Steam Community Receiving Major Overhaul Including Game Hubs


Companion Cube
Mar 12, 2007
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Valve has issued a press release via Steam announcing a major overhaul to the Steam Community, stating that the next three days will be announcements of new features. The new feature unveiled for Day 1 are Game Hubs. Some staff members have speculated that the previously announced Steam Greenlight may be released alongside this major update, and could potentially be re-revealed as more features are shown each new day.

Each and every game on Steam will have a central hub, which will include highest rated screenshots, user created content (Steam Workshop items), along with areas for news and discussion among users. A preview of what game hubs will look like in the new Steam Community can be seen below.

With over 89 million screenshots, videos, Steam Workshop maps, levels, mods, and items, plus news articles and product updates, the community has created an unbelievable wealth of content around their favorite games.

Check back to ValveTime for the next three days to see each update as they are announced! The original press release issued by Valve can be seen here. The update page, featuring a countdown timer and daily rundowns can be viewed here.


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Am i the only one who noticed? the update ends august 17th which is the day valve is gonna apper on spike/GTTV and we´ve seen theres also an huge update for tf2 (planned long time ago) which i can predict on that day they will show steam greenlight/update,tf2 update and perhaps source 2 or even hl info, considering this is the year which valve gave more interesting info, remember: "When we announce half life 3 we will do it our own way"
err, remember that petition i had on the steam forums for a combined place for discussion, community content for the half life series. at the start of the year A number of moderators were behind the idea, but it never moved forward, so I started to mail valve employees about it.

Shortly afterwards we saw "forum" features being added to the steam workshop,

and now several months later we have gaming hubs - centralising the community? omg, so what I was petitioning after (by the looks of it) we'll see when it launches.
sounds really great and all wonder how big this update is gonna be when it comes out