Steam Community Profile Update Inbound - Rating Being Replaced With "Levels"


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Reddit users are reporting seeing new versions of the Steam Community profile pages on the Steam Community website and in the Steam client itself, possibly accidentally on Valve's part as all changes seem to have been since been reverted. These new profiles don't seem to be available to everyone but if you want to see them for yourself there's a handy album of screenshots available here. All profiles seem to be between level 0 and 10.

The new profile features a system that allows users to gain levels by earning XP like in an RPG. These seem to be earned mainly through completing Steam Badges. The Pillar of the Community Badge seems to also be updated with some new tasks that reveal new features for the Steam Community and give more insight into the Steam Community Trading Cards we revealed on Saturday.

Although it's still unclear how you are to get trading cards one of the badges reveals that if you collect a complete set of cards you can craft them into a "game badge" for your profile. Other virtual items to upgrade your profile with will also drop during trading card crafting including profile backgrounds and Steam chat emoticons. Both of these items are tradable.

One last feature shown is a "Featured Showcase" which seems to be a space to show off your favourite games, perhaps with the game badges mentioned above. Hopefully the new Community will be pushed out to everyone soon. I'll be trading a Potato Sack Badge for a Gogoat.
"These seem to be earned mainly through completely Steam Badges."
Something's wrong here.
This is why I need to be fired. I even proof-read the damn thing twice.
I saw it I tells ya! We're not crazy! Tis real, tis real!

Ah-hem. But yeah, I managed to catch a glimpse of it after Barnz told me. Seemed better in some ways, worse in others. I was somehow listed as a Rank 10, Barnz was listed as 7 and a few other people I noticed were Ranked 5, I have all the Steam Badges so far so I assume the XP like system would be a pretty accurate prediction.

Also, way to stay trendy and up to date with the Pokemon joke.
I haven't really cared too much about Pokémon since Silver but for some reason X & Y has my attention. Don't have a 3DS though.
Really looking forward to these new features, especially the profile background.
I can't wait to see MLP backgrounds