Steam forces online SP play

LOL! Are you saying that you cant play SP without an internet connection?

Sry, this is the first time im hearing of this.
he's not saying it, the offical steam site seems to point to this
he's not saying it, the offical steam site seems to point to this

LOL! My bad, i missed that link in his post the first time i read it.

Well, thats lame.
I've always taken that to mean that we can play single player offline but if we Steam Enable Half Life 2, we'd need to be online to play it.

But that doesn't make much sense. It makes as much sense as Pay to Play or widescreen only. (Which were both untrue)

What it refers to in the Lan Party thing is that each person needs to be online for any games bought over Steam. This is to ensure that the people have paid for the game. Otherwise you could just download the game and then leave it on a friends computer. It's to stop piracy.

The single player is referring to playing the game over Steam (without the CD). If your Steam account is registered as having Half Life 2, you will be able to download the game and play anywhere as long as you are logged into Steam.

My guess is that having the CD in the drive will bypass the Steam needed thing. That will be the most sensible suggestion.
I can remember gabe saying that to play HL2 you had to have it authenticated somehow - either through the steam server or using the CD it came on (which'll naturally have safedic or something).

Don't worry - they wouldn't be stupid enough to force people to be connected to the internet, and they're too clever to leave an open door for pirates.
Steam-enabled single-player games (such as Half-Life 2) purchased at a retail store will allow offline play until the user decides to play online or enable other Steam functionality. From that point on, an Internet connection will be required.

That says that a store bought game will play SP fine until you log on, and then you'll need to authenticate for SP everytime and playing on a LAN requires authentication
sheep why do you hang out on these forums? you only seem to bash hl2? why waste your time here if you dont like it? dont ruin this place for those of us that DO enjoy hearing about hl2.
Originally posted by Piecemak3r
sheep why do you hang out on these forums? you only seem to bash hl2? why waste your time here if you dont like it? dont ruin this place for those of us that DO enjoy hearing about hl2.

(S)He's not bashing Half-Life 2... at least... not in this thread...

In THIS thread... HL2 seems to be bashing itself...
LOL! I dont bash hl2, but i dont turn a blind eye to its flaws either. Anyway, there is no reason for you to accuse me of such a thing here in this thread.
actually if you would all take time and read the news posted, that link also says: Note: some Steam-enabled single-player games (such as Half-Life 2) purchased at a retail store will allow offline play so no, you will NOT be required to play it on steam.... even lans wouldnt require it to be on steam so long as the host hl copy doesnt update via steam. Please read more carefully before you bash. Thanks.
Originally posted by Piecemak3r
actually if you would all take time and read the news posted, that link also says: Note: some Steam-enabled single-player games (such as Half-Life 2) purchased at a retail store will allow offline play so no, you will NOT be required to play it on steam.... even lans wouldnt require it to be on steam so long as the host hl copy doesnt update via steam. Please read more carefully before you bash. Thanks.

I read somewhere that it's... "until the user decides to play online or enable other Steam functionality. From that point on, an Internet connection will be required."

... kinda ruins it for people who purchase through Steam AND people who buy retail who also play multiplayer...

edit: And, AGAIN, no one if friggin' bashing...
actually if you would all take time and read the news posted, that link also says: Note: some Steam-enabled single-player games (such as Half-Life 2) purchased at a retail store will allow offline play so no, you will NOT be required to play it on steam.... even lans wouldnt require it to be on steam so long as the host hl copy doesnt update via steam. Please read more carefully before you bash. Thanks.

LMAO! I think its funny that you only quoted the half of the information that goes along with your erroneous and then totally ignoring the other half, which completley contradicts your erroneous belief.

Maybe you should spend some time thinking about what you intend to say before you start to type. Thanks.

This is crazy, once you start playing your first MP game you have no choice but to run Steam afterwards every time you want to play SP or MP. Regardless of how you purchased the game. Ridiculous. Oh well, we don't have much choice now do we?

Wow, this is even crazier:,27362300,1050915726,98098300

How can I have a LAN party or similar event using Steam?

Any Steam game, when played on a LAN or otherwise, requires that each individual client be able to authenticate via the Internet.

At a LAN party, this means that Internet access must be available to every machine on which Steam games are being played.

If desireable, the network administrator of such an event can limit internet access to only the TCP/IP ports which Steam needs. These are:
UDP 1200
UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive
TCP 27030 to 27039 inclusive

At large events, it will be necessary for each attendee to let their games fully update before attending to avoid taxing the shared internet connection with too much content delivery.

This defeats the whole purpose of a LAN party...
somebody needs to email gabe about this, this is important stuff, and i don't think we're interperating it exactly right
Ridiculous. Oh well, we don't have much choice now do we?

Yea, you always have a choice. you could do something more productive with your time. Plant a tree, feed a bum.
listen, if you buy hl2 on steam you must have an internet connection to play on lan. If you buy it out of the store you don't need to have stream running to play it.
Originally posted by SheepFactory
Yea, you always have a choice. you could do something more productive with your time. Plant a tree, feed a bum.

Ah the irony is killing me.
HL2 runs off steam.. regardless of internet, sp, mp, anything- you need Steam running.. duh :/ HL2 cannot be launched without it
what a great idea valve. make me reinstall halflife2 on every lan cuz i cant connect to the internet. u r so awesome 8[.

btw. halo beta leaked
Originally posted by asd
what a great idea valve. make me reinstall halflife2 on every lan cuz i cant connect to the internet. u r so awesome 8[.

btw. halo beta leaked

Originally posted by asd
what a great idea valve. make me reinstall halflife2 on every lan cuz i cant connect to the internet. u r so awesome 8[.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Where did you read that?
Originally posted by asd
what a great idea valve. make me reinstall halflife2 on every lan cuz i cant connect to the internet. u r so awesome 8[.

btw. halo beta leaked

confirmation please?
You know, in the Lan section of the FAQ, they are talking about games bought by Steam, not specifically Half Life 2. This is a copy protection thing. So you can't buy a game over Steam, then go round 8 different friend's house, download the game then log off Steam. Therefore, pirating the game for lan games. This particularly applies to multiplayer only games. You'll each should buy a copy in order to play the game over the lan. Valve will need to check whether you've bought the game and the only way to do this is to go online.

Because this FAQ only refers to Steam and games bought over Steam, it's fairly reasonable to assume that you can play Half Life 2 over a LAN without being online, unless you have bought the game over Steam.

I think the most reasonable suggestion is that you don't need to be connected to the net if you have the CD in the drive. This will tell the game that you've not pirated the game, anyway.
sheep why do you hang out on these forums?

He's been banned so many times, and come back with a new name so many times, that he figures he can't let all that effort go to waste.
Ive heard you say a bunch of people were banned and have come back under different names. Unless its one person doing MAny names.

anywho, even if you play online, or BUY online, you shouldn't have to confirm with a connection to play single player.

what if the service goes down, network card messes up
(my cable modem gets messed up if it gets budged sometimes :O )

or you have somehting like AOL broadband (god forbid, but it IS a demographic that is significant) and have limited minutes?
not a great example but worth mentioning

A connection to the internet is one more memory using step to play a game, worth fighting piracy? for most part i think so.
Does that mean that we can also disable Steam functionality? It says that when we enable it (presumably for MP games) it will need an internet connection....

you know that deep down, Sheep really likes HL2... just as much has I like him. :dozey:
So, what you're saying here, is that If my internet connection goes out(which it does about once a month for a day) I can't play HL2 single player if I have ever connected to an online game? Seems retarted to me.