended, with Alyx in a state of deep confusion, after being teleported to safety by the G-Man.
If, as many people think might be true, Aftermath is the point where things start to get rather more complicated concerning the G-Man, who he's working for, and who you're working for - the beginning, perhaps, of a break away from the G-Man's controlling influence, or of some other radical change/restructuring in the way HL's narrative has always worked - then it's quite plausible that there would be no train at the start. Hell, HL2 changed from simple 'escape' to a more complex structure which was, for the most part, 'Rescue' or at least some other sort of active objective. So where will HL take us next? D:
I think that lack of a train in the end of HL2 simbolises that the g-man is unloading Gordon.
Hmm... when it is truely time for the Half-Life to move on towards a third installment, perhaps then we'll be ending on a train. After all, Half-Life 2's end was more of a convenient one from the point of view of a development team that actually wanted to get the damned thing out of the door. Splitting with the G-Man would ruin that, and personally I don't want to see it happen yet. It's far too quick. Freeman has only really done the one job for him.
I really hope Gordon doesn't break away from Gman in Aftermath. I personally think that'd be pretty daft, afterall, he's only placed us in one situation following our employment, why not delve into some more dangerous situations?
It'd be pretty meh if Aftermath followed that route.
Even if ol' Gordy does break free of the G-Man like Freddie Mercury from - well, whatever he was breaking free from... Where was I?
Oh yes. Even if we're not under his influence/control or whatever, there's no way he'd be phased out as a character - he's too well-loved. Besides, I'm not sure we will break freeeee-eee.
But, as a matter a fact we really don't know what G-Mans actuall purpose employing Gordon is. He may be some really evil guy, who knows?
But as you are saying, splitting up with G-Man would be sad, because it feels lke he is a friend of Gordon
Why do most of you assume that aftermath will continue right where lf2 left off? Has valve ever done that?

No! Not ever!

As far as I know G-man has Gordon under control, which means that he can place him wherever and whenever.

Sorry if there were any pointers in aftermath trailer but I have not seen it yet. =) I'm also new here even though I have been a member for some time without posting. Hello everyone and happy new year! =)
I thought Valve said you had to escape C17 before the citadel goes up and takes the city with it?

As for where Aftermath is set, and the timeline, it's very much a logical continuation from where Half-Life 2 left off, as Laidlaw goes on to explain in the PC Gamer feature: "[Aftermath] deals with the events and issues set in motion during Half-Life 2. You've done critical damage to the Citadel. The whole place is going to go up, taking out City 17 and what's in its immediate radius. You and Alyx are leading the flight from the city getting up close and personal with some of the creatures and sights from the end of the game." Interestingly, apart from a few ambiguous illustrative captions, the PCG piece at no stage makes it 100 per cent explicit that Alyx's sidekick will be Gordon. However, writer Tim Edwards has subsequently clarified that you do play as Gordon in Aftermath

I quoted Marc Laidlaws words
This explains that Aftermath is set where HL2 left off

I also remember seeing an interview with two of the guys at Valve, answering this question, may be this one

Well, if it aint, just search the web for interviews with Valve
I didn't read that interview but I'm pretty sure it didn't tell us where the game begins either. We all know what the plot is... The question(which answer is just a speculation until we get our hands on the first reviews) is where the game starts.

What I meant was that we have no prof(that I know of) that the player will begin in the citadel. The G-man could place Gordon anywhere. How do we know that we didn't go to the last coast right after hl2? Afterall... LC was released after hl2. Shouldn't we just presume that we went to the island after bashing the citadel? (I know this issue has probably already been debated to death here but please don't tell me to hit the search button... This just occured to me while typing this up.)

I don't think it's very likely that we do go back to exactly where we left of(Standing next to Alyx in a collapsing citadel.) It just seems kinda' "un-valvish"(hehe) to me. I'm pretty certain that the citadel will already be destroyed(partly) and we wake up in the ruble. OR! We find ourself someplace entirely different with even more questions, which would be valvish... =)

My two...
mjollner said:
I don't think it's very likely that we do go back to exactly where we left of(Standing next to Alyx in a collapsing citadel.) It just seems kinda' "un-valvish"(hehe) to me. I'm pretty certain that the citadel will already be destroyed(partly) and we wake up in the ruble. OR! We find ourself someplace entirely different with even more questions, which would be valvish... =)

My two...
How can you define "un-valvish" when Valve Software have only ever released two Half-Life games? It's hardly like there's a strong, long-lasting tradition which they have to break.

And the Citadel has not been destroyed. That's confirmed. It is about to fall, and that's why it's time for them to get out. Screenshots and the Trailer confirm that some of the game takes place in the Citadel. Whilst it's true that there is nothing that suggests we shall start in the Citadel, it just seems the most logical place to start. It's too difficult a place to simply get back into, and if it's about to go Critical, why the hell would you want to go back into it? It makes sense that Gordon is simply placed there, and he wants to get out.
How can you define "un-valvish" when Valve Software have only ever released two Half-Life games? It's hardly like there's a strong, long-lasting tradition which they have to break.
No because Valve have so strongly pushed you are always seeing through eyes of gordon. Now either you start where you left off, Gman puts your somewhere, or you go unconcious and wake up somewhere in the citadel(As in the explosion blasted you somewhere)
kupoartist said:
Whilst it's true that there is nothing that suggests we shall start in the Citadel, it just seems the most logical place to start. It's too difficult a place to simply get back into, and if it's about to go Critical, why the hell would you want to go back into it? It makes sense that Gordon is simply placed there, and he wants to get out.

I have come to the same conclusion, concerning the fact that The Citadel is falling down, there would be no logical reason going in there again, right?
And for some reason, looking at the trailer, everything seems to happen in cronological order, which in taht theory means that you will start off in the citadel. Am I right?
Not only is the Citadel falling down, but most likely will take all of City 17 with it. So most likely it will take place, before the falling of the Citadel (also, look at the pics).
Heres my guess on Aftermath's storyline:

Wake up, alone in citadel>wander around and find Alyx>take Razor Train out>meet up with a bunch of rebels>big battles in city areas>possibly some sewer action>Something like the Strider battle from Follow Freeman except with Crabsynths>

After this, who knows. I have no idea if a single person actually makes it out alive except for the people right next to the gates. You might make it out, you might be stopped halfway by G-Man. I think next we should make a thread labeled END Of Aftermath, as thats much more of a mystery as the beginning is pretty much confirmed, unless you have to go back in and save Eli or something.

Eh, I believe the title of the expansion pack will actually tell us were it might start off. The consequence and the effect of what happened at the end of HL2.
We can make no discussion about the end of Aftermath, based on facts or pics that is. It can end in any type of scenario. But if it follows HL and HL2 endings G-Man will interupt you again. But that would be a bad idea, Valve can't end every HL episode that way, or can they? :D
mjollner said:
I don't think it's very likely that we do go back to exactly where we left of(Standing next to Alyx in a collapsing citadel.) It just seems kinda' "un-valvish"(hehe) to me. I'm pretty certain that the citadel will already be destroyed(partly) and we wake up in the ruble. OR! We find ourself someplace entirely different with even more questions, which would be valvish...

The Citadel was not collapsing when HL2 finished. If you've seen the screens, the Citadel is intact - it is not going to collapse, that I am fairly certain of. It's going to be destroyed, and take City 17 with it, but I'm certain Valve are going to do something that isn't the Citadel simply falling.

Its going into meltdown, which I'm sure, given exactly what the Citadel is and what it contains inside, could branch out to anything.
kupoartist said:
It's too difficult a place to simply get back into, and if it's about to go Critical, why the hell would you want to go back into it?

Unless, in fine action-movie tradition, you got a helicopter and went back in at the end! For some reason!
Sulkdodds said:
Unless, in fine action-movie tradition, you got a helicopter and went back in at the end! For some reason!
Like Neo-Robo-Breen has kidnapped Alyx, and the only way to get her back is, to get Barney to fly to the Citadel where you barefist-fight Breen to the death! The fight goes well for Gordon, until he is knocked down a ledge, where he is losing his grip :O And then Breen comes over and starts stamping on his fingers... but using the powers of the Gravity Gun, now fused inside the tips of the gloves of the HEV suit, Gordon pulls his crowbar over and flips onto the ledge whilst simultaneously slicing Neo-Robo-Breen in half!

With Breen defeated, Alyx and Gordon share a romantic moment as the citadel explodes around them... and through the smoke comes Barney! In the nick of time! The three of you fly away through the interior of the citadel dodging falling debris and then finally... you are free! The day is won! And you fly off into the sunset.

Gordon Freeman will return in...
... Half-Life 3: Half Harder.
Sulkdodds said:
Unless, in fine action-movie tradition, you got a helicopter and went back in at the end! For some reason!

Aliens style... =)

Looks like I have some reading to do eh.

As for using the (half-jokingly) term "un-valvish". It's true they've only done two features. I wasn't basing that statement on the fact that we've seen two starts on a transport. I was basing that of the entire two game- experience. It's just a feeling I have based of the work they've done so far and the statements they made thru interviews. Don't you find it unlike them to just have Gordon wake up right where we left of?

I suspect there will be a nice introduction(altough still seen thru Gordons eyes ofcourse). As for what "un-valvish" or "valvish" is I wouldn't create a debate about it. I wasn't really bulking up to defend myself when I wrote it. :D
kupoartist said:
Like Neo-Robo-Breen has kidnapped Alyx, and the only way to get her back is, to get Barney to fly to the Citadel where you barefist-fight Breen to the death! The fight goes well for Gordon, until he is knocked down a ledge, where he is losing his grip And then Breen comes over and starts stamping on his fingers... but using the powers of the Gravity Gun, now fused inside the tips of the gloves of the HEV suit, Gordon pulls his crowbar over and flips onto the ledge whilst simultaneously slicing Neo-Robo-Breen in half!

Like Star Wars Episode 1? :D
Oppressor said:
Like Star Wars Episode 1? :D
Exactly. Jar Jar Binks not included.

Edit: And no Schindler getting killed moments before either.
Haha, I see. Jar Jar Binks is a very handsome creature btw ;)

Any other ideas concerning the beginning of Aftermath then folks?
The Combine unleashes it's most devestating army of Jar Jar Bink's!

Aftermath starts off with Gordon waking up on a couch and then Barney comes out of the shower and says "How about that beer now Gordon?" then drops his towel and Aftermaths real plot if revealed- Half Life 2 Aftermath- Brokeback Combine - the homosexual relationship between Barney and Gordon and how to people in love who want to be together can't because of aliens. Aftermath opens to rave reviews but no one buys the game.
as in the trailer i think you are in the rubbles of the destroyed citadel and you have to find your way back and as alex said in the trailer (stalkers... i hope they dont remember you) i think the stalkers are P.Oed because you destroyed the citadel
mr. G-man said:
as in the trailer i think you are in the rubbles of the destroyed citadel and you have to find your way back and as alex said in the trailer (stalkers... i hope they dont remember you) i think the stalkers are P.Oed because you destroyed the citadel
The Citadel is still standing. That's pretty much the point of the expansion. If it wasn't still standing, everyone would already be screwed and there'd be no point in you returning.
alehm said:
Aftermath starts off with Gordon waking up on a couch and then Barney comes out of the shower and says "How about that beer now Gordon?" then drops his towel and Aftermaths real plot if revealed- Half Life 2 Aftermath- Brokeback Combine - the homosexual relationship between Barney and Gordon and how to people in love who want to be together can't because of aliens. Aftermath opens to rave reviews but no one buys the game.
ahh, another endless imagination... they seem to get more and more these days...
kupoartist said:
The Citadel is still standing. That's pretty much the point of the expansion. If it wasn't still standing, everyone would already be screwed and there'd be no point in you returning.

what i mean by "destroyed" is not completely gone i mean it is basically powerless
mr. G-man said:
what i mean by "destroyed" is not completely gone i mean it is basically powerless
You meant a "basically powerless" Citadel that "wasn't completely gone" yet had been reduced to "rubbles"?

Ok! So I looked at the screenshots for the first time in awhile and I retract my previous statements about where you start.
You will probably start, as you say, right where we left off.
The blue gravgun shot pretty much proves it. There is after all only one blue gravgun(pretty sure there's only one regular gravgun too) and that's the one you're carrying at the end of hl2.

That picture also shows us that we are still in the citadel probably headed downward using the gravgun to prevent falling objects from hitting us.

I was wrong! :)