Starting a coaching program!


Space Core
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
Anyone that doesn't know how to play dota, or is considering himself as a newbie, write here,we can play some together,and i will help you out on any role you like to learn to play in a team.

While i prefer Skype or Mumble, we can talk on anything you like!
You're attracting all sorts of odd people recently Veggies. A lot of people desperately trying to get you to be friends with them. Text me.
But,But,my plan to take over the world...
You were supposed to be the man that trolls everyone Vegeta...

p.s. you are the one with the most DOTA 2 hours played that i can find on the forums,after me, so that's the invite on steam for, was thinkng it would be easier if i had a test buddy to help me sometimes bring new players up to speed,but nvm.
Aw, look at you guys and your 500 hours. Ahh, young'uns.
Emm, I am not that good of a player, I used to play leauge of legends alot(2 years) but now in dota I feel like a newbie again :O