Steam Forum thread.

Unfortunatly you will find the steam forums are used mostly by people who know what it like to be Brother and father to the same girl.....

But yes the steam forums are a joke.....I was a long term lurker of this forum and Steam but found this site allowed a much better place for debate and discussion...
Big deal over forums I say …

If I don’t like someone’s response to a post of mine I just ignore them and go on :p you should do the same
they're coming...prepare for the war of the flames...
one day.... said:
...Anyway,i may sign up just to post something to exact revenge on the steaming flamers!

Forget that, join the gman thread or the grand unified theory of suttin or the other and help the community find the answers to all our hl2 questions.
Ya i use to post there. Now all i do is update my 3 threads.
Eck, I spent my one month ban posting on the Steam forums. What a nightmare.
If them lot come over here, the mods, are you ready!? Draw on 3... :sniper: