Steam being unprofessionel..


Jul 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hi guys.

I recently got hacked, because I screwed up and clicked a link that looked like, afterwards I did something even stupider, when I typed in my accountname and password -_-

So now I'm hacked.

But it was cool, I had evidence that it was my account, I send a picture of my CD-code to Counter Strike: Source, and information about my account.

Everything was running smoothly, fast answers and everything. It took 1 day for the first mail to come from Steam Support, it said that the password and e-mail had been resetted, and all I had to do was log in to my account with the password they would send in a seperate mail. Ok I thought, that's cool.

Ya.. I got no mail with that password..
It seems they were gonna give me back my account, but they .. forgot? to send the password.. lol.

Do I need to worry? It seems kinda unprofessionel. I tried sending a new mail explaining that I did not get the password.

Btw. I'm using Outlook Express, and I can't find a Spam Filter, so I guess there is none.

Omg lol.. Please help.
Do you think that your email address isn't working properly? If Steam Support said they've reset your log in details and password you don't need to worry about it being hacked anymore. The person who stole it won't be able to get in.

I don't want you to post your email address but if you think it's not working properly in outlook do you have a gmail or hotmail email you could use instead?

I would suggest it isn't Steam or Valve being unprofessional but a problem with your email.
That was a very fast answer, thanks.

It might be a problem with my e-mail, but I don't seem to have any trouble receving from friends and stuff, and also I had no problems receiving the other mails send by Steam. Well I've already sent them a new mail, asking them to try and resend the mail, if this doesn't work, I will try with a new e-mail for sure.

Thanks for your help :D
I'm not sure what process you're using right now but as far as I know you should be using a support ticket through Steam support. You can reply to the Steam support staff directly through the support ticket and they reply to you. You'll get email notifications when they get back to you but they don't email you directly and you shouldn't be emailing them.

The reset details should be the only direct email you get, I think.
I'm contacting them through Steam Support. In Steam Support you can make an account, and there it says "Ask a question". I read somewhere on, what I should do if my account was hacked, and I did that. It seemed to work, except for the missing code :p

I expect a answer tomorrow, if not I will try to send a new mail, and see if they will respond again, and hopefully send the code again to a new email.
You may have trouble regarding VAC if the thief used hacks on VAC-secured servers. You mentioned you play CS:S, and they tend to have a no-mercy policy regarding hacking, even for stolen accounts.

Just a warning.