Starting To Model


Jul 31, 2003
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Alright guys. I would like to start modelling. This looks really sweet but I just don't know where to start. What program should I use? How do I learn how to use it? What can I make models for? Please help me out I am starting new right now I have no knowledge or experience. I want to model!

download GMAX from Descreet , or the demo version of XSI. i would reccomend XSI because they are going to release XSI with the SDK. Then read all of the tutorials you can find and follow them to the "T". It is imperetive that you use tutorials from the beggining. Otherwise you end up making models that are know where near as optimized as they should be. And don't worry if your models come out bad at first. My first couple of models were absolute crap. But after a few months, or weeks depending, you'll see progression.
Ok I have XSI... Where are the tutorials for it?


P.S. What are plugins and what are they used for?
Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
Then read all of the tutorials you can find and follow them to the "T". It is imperetive that you use tutorials from the beggining.

I disagree. Tutorials should only be used for learning specific techniques and should be used as a stepping stone, not a bridge to cross. In my opinion, the best way to get started is to study examples and apply the knowledge to your own models. Tutorials are not a replacement for practice, and shouldn't be used as such. Not only will you gain a better understanding of modeling in general, it will be much more rewarding.

Don't get me wrong though, tutorials are great to learn how to use different functions and tools of the program, and are a good way to get started. However, don't rely too much on the tutorial to get you through the model, but use them to learn technique and to gain understanding instead.

I realize those statements sound contridicting to each other, but to be honest I have mixed feelings about tutorials. I learned how to model on my own and used tutorials to teach me how to do specific things along the way, which is why I recommend the same. Good luck.
thats exactly what i meant. It's easier to start by using a tutorial because it gives you the ability to see what you are doing compared to someone else. as far as XSI tutorials think there are some on 3d Buzz.
woah dont talk bout tutorials yet buddy.
just get max , gmax or xsi and get a bunch of tuts once u have settled with a prog u like ill dish in all the tuts u could want :)
alright I have the XSI demo thingy where can i find tutorials for it?

go to and type in "XSI tutorial" (with brackets)
id like 3dsmax but i heard it is expensive... how much is it? where can i get it?

3ds MAx runs upwards of $4000. though if you ra college student you can get a student version for about $500. however XSI is free therefore the better deal. Especially if all you are going to do is model and UVW unwrap for games. 3ds Max is primarily an animation software. It's great for modeling but it's primary goal is to make photorelaistic animation that is why it's so expensive. You will not use 90% of the tools in 3ds Max so it's a waste to get it unless your going to school for it or use it for work as i do.
Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
3ds MAx runs upwards of $4000. though if you ra college student you can get a student version for about $500. however XSI is free therefore the better deal. Especially if all you are going to do is model and UVW unwrap for games. 3ds Max is primarily an animation software. It's great for modeling but it's primary goal is to make photorelaistic animation that is why it's so expensive. You will not use 90% of the tools in 3ds Max so it's a waste to get it unless your going to school for it or use it for work as i do.

Well, really the CharacterStudio facility is for the photorealistic animation..:P
and really, I'd rather have the tools there than not, even if i may never need them....then again i'm the kind of person that carries a pen everywhere with him :x
lol... ok im gonna learn XSI because that is the default thing for half life 2 or something i heard so i would like to try making some of my own models and stuff for it or help someone with a mod..!!!

i will do that, i am going through tutorials right now, by the way where can i post renders of my models? and do i have to render the model to have a picture of it?

if you dont want to render you could use the old [prtscn] -> Crtl+V in paint, crop and save method.
you need to go sign up for a free image hosting site if you don't have a web host. Make sure they allow remote viewing. Theres a couple of half decent ones. Fotaki, DigitalPose FreePicHost the use the
If you dont have an image host you can just upload it if its below the maximum filesize.
so say i have a free page of pictures i will send you to them by typing


did you leave off the *.jpg or something off the end?
right, here is a tutorial to get tutorials :D

1. go to
2. sign up (they do not spam or send u adverts)
3. login
4. go to the downloads section
5. agree to the terms of use for there VTM's
6. download any program VTM u need

VTM (video tutorial m........)

They are videos of exactly how to do and learn how to model. Instead of using pictures. They are also comentry. Well its more like a class depending on qhich VTM u get. 3dbuzz teachs people how to model. He is like a school teacher. You download his videos and he teachs u as well. The other people are there to give u a noob perpective of everything and also to help buzz not get to complex for people. Its also a good laugh cos he is always taking the piss out of them :P

Have fun :P
thanks for help guys! i will post my works on here when i get some made

Originally posted by IchI
1. go to
2. sign up (they do not spam or send u adverts)
3. login
4. go to the downloads section
5. agree to the terms of use for there VTM's
6. download any program VTM u need

VTM (video tutorial m........)
I agree, the 3DBuzz tutorials are excellent, but you shouldn't have to rely on tutorials.

Also, VTM = Video Training Module.
well i need to do the tutorials at first because when i turn the program on i have no clue what im doing... i just stare at this mass of things i can click and not know what happens when i do... lol

ignore those who say not follow tutorials in the begining. After doing a few you'll get the hang of what all the tools do then you strike out on your own. I've met very few people who didn't start out at least using tutorials for at least reference.
I'm completely self taught :Cheese: on a random note...

But yes i think tutorials are the way to go :P
i cant get the video tutorials to play... whats wrong? i downloaded DivX and stuff but it won't work...
