Stealth Communication


Nov 8, 2003
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I thought id post this to give people a more clear view on possibly the find of the century.

Ive been ridiculed alot for suggesting this scalar stuff, but nobody even attempted to grasp nor try to understand what i was talking about.

Simply people over the years have been looking for a new wave that may possibly exist, a gravity wave, universal wave, whatever you want to call it. We think we cant find this wave form because it doesnt show up in the spectrum, and thinking that it would turn up in the spectrum if it existed is short sighted on account that it's obviously not there to be observed! so where is it.. people simply assume it doesnt exist.

The Texas A&M paper here:

has described experiments which show that this alternate wave does exist within the substructure of all other waves, which is why its not individually apparent in the spectrum.

The problem has been the majority of western scientist's have a superficial outlook on science that has lead to their conclusion it does not exist.

I wanted to explain the principal as simply as I could so I had to draw up some diagrams, the experimental application is relatively simple, the principal requires higher symmetry theoretical models to be full understood and utilised.

First a bit of background, the waves firstly are virtual.. they exist invisble to us, yet they make up the structure of everything we see feel, hear, smell.

A simple confirmation of this is the knowledge that a normal transverse EM wave (radio, microwave signal, etc) has higher symmetry components know as the e3 a b3 fields, they are made up of bi directional longitudinal waves, meaning they have a duality, they exist as both.

Here is the experiment, if your totally unfamiliar with this you may have to stretch your mind to understand that this universe has a dynamic virtual substructure know as vacuum, if you dont have a clue then its best to look for proven examples , such as the Aharonov bohm effect, and the casimir effect.


to clear up, zero resultant = quantum zero vector = zero observable action. (virtual / scalar potential) its what you get when you directly oppose two fields ( also ignore the blue arrow on the far left, its pointing the wrong way)


here are some actual pictures of an experiment.



what is considered in quantum physic's as 'virtual' can be made real under certain condition's as is the case with the experiment, the difference with this broken down virtual wave compared to a normal transverse wave is its not blocked by any material whatsoever, it goes through the earth, through everything until you create the right condition's to intercept it turning into real observable energy. Its a bit of a mind wrap to start with.

Tesla was the first to discover the phenomenon, and it was how he was able to transmit electricity over distances without wires.

weither you blieve it or not, there it is. the experiment, and part of the theory.
Theres so much about the universe we don't understand, anti-matter for instance, what does it compramise of? Is it intertwined between sub atomic particles? Is it a building block, or is a complete opposite? Is it just empty space, why does it affect things like it does. It appears to do nothing but without it there would be nothing (or everything?).

Youre experiemnt if anything, shows us that something just like anti-matter might exist. But to say this conclusivly we have to detirmin the capabilities of current waves, and the dimensions they flow through, are there 11 dimensional string on the sub atomic level?

Theres just so much we don't know and all youre experiment has proved is there more we dont understand, but to isloate this and reach such a conclusion. Its not proper science, its mere guess work.

Yes there is something there, but whether it is even a wave as we know it isn't really currently determinable.
the only thing that makes it a wave is the fact that it clearly can be measured with an oscilloscope, although your actually measuring its transverse component its as close as we can get to directly measuring it, but its the faraday shield that shows its not a normal wave.
Seriously, do you guys work at NASA (only a few millions time more advanced) or something O_o
Clarky, I think you were ridiculed for suggesting that "scalar stuff" caused a weird cloud you saw one day.

Also, Solaris what the hell are you on about with Anti Matter? Anti-matter does exist. We've made anti matter.
What I'm asking is what exactly is it? We don't actually know.

The whole existance of anti-matter undermines almost everything we have come to establish about the universe, but without rendering it obselete at the same time.
Solaris said:
What I'm asking is what exactly is it? We don't actually know.

The whole existance of anti-matter undermines almost everything we have come to establish about the universe, but without rendering it obselete at the same time.

What the **** are you on about? Are you sure you mean Anti matter? Read this:
Oh good, scalar waves again. I still don't get what a scalar wave is supposed to be exactly. How about explaining it in terms of the electric field, magnetic field and propagation direction, and then again in laymen's terms? The pictures and descriptions do next to nothing so far.

I'll give you a head-start. Here's a picture of a standard EM wave:

What is a scalar wave with reference to this image?

Solaris, anti-matter can be described as matter that has had it's charge reversed, spatial coordinates reversed, and time reversed.
When it comes into contact with it's associated anti-particle, annihilation occurs. It has been observed in many particle laboratories world wide.

it is the transverse waves origin, its zero vector. the standing potential wave is supposedly what is left when you abruptly cancel out the transverse component, (the observable part), the 3 space EM wave is a result of its origin, but the zero vector in presently accepted theories 'holds no significance'.. the Aharononv bohm effect however directly opposes that statement.

The thing that makes it hard to understand when looking at present theory.. is classical theory still erronously assumes arbitrary forcefields in space, (ie 137 year old classical theory assumes the waves origin in space doesnt matter it's there anyway no reason it just is)
So, does it have any Electric field or Magnetic field components?
At that point, the origin, the compents are zero. But as you propagate along, the E and B fields oscillate.

A standing wave would be one that remained in the same place, but oscillated with time anyway. Like a guitar string. And that's a pretty normal phenomena.
Exactly, as far as I understand it if you understand the concept, the wave contains all the information for the 3 dimensionally observable E field and B field, so yes it does contain the virtual (potential) components for those phenomena.

It seems strange, but the bottom line of the experiment suggest's the stuff we consider real, has ghost (virtual , other dimensional etc) elements that determine the 3 dimensional output.

Its interesting if you can wrap your head round it, and if it proves a totally real occurance you may possibly have a low energy method of essentially at least temporarily reverse engineering the virtual make up of space using different interaction's and variation's of an EM signals potential, because you are able to create and cascade standing waves that have their influence directly in vacuum, observable Transverse energies would consequently be influenced from the inside out, rather than our present way of doing things.. from the outside only.
Well, my final year experiment at Uni was to detect huge wavelength standing waves within the Earth's atmosphere. Never called them scalar waves though.


They're pretty useless though, apart from possibly being able to measure the temperature of the globe using them, or interfering with Russian submarine comms.
kirovman said:
Well, my final year experiment at Uni was to detect huge wavelength standing waves within the Earth's atmosphere. Never called them scalar waves though.


They're pretty useless though, apart from possibly being able to measure the temperature of the globe using them, or interfering with Russian submarine comms.

Do they have to be russian?

*Insert evil and somewhat moronic plan here*
kirovman said:
Well, my final year experiment at Uni was to detect huge wavelength standing waves within the Earth's atmosphere. Never called them scalar waves though.


They're pretty useless though, apart from possibly being able to measure the temperature of the globe using them, or interfering with Russian submarine comms.

they might be useless but we hardly know anything about them because we didnt know howto really generate pure ones of our own until this experiment came along, but I think people are onto something, partly because I have a copy of tesla's patent's where he report's propagation speed's of upto 40 x the speed of light, and other interesting phenomena, ie transmitting electricity through the earth, going 30 km away from his transmitter.. utilising a special bulb... like the magnet and coil radio circuit, pushing it into the ground and having it light up.
x40 the speed of light? Wouldn't that cause for craziness like the waves travelling backwards in time and/or the Universe/the Y-dimension/Physics teachers exploding?

-Angry Lawyer
well the waves arnt directly observable so no, you would have trouble if a transverse wave did that though!.. but it would mean vacuum doesnt obey 3dimensional luminal velocities which is a good thing if its true, not a bad thing.

Just imagine a ghost image that travels at 40 x c , that ghost image in the 4th dimension is the reason we can see the real image in 3D, but the perception of propagation speed in 3D is different because of the way the two dimension's interface. duality again.
I dunno about all of Tesla's claims, but I know this phenomena, Schumann Resonances, hasn't been investigated much, I couldn't find very many previous experiments or theory on it (too boring or not enough potential for most people maybe?). There were a few books in the library that had it.

But the fact that my University allowed me to do the project, and that it was awarded a physics prize for the best project in the year suggests that modern scientists aren't trying desperately to keep a lid on such things.

However I will certainly be keeping an eye out for future investigations into these standing waves.

BTW, was this what you meant by a scalar wave?
BTW, was this what you meant by a scalar wave?

yep thats the culprit, Id definately go into researching it further, and id bet my money on standing waves being the key to connecting all the forces together.

its scalar by definition because its a standing wave thats detected in the experiment.
Beerdude26 said:
That's even more revolutionary than my Horse Pr0n = Shens theory :O

IT IS? NoooooooOOOOOo1!

Well, standing waves are involved in string theory as far as I'm aware (although I'm not sure standing waves of what exactly. "Energy", apparently). Since string theory is really theoretical so far, I haven't had much change to study much about it.
If a scalar wave is just a standing wave, you could produce one by putting your lips to that cardboard loo-roll pictured in the first tube and blowing.

-Angry Lawyer
lol Angry Lawyer

It seems with string theory it's the other 6 dimension's that are the totally out there theoretical part, Kaluza and Kliens 5 dimensional geometry seems to make more sense (more relevant) in its own right, it fits the forces together nicely.. its having a tough time because mainstream science doesnt appear to be experimenting with using or generating standing waves to test the theory, although there is a fair amount of independant confirmation in the experiment shown.. perhaps because not everyone has attempted to work out of present theoretical understanding? not where the money is?.

Its gone so far as some research institues like AIAS have spurred away from the mainstream and developed a claimed 'engineerable' unified field theory using standing wave's, developing an O(3) electrodynamic's from the discovery of the longitudinal magnetic field of the photon (standing wave) B(3)
Farrowlesparrow said:
This just in.

E = MC Hammer.

Oh, as far as this thread goes, I have only one thing to say. What?
And I'm sitting here making strange noises with a cardboard tube.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
And I'm sitting here making strange noises with a cardboard tube.

-Angry Lawyer
Watch out or you may destabilize the universe
Solaris said:
Theres so much about the universe we don't understand, anti-matter for instance, what does it compramise of? Is it intertwined between sub atomic particles? Is it a building block, or is a complete opposite? Is it just empty space, why does it affect things like it does. It appears to do nothing but without it there would be nothing (or everything?).

Youre experiemnt if anything, shows us that something just like anti-matter might exist. But to say this conclusivly we have to detirmin the capabilities of current waves, and the dimensions they flow through, are there 11 dimensional string on the sub atomic level?

Theres just so much we don't know and all youre experiment has proved is there more we dont understand, but to isloate this and reach such a conclusion. Its not proper science, its mere guess work.

Yes there is something there, but whether it is even a wave as we know it isn't really currently determinable.

Anti-matter does exist. It can already be manufactured in very tiny quantities
OOps by the way guys, I meant dark energy, not anti matter.

I cannot understand this physics crazyhouse. :(

Solaris said:
OOps by the way guys, I meant dark energy, not anti matter.

Ah, I wondered what you were on about. :p
Youre farrow le sparrows official spokesperson then Angry Laywer. :afro:
Spokeperson, occasional drinking buddy - it's all the same.

-Angry Lawyer