Started my first Map, need opinion


Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, I started making a map for CS:S, it's a remake of the Complex from Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, I can look up guides for the making and such, I have the SNiper Area and the V room done.
But I just need some screenshots of the other rooms because, unfortunetly, my N64 is at home, not here with me, and I can't find anything but a crappy 2d Map online. And, despite the days worth of playing this map, I can't remember things exactly.

Also, Should it be a Bomb, Hostage, Or Deathmatch level?

Thanks for any input
i haven't played Goldeneye or Perfect Dark so can't help u there.. but as far as what kinda map should it be?
perhaps a hostage one since theres not very many left.. Bomb one wouldn't be bad tho.
yeah, I was thinking hostage or Deathmatch, b/c its comparibly smaller than most CS:S maps, and 2 Bomb sites with 12 guys on a team would be overkill and mad rushes.

Deathmatch would be the best bet in my opinion, but I want others
let me pull out my n64 and see what it looks like.. been so long so tehre are a few details that i cant see in that 2d map.. presumably the same one that you found
I'll need ot put a lot of fun thigns ot play with, since the level is extremly blocky; it won't take up much for Source to run it.
Like what could I do to improve on the level, I'll tkae those Ideas too
i have goldeneye as an emulator...i can take screens of it if ud like? let me know.
ShinRa said:
i have goldeneye as an emulator...i can take screens of it if ud like? let me know.
that sounds great dude, my aim is Paranoid Zio
just hit me up with IMs
This thread has turned from constructive critisim to Requesting Goldeneye Emulator :LOL: . I might as well jump on the wagon, and ask for information on how to get the goldeney :p (pm me). ANYWAY, if you are successfull with this map, i think it will be very fun.
to get the goldeneye emulator, search it on a p2p program called Ares. It crashes a lot, be warned.
haha i should get the rom just to test this out

I need to get some room designs.

I'm gonna make the map a little differently, some small changes, not the exact dimensions, like one room may be larger, smaller, higher, stuff like that. Nothing to take away from the experience, you'll all still know that you're playing Complex, just with CTs and Ts running around
OR...instead of searching ares or whatever and getting one that crashes, i have one that works perfectly. If you have aim and want the GE emulator, IM me at guinnyboy1123 and ill give it to you. I have perfect dark as well.
lol at the above quote , sounds like someone talking from experience!

:imu: :eek: :cheers: :bonce: :burp: :upstare:
just gonna give a little update.

I have 3 rooms left to do, the Big L shaped room, the Pillar room, and the Room right after the pillar room that has the basement area. some minor changes, some rooms are bigger, and small stuff. Any suggestions would be nice

and can someone give me a way of doing breakable wood planks
There were some changes made, but the all the rooms are done, and everything fits together, not exactly like the COmplex, if you know your way around the complex you'll be able to make your way around this one.

But what should I do with the V room, should I make it water and you can jump in, or put up a fence, and make it like it is in the N64 where you can't get off no matter how hard you try

Need your opinions people