Steam Account Stolen


Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
A couple of days ago someone hacked my computer and stole my steam account. The 'hacker' changed my steam password and the password of the email associated with my account, so I can't even retrieve the password that way. I also cannot retrieve my email password because I can't remember the answer to my secret question. I know this can't be a dead end, I should be able to get my account back using the credit card number I used to purchase HL2 or some other personal info. Does anyone know who I should contact/email? I'm desperate people, HL2 was almost here and then this happens. :x
actually the support usually responds within hours of the sent querstion...they are very good...lazy yes, but quick
VALVe cannot help people that get hacked, its not their fault at all, all you can do is blame yourself.
how can he blame himself unless he downloaded a key logger... ppl dont take action againt hackers and piraters or even creditcard theivs... its pathetic what a digital world good for if thares criminals evreywheres...
Trinityxero said:
how can he blame himself unless he downloaded a key logger... ppl dont take action againt hackers and piraters or even creditcard theivs... its pathetic what a digital world good for if thares criminals evreywheres...

How can he blame himself? Maybe he should protect himself from hackers then, its obviously HIS fault. VALVe isn't responsible for keeping his computer hacker free from stealing his account.
DiSTuRbEd said:
How can he blame himself? Maybe he should protect himself from hackers then, its obviously HIS fault. VALVe isn't responsible for keeping his computer hacker free from stealing his account.

It's my fault that Valve has an insecure network? I didn't program Steam, I didn't make it possible for my pw to be stolen. I'm just a consumer using a purchased product. Nowhere did I have to sign something saying it's my responsibility to make sure nobody hacks into their program and steals my game. You are a fool.
WhiteDevil said:
It's my fault that Valve has an insecure network? I didn't program Steam, I didn't make it possible for my pw to be stolen. I'm just a consumer using a purchased product. Nowhere did I have to sign something saying it's my responsibility to make sure nobody hacks into their program and steals my game. You are a fool.

It's your fault if your computer was hacked, not the account itself. The original post states that the computer was hacked in some way, and not the Steam database or anything. If your comp gets hacked, it's not Valve fault, as it's not hacked through Valve's security holes or anything like that.
Valve's game distribution program got hacked, not mine. But enough of that, if you're not going to help, just don't post.
Well it's pretty obvious the error here.

Chair to keyboard interface error.
I think the best way of having protected account is not store information about login and pass at home computer so you need to type in the pass each time you start steam :D ( Of course firewall and good antivir/antitroyan too)
What do you think about that way to have secure steam account ?
Well valve got hacked as well, they just didn't lose a steam account.
Waitasec .... how do you *know* that your computer / Steam / VALVe got hacked anyway?
I realise you can't get into steam any more, but that doesn't neccessarily make it either of these things. Someone may have just worked out your password. In *some* cases, it's not very hard.
Give us the method they used ...
Umm, how would I know the method they used? Plus it can't be anything on my side, I just reformatted my computer to check.
Eh? Now you're seriously not making sense ...

you just reformatted = can't be a problem on your side

I think not. It just means you can no longer find out whether it was on your side or not. Sorry if i'm not being very helpful, but I don't think there's a great deal we can help you with if you have no idea how they did it. And what evidence there may have been no longer exists. Just cross your fingers that VALVe can help somehow.
Man.. You guys really are jerks... This guy comes on asking for help.. and all you want to do is blame him for causing it.. What the hell kind of crap is that. That isn't the slightest bit helpful to his problem, if you don't have something constructive or helpful to this dude.. Keep it to your damn self. By the way man, Have you considered contacting your credit card company and seeing if theres some way you can nullify the charge and then, reorder?
Thanks Analog. I already checked if I could get my money back, but Valve doesn't allow refunds for sales through Steam. And Kickburn, I only meant that reformatting proved that I must have been hacked, rather than there being something wrong with my computer, like a strange virus or trojan. So far I've just used Steams Support page and sent out a question, including the last 4 digits of the credit card I used. They will be able to help me, it's just a matter of time. If not, I'll wait till I'm out of debt and buy it again.
Analognovelist said:
Man.. You guys really are jerks... This guy comes on asking for help.. and all you want to do is blame him for causing it.. What the hell kind of crap is that. That isn't the slightest bit helpful to his problem, if you don't have something constructive or helpful to this dude.. Keep it to your damn self. By the way man, Have you considered contacting your credit card company and seeing if theres some way you can nullify the charge and then, reorder?
Sorry, we aren't jerks, we're what you would call skeptics. And we aren't flaming him. It's just we have had people on here before trying to play warezed versions and expecting help. Which they will never get. Also, I've never heard of anybody hacking Steam before (shut up, to those who would wish to make a cheap, stupid joke now)

EDIT: just seen WhiteDevil's post ...

Sorry, well misinterpretations are always fun :p
Good luck!