Steam - ö -steam Release Day

Wich day? (poll will be open only 48 hours - public)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Element Alpha

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
According to "reliable sources", this week isn't just any regular week in the calendar.

Want to be able to brag about being in the know about the biggest baddest release in the history of mankind?

Dare to answer this one:

Which day will the buy packages be released on steam and presumably the Full CS:Source package be available according to your L33T p5ych!c p0\/\/3rZ?
Oke this pointless thread stuff is getting out of hand. Where's my torch and pitchfork?

EDIT: Ah who cares anyway... It'll be out FRIDAY!
EDIT2: Look at friday go! I rock!
If you're going to use "which" in a sentence/poll, at least do us the courtesy of spelling it correctly...

I estimate the game will be released....soon. Vague enough for you?
When teh baker has arrived to bring us teh pie! :cheers:

I think friday, or else next week.
I don't want to let myself down, so I said Saturday.
I can't edit the poll, it's gonna be a wich until a friendly lovable mod edits the question. Sorry about that, I'm not exactly a native english speaker. Though I try to spell and use grammar the best I can.

just got my x800xt in the mail so im ready for it Noooooww
it probably wont be there for another couple of weeks.
We will get a release date Septober 46th is my guess.
I said Thursday because that seems to be Valve's thing... but I'm hoping for, like, now...
Dracontopes said:
When teh baker has arrived to bring us teh pie! :cheers:

I think friday, or else next week.

I like pie.
I said Thursday because Valve seems to do stuff on thursday' it's the name of my favorite band-
the beta was released on a thursday so maby cs:s will + 2 of the preloads. but that means us in the uk will proberbly get it on friday because of pacific time and stuff
well the announcement was made on a wednesday last week so im gonna go for a wednesday this week
Just for the record, all times were meant in Valve Standard Time (VST), a well known internationaly recognized time zone.
Anyone who voted Saturday/Sunday is some sort of slavedriver. :O

Valve don't work weekends.
I voted friday.....

Makes sense... the team puts in as much work before the weekend as possible..... and the public go nuts while they are on thier weekend playing CS:S and spread the word quickly that it is far better than normal CS
A new rumour is born: Chris_D voted wednesday

Chris_D, why wednesday? What's so special about that day? Is there something you know that we don't? There is, now isn't there? Come on share with us, please :upstare:

anyone still needs to vote before the poll closes? (about 8 hours left)
FoB_Ed said:
I said Thursday because Valve seems to do stuff on thursday' it's the name of my favorite band-
You love Thursday? I thought i was the only one on the forums who did :thumbs: but yeah Thursday seems to be most logical
They would really surprise me if they release it on time :p
Updates are generally on Wednesdays, Valve time.

Dod:S and HL:S are now on the steam system ultra mega super duper mainframe now. Ready to appear in steam under "coming soon bitch". should be available tomorrow right? Unless there's some other anger-rising-pissy update they need to get out before CS:S is unlocked and hl2 is available for purchase.
Mr-Fusion said:
Updates are generally on Wednesdays, Valve time.

Dod:S and HL:S are now on the steam system ultra mega super duper mainframe now. Ready to appear in steam under "coming soon bitch". should be available tomorrow right? Unless there's some other anger-rising-pissy update they need to get out before CS:S is unlocked and hl2 is available for purchase.

And if there isn't I say we stage a revolt!

if you build it they will come. If you hype it, it will come out early?
romhog said:
if you build it they will come. If you hype it, it will come out early?

I like your thinking :thumbs:

Some mod please close the poll quick!!!!

Congrats to all the winners:

ACROW_LEFT, Alyx_Lover, Analognovelist, Asus, BetaMaster, Black, Cod0r, Coop421, cutterex, Cynical, DavE0r, daveodeth, Demonmerc, DeViouS, Dowie, Dulrough, DweezilX, Element Alpha, f0rked, FiXiT, FoB_Ed, FthrJACK, geowa, Gotter, guise, Guus345, half alive, hype.db, Icarusintel, Joeroll, Kel Thuzad, Koffern, Kouler, l337vegeta, lambda^2, Letters, Lobster, Machiosabre, MadLogic, meninblck, mmackay51, mnemonic, Morgenes, Mr-Fusion, MTE, Nev, pdnellius, PedroTheLion, Robert, RussianEmpire, SAJ, Salt_523, Sashswash, scrollall, Skribz, skroting, Someone, Tenaku, Terranboy, Tiddalick, tokin, toxikneedle, User Name, VitoCorleone, vze358gq, w00dyw00dp3ck3r, WhiteBoy, xTHRICEx, ZeoviZ, [sl@yer]

and here are the losers:

-Frosty-, Aphex66, Cyb3rac1d, debiter, FISKER_Q, Joeslucky22, mike-e-mon, poseyjmac, punjabpolice, rkef, screamr999, Sinnsykt, Thorinos, Yen Lo Wang, 2Fast4U, AgentXen, Ahnteis, anestetic, Atari, axeil, Biozeminade, Blue2, cadaveca, CB | Para, Cikala, CiQuat, Clavius, Cooper, cowwithoutbrain, crazed, Dabs, DarkDamo, darkmistx, Dead-Inside, eLGee, esrA, Farrowlesparrow, FireLord, Fizznix, fudnick, Fuse Kazuki, giraffen, Graxx, Griifin, Guzo, Hectic Glenn, Incitatus, jayv, JeSuisAbraham, JimmehH, JoHnDoE70, kaellinn18, KagePrototype, karnage, kenny2, Kiva128, KurtCobain, lemmingzappa, Lovian, M-Bonez, mannyfresh027, Mendasp, method04, Mevoki, mikelber, mitchferrari, mleko, Muhwi, myshkin, Neutrino, omni, pingu, Pressure, rammstein, Rossell, RoyaleWithCheese, Royal_Olsen, shadow stalker, solideliquid, Styloid, switch, theboydavid, TIIMMYY, Top Secret, Tyrsenus, UndeadScottsman, UnmarkedOne, Varsity, Vidrio, Vormulac, Weedums, Zento, AntiAnto, mayfer, mchammer75040, Mixmaster, pixelVX9, Reaperman, SirOsisOfLiver, Slipner, vegeta897, killerteoz, Link, Mr. Redundant, Wraith, Wraithen

And the souls who had lost all faith in Valve, who assumed it wouldn't come out this week (they also lose, but in a more shamefull way):

911error, abryden, Aceallways, affen, alehm, anasiz, antimatter, Arc255, Ari de Verci, B.Calhoun, BackFyr, Bakurei, Big Fat Duck, boomyak, booogerhead, BrenTon, brisck1, BRODIEMAN2k4, butternuts, chrisglick, Chuckstar, CloSe2InSaNitY, crabcakes66, CrazyHarij, CreedoG, Dagobert, DigiQ8, dimalife, Dr0ndeh, Dracontopes, DrEvil, drhansson, enque, Eternity, ferd, Fluffy Kitten, Ford the Word, Gunsnroses, gunz, Hazar, hiln, Horden Freeman, jameth, jenne, KingPing_NOR, KPeh, Lifehost, Longinus00, MetalliMyers, MiccyNarc, ModeloJak, MrBongo, mustard2004, NeoGlyphix, Night-Hawk[Qc], nutcrackr, O'Neill, Perret, pixartist, QUiCKSILV3R, Redrum_82, Scorps, sethcheek, Sideshow, Sprafa, StAtiC, staticprimer, Steelwind, TheWalrusKing, Tnid, Tork, TyroPyro, UnitedNations, VBN, Volcane, VoodooMinigeek, Xac493, ydnar, YellowPeril, [[LuCkY]]