Steam down?

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Whenever I'm trying to connect to any Steam game, this message comes up:

You have been disconnected from the server.
Reason: Error verifying STEAM User ID Ticket(server was unable to contact the authentication sever, 35).

This is coming up right after you have downloaded the security module. Please help!
I'm having problems logging in.

I was assuming it was Windows Firewall since I just dled SP2. I'm glad it's not!

I'm getting the error: Could not connect to the Steam network, please check your internet connection bla bla bla :(
KeBo said:
I'm getting the error: Could not connect to the Steam network, please check your internet connection bla bla bla :(


not worries I guess... will be up again soon :bounce:
Have you bought all your games?

You know what happens to people who dont, dont you?
I just got in to, but my friend wanted to log on to his account and then the problem started again. Now I can't get in again:(
I'm Not sure it was down, may have been a bug or somthing as, It would not connct, came up cannot connect but instead of hitting retry I closed the window by hitting the X top right & it connected :confused , just came of the phone with a freind the same thing happend for him, coincidence i dont know.