Steam Autumn Sale Begins


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
The teased Autumn sale has begun on the Steam Store, which sees the return of Daily Deals as well as Flash Deals. You all probably know the drill by now: Open Steam, buy games, run out of money.

Today's daily deals include:
  • The Walking Dead: 50% Off
  • Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 - 50% Off
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown - 33% Off
  • Darksiders II - 66% Off
  • Age of Empires III: Complete Collection - 75% Off
  • Terraria - 66% Off
There are also six flash deals at any one time, all with independent timers which end throughout the day, so be sure head over to Steam hereto avoid missing out. There is also a selection of Indie Games available in a dedicated section, in which all titles are 40-75% off.


In case you're a little short on money at the moment, it was also recently revealed that this year's annual Steam Christmas sale will begin on December 20th 2012 and will run until January 4th 2013. We thought we'd tell you just in case you feel the Summer, Halloween and Autumn sales didn't provide enough opportunities to empty your wallets.


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I'm so glad I've finally realized that if I buy that game, I'm not even going to play it.
I bought ~20 games during the Summer sale and I've played like 6 of them, 3 of them briefly.
Tempted to get a bunch of adventure games. I never particularly liked them as a kid, but lately I've been enjoying them a lot. Might wait for the winter sale though.

I'll recommend To the Moon on sale for $4.99 (and the soundtrack is free if you choose the bundle). I paid more than that for it as part of an indie bundle, then bought the soundtrack at regular price because I felt it deserved the money. Gameplay is basically nonexistent, but the story, music, and presentation are amazing.
Flash sales people. KOTOR 2 for two and a half bucks. That's where the real good stuff'll be.

the multiplayer is even half-decent :(

It'll be on sale during Christmas for sure though. Stay strong!