Steam Client Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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An update for the Steam Client (and the HLDS Update Tool) has been released, along with some improvements to SourceTV. (SourceTV is for broadcasting Source games to large numbers of spectators.) The specific changes include:
Steam Client[br]

* Fixed backup wizard creating invalid backup files for Source games[br]
* Improved content server selection on WinXP SP2 HLDS Update Tool (Windows Version)
* Improved content server selection on WinXP SP2[br]
SourceTV (part of the Source Dedicated Server)
* Added hostname to tv_status output[br]
* Changed the behavior of "tv_relay" command to automatically stop any running map[br]
* Added command "tv_clients" to list connected spectators/proxy[br]
* Added -tvmasteronly command line parameter to restrict tvmaxclients to 1 - for use when feeding a single proxy server (not broadcasting)[br]
* Fixed high CPU usage when running a non standard tick rate[br]
* Fixed Linux build not correctly initializing, and then not running properly[br]
* Fixed "tv_maxclients 0" working if SourceTV is used for recording demos only[br]
* Fixed a couple other crashes
The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.
Whoo first post to see the updated topic title! lololololol! Barbecue etc.
And the improved sourceTV options look quite useful for server side ppl, but overall its us spectators that are going see the better performance
I want HDR and lost coast, stop wasting your time on this crap!
Sweet. Cant wait till SourceTv is 100%
I'm rying not to moan, but I thought we were getting inferno and port this week? Oh well...still got two days left. :cheers:
jesus! this is a random update. The weekly news is tomorrow, and they said in a few weeks for the maps. they didn't set a date.
I hate how a lot of people are mad they didn't get their map screens. They fixed bugs, they didnt cure cancer. Give them a break!

And It reminded me to backup my hl2!
so can we watch source tv now or is it not up yet if we can see it then how
so they are pretty much preparing CSS to be played in league matches on a more wide-spread basis.

SourceTV.. BreenTV :E
brain washing anyone? ;)
* Enabled VAC2

Oh, what, errr oh sorry, I was day dreaming...
yadalogo said:
I want HDR and lost coast, stop wasting your time on this crap!

Why are you clamoring for it so much? It's just a tech demo. Watch, we're gonna see so many threads complaining about Lost Coast disappointment.
Yeah, well just gotta get the HDR mod installed and you'll have the whole game in HDR! :)
MoonQuake said:
* Enabled VAC2

Oh, what, errr oh sorry, I was day dreaming...
Heh, I rushed to the news page as soon as I saw the blurry 'platform update' icon in the tray expecting to see something similar. No beans. :p
jmjneary said:
so can we watch source tv now or is it not up yet if we can see it then how

Yes how do we get this Source TV? If it's working. I have tryed looking under spectaters tab and filtering CS:S and such, but no games come up.
MoonQuake said:
Yeah, well just gotta get the HDR mod installed and you'll have the whole game in HDR! :)

That mod isn't proper HDR, and when the Lost Coast is released you can play the full game in proper HDR
my steam update is stopped at 61% and it froze. what do i do now?
GonzoBabbleshit said:
When the Lost Coast is released you can play the full game in proper HDR

One of us has been mis-informed. To my knowledge, the level was the only thing using HDR (and possibly Aftermath) So, unless they remade the whole of Half Life 2, and had two versions, it's unlikely.

Am I right?
Reginald said:
One of us has been mis-informed. To my knowledge, the level was the only thing using HDR (and possibly Aftermath) So, unless they remade the whole of Half Life 2, and had two versions, it's unlikely.

Am I right?
You're right.
I was under the impression that HDR would be implemented into HL2?
HDR will be enabled in the engine. it will be available in HL2 single player. The Lost Coast isn't just an ordinary level but with HDR, everything has been produced to the maximum of Source's capabilities, and it's Valve's 'announcement' of HDR being enabled.
WritingARequiem said:
I hate how a lot of people are mad they didn't get their map screens. They fixed bugs, they didnt cure cancer. Give them a break!

And It reminded me to backup my hl2!

A lot of people are mad because they said 2 weeks ago they'd give us new screens the following week. That week, we got info on a bunch of mods instead. Then, again this week, we don't have new map screens but a bunch of SourceTV info which I doubt is as widely utilized.
screenshots? I thought the damn map would be released by now
Oh - god, the little babys attack.

They release the weekly news on friday night, they release steam updates anytime in the week, and heres a little clue, if they are improving the way content servers handle traffic don't you think they might be releasing something big?
And the fact that the stuff you're getting now is free. You paid your money and got your game. Now Valve constantly update their games, and release extras like new maps and engine features, but you ungratefuls bastards still moan.
I think the pay/don't pay fact, doesn't change the fact that humans as a whole love to complain and see the glass as half empty.
This is so f*ckin annoying! CS:Source used to be the only thing I could do with out crashing, now that crashes too! Valve has never written me back about any support incident. How does anyone get support for this game?
another steam update, with no support for mods :( no maya samples, no max samples, no samples........ no new exporters, no easy to follow tutorials :(. This is starting to tick me off. The mod teams would be so much damn farther along if valve would support them more. Makes cryteks mod support look excellent, well, it really was.
polyguns said:
This is starting to tick me off. The mod teams would be so much damn farther along if valve would support them more

I really hope you're joking
Sickmind said:
This is so f*ckin annoying! CS:Source used to be the only thing I could do with out crashing, now that crashes too! Valve has never written me back about any support incident. How does anyone get support for this game?

You have computer issues. Its not Valve's fault your game is crashing. If you are having a problem with Source, its because your computer is messed up somehow. It could be: Driver issues, Bad installation, Windows XP software issues, corrupt hard drive, RAM went bad... whatever it is, its YOUR fault because everyone else is playing just fine. I know you don't want to admit that its your fault, its easier to just whine and say "It's Valves fault!". I pay $15 a month to play World of Warcraft and as much as I love it, that has more issues then any of Valve's games and when I bought Half-Life 2 I spent $45 and have been getting new free content ever since. Be greatful. And Sickmind this isn't directed just at you... More like 80% of people from and
polyguns said:
another steam update, with no support for mods :( no maya samples, no max samples, no samples........ no new exporters, no easy to follow tutorials :(.

So.. you are in a mod team yet you don't know how to do anything without samples? They have given MOD devs more help then almost any other software company around... EVER!
oh god!! some people may have thought the previous statements of VALVe meant new CSSource map(s) sometime within these past 2 weeks..

but its no big deal,just a misunderstanding..the maps will be out soon, the "babies" will take a much needed nap and thats the end of that!

Devvo said:
I was under the impression that HDR would be implemented into HL2?

It is. Doug Lombardi even says it if you saw that G4 video interview with him which also showed off footage of the Lost Coast. He mentioned that HL2 is going to have HDR.
For you people angry about port and inferno... I just restarted Steam and it said..

Friday, May 6 2005

We're planning on releasing de_port and de_inferno next week. Along with the two new maps, we'll be releasing an updated version of the current CT model. There is a screenshot below of the new CT in the Source version of Inferno.


We'll also be showing off some products at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo. Half-Life 2 Xbox will be shown in the Xbox area of Microsoft’s booth. Meanwhile Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, which is the new, single-player level created to introduce High-Dynamic Range (HDR) lighting to the Source engine, is slated to appear in the Games for Windows area at the show.

© Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. Valve, Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and Source are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation.

Yeah.... There ya go...