Steam Client Update

damn..there will be whiners about only having ONE new model now..
T.H.C.138 said:
damn..there will be whiners about only having ONE new model now..

Looks like it's not even an addition, it's gonna be a replacement for the current one. But on this subject, I gotta agree with the complainers. Of all things/features/etc to add to this game, it seems like they should have at least 2 or 3 guys working on models and have some extra ones finished by NOW (months and months later). I mean, we're talking about professionals here.
I understand what you mean..I have just been in one of those mildly sarcastic moods today..

I am all for more models in CSS..gets boring with the 2 defaults
Frost said:
You have computer issues. Its not Valve's fault your game is crashing. If you are having a problem with Source, its because your computer is messed up somehow. It could be: Driver issues, Bad installation, Windows XP software issues, corrupt hard drive, RAM went bad... whatever it is, its YOUR fault because everyone else is playing just fine. I know you don't want to admit that its your fault, its easier to just whine and say "It's Valves fault!". I pay $15 a month to play World of Warcraft and as much as I love it, that has more issues then any of Valve's games and when I bought Half-Life 2 I spent $45 and have been getting new free content ever since. Be greatful. And Sickmind this isn't directed just at you... More like 80% of people from and

Wow what an ass you are...really! My computer is new, and it has no issues. My specs are way above the minimums, and my vid card rocks. I have no issues with any other title, or function of any kind. Do you think all the thousands of people out there having the same trouble are at fault too? Even if it were an issue of my computer, don't you think I would find it after scouring over it for the last six months? I find NOTHING wrong. I have more than enough power, ram, hd space, video mem, processor capcity, etc. There are no problems with my machine that I can find, and if the problem is so hidden, perhaps Valve should give me some support in letting me know the hidden pitfall I have "caused myself"! They don't even reply to the supprt requests I've submitted over and over. Is that my fault too fanboy?