Starting a Multiplayer Mod Difficulties



I'm sure there's a really simple explanation for this, but I can't find an answer.

I did the Valve tutorial for changing the RPG's speed, except I did it in a HL2DM Mod, rather then single player. And after changing the value and compiling it, there was no difference in the rockets speed. I tried the exact same process in a Single Player mod and it worked fine.
Can anyone help?
Are you putting the changed .dlls in the right place ?

/me replies using only limited HL1 coding knowledge
You have to move .dlls? :)
I didn't do it for the Single Player mod and it worked fine. I'm thinking it's got something to do with server/client changes. The file I'm modifying only changes the client, whereas the server overwrites it with the original speed.
Or something. While I'm not new to programming, this is my first Mod and I'm not entirely certain what I'm doing. :p
In a "stock" SDK installation you shouldn't have to move any .dll's around for what you're trying to do.

Are you sure you're in the HL2DM subdirectory containing weapon_rpg.cpp as apposed to just HL2?
BTW, i can't find that tutorial.

i have seen it before, but now i cant find it agean.
Slicer, the tutorial is at

Blazertailgunner: I've modified them both; dls\hl2_dll and game_shared\hl2mp. I'm thinking that maybe I'm only changing the client side of things, and the server is overriding it with it's default value (or maybe the other way around). That's the only difference I can think of between the Single player and Multiplayer side. Or maybe I'm compiling it wrong?
zoomdog said:
Blazertailgunner: I'm thinking that maybe I'm only changing the client side of things

Right on, the file you need to change here is exactly:

(assuming you're using Visual Studio)

Solution 'game_sdk'
-Source Files

I'm not sure what the effect of modifying the client files is, but if you restore them from the originals you'll be in the clear.

Hope that helps
Cheers for that Blazer, I'll check that now. And just to confirm, when I've made a change to the code I want to Build the Solution don't I? Not rebuild or clean? (Bit new to Visual Studio ;))

EDIT - Ah, that file still had the original value of 1500. Compiling now. :)
zoomdog said:
Cheers for that Blazer, I'll check that now. And just to confirm, when I've made a change to the code I want to Build the Solution don't I? Not rebuild or clean? (Bit new to Visual Studio ;) )

I just use "Build Solution." What happens is it compiles all of the files the first time you build it [and is a 10-20 min process], but after that when you build it will only re-compile the parts you've changed, in turn taking < 1 minute for small changes. In theory, I think this is supposed to be pretty efficient but I've found that sometimes a change in the code won't show up in-game unless I "Rebuild Solution" from the Build menu. But if you don't encounter any problems just use the regular Build.

Lemme know if your rocket change works!

Cheers Blazer, the change works now. Kinda funny to see an RPG move at 50 rather then 1500. :D

Thanks again.
No problem glad to help.

What kind of modding do you have in mind?
And today, a new Half-Life coder is born.

Expect mod teams to fight over you like nobody's business.

-Angry Lawyer
blazertailgunner said:
What kind of modding do you have in mind?

Something simple to start with I think. :)
I did C++ at college a couple of years ago, so I thought I knew it. But this is something on a totally different level. I've done a couple of tutorials though, and I'm starting to get the hang of it. Good fun this. :cheers: