Steam Client Update


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Valve has released a platform update for Steam that fixes a small problem with running Steam in offline mode.
  • No longer require "remember password" to be checked to play offline.
You can't use the offline mode if you have access to the internet, either pull the net plug before starting Steam and then insert it or block it from accessing internet with ZoneAlarm (or any other program you can do that on).
Good update, that was annoying on the day HL2 was unlocked.
Does this mean you dont have to auth hl2 with Steam now?
azz0r said:
Does this mean you dont have to auth hl2 with Steam now?
You will still need to be online to authenticate HL2. I suspect though that once you have done it the first time you won't need to do it again.
Heh, about the frontpage comment, it's "I'm" not "i'm"

In reply to Mr. Spellcheck, Man you're cool! :thumbs: (not really though)

Your friend in college should get some Vagisil and stop complaining. HL2 is worth plugging your computer into a modem for a few minutes.
Morganhahaha said:
In reply to Mr. Spellcheck, Man you're cool! :thumbs: (not really though)
But it's fun to catch Mods with grammar mistakes. ;(
This update is getting on my nerves. It randomly restarted, stoped and crashed at least 20 times since this morning....
Updates are always nice, whether they are small or big.. It's not the size that matters .. Meh .. Yeah right.
Now all we need is an option to always start in offline mode until the user specifically decides to connect.
Mountain Man said:
Now all we need is an option to always start in offline mode until the user specifically decides to connect.

True that, true that. :thumbs:
Mountain Man said:
Now all we need is an option to always start in offline mode until the user specifically decides to connect.
Dream on. That would actually be a good & smart update so don't count on it ;)
Very cool thing just makes steam even better.
umm, is it just me, or is this update huge? its taking forever for me do download it...